Surgery Tomorrow (Monday)

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I don't know what my heart rate was in the hospital, but I do know that at times while lying still my heart would beat very hard, so much so that at times it actually moved my entire chest. I was nervous about this, but the nurses didn't seem to be too alarmed. I was not on beta blockers in the hospital because of my low blood pressure.

My resting heart rate was high after I was released from the hospital at about 90 - 80bpm, and it did take about 6 months for it to come down to 70bpm and now (10.5 months out of surgery) it's in the 60's.

I'm glad to hear that the tubes are out - I know I felt a whole lot better after those things were removed.

My thoughts/prayers are with you both, it does get better as time goes on - rest - rest - rest (and walk) - and rest some more!!!!

Hello all.

I'm still in the hospital. The surgery went well and the incision only came out to be around 4 inches. I am suffering from excruciating back pain/spasms and my clavicle seems to be swollen and bruised. I also have an air pocket around my lung that is preventing me ftom recovering. And I'm doing horribly on the spirometer. That's where I'm curently at. I hope to get my tubes out soon along with the lung air pocket, but only God knows. Will keep you all updated, friends.

I know that pain can and will cause elevation in your heart rate. You said he was trying to limit his pain medications which might not be a good idea at this point. After my first surgery I had no issues with the chest tubes and my heart rate was in the 60's. After my second surgery I had one chest tube that was causing excruciating pain and made it very difficult to take a deep breath. Between breathing shallowly and being in a lot of pain my heart rate was ~110. I was on oral pain killers at that point but they put me back on a fentanyl pump until the chest tubes came out which lowered my heart rate significantly. That chest tube hurt so bad it felt like I couldn't breathe and I started panicking. I actually told the doctor that I couldn't breathe and he said "well if you couldn't breathe you wouldn't be talking to me" lolol.

This might not be the cause of his high heart rate but I know being in pain and breathing shallowly raised mine. As soon as they put me on the Fentanyl pump it immediately came down, and after the chest tubes came out it stayed down even after the pump was discontinued.
Hello everyone,
This is Gaby again. Today seems to be a little better. He has not needed any pain meds or muscle relaxers since 1am, and those were given as a preventative measure. His heart rate, however, is still high. On the new dose of 50mg Metropolol he is still staying around 110 resting. If it were not for this, we would be released today, but as it stands, we are shooting for tomorrow assuming they can lower it a bit. It seems to have stabilized and it not climbing anymore, so I am not really sure how low they want it before they will consider releasing him. Before surgery his resting HR was frequently in the 110s-120s resting. We went to the ER several times for this and he was always released as they said it was not high enough to be worrisome. I understand that this is a little different since he is post-op, and he is currently on beta blockers, which he was not pre-op, but from the comments here, it seems this is not something too abnormal. =/ Anyway, we are praying that his heart rate will continue to slow, that his ultrasound is normal and healthy, and that we will be home to our two toddlers tomorrow... we miss them so much and cannot wait to be back in our normal environment. Thank you all for all of your support and encouragement!
I am being sussed out for an aortic heart valve replacement so it's good to hear how well your husband is doing Gaby. I've been told once you start moving about things just get better. I'm sure they will find out why he's got this little 'blip' but don't worry about it, he'll be home soon.