Surgery Pending

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Active member
Nov 24, 2008
I will be having an AVR within the next 3 weeks for a stenotic and regurgitant bicuspid aortic valve.I'm also having isolation of pulmonary veins to try and prevent future A/Fib as I have had a few attacks of paroxysmal AFib.My ascending aorta is dilated at 4cm but my surgeon believes this is post stenotic and doesn't think any surgery to the aorta is necessary.I've read all I can on this site and found it very helpful.I'm having frequent anxieties about the surgery and not sleeping too well but I suppose this is all very natural.At age 57 I've decided on a St Jude mechanical valve with life long warfarin(coumadin)and will try to get a self testing machine.Does anybody out there have any experience of pulmonary vein isolation(ablation technique)?My surgery has been prompted by a bout of acute coronary syndrome some 3 months ago with fortunately very little cardiac damage.My angio shows normal coronary arteries so no need for bypass.
I hope to post again following a successful surgery.Great site,great info.
Welcome, wishing you all the best with your surgery. Will watch out for a successful outcome.
Hi, and welcome, Barrie.
You might use a search (top of the page) using the terms pulmonary vein isolation or ablation technique. You could also start a new thread in Heart Talk and use the terms in the title of the thread.
When you receive your surgery date, if you'll let us know, we'll put you on the surgery calendar.
Once again, welcome to VR.:)
Welcome, glad you found us before surgery and I hope we can help relieve some of the anxiety.
Hi Barrie,

Fellow Welshman here. I'm currently waiting for a Mitral Valve repair and know what you are going through with regards the anxiety. I have used the technique mentioned on this site about taking 5 long deep breaths and it does seem to work. I am around 4-6 weeks from surgery (I have my pre-op on the 23rd Feb) and have been waking up more and more during the night. Recently, I woke up and had a major panic attack at around 4am. I think its just part of the process all of us valvers will have to go/have been through at some time but what I would say is don't be afraid to go see your GP for something to help you through the anxious times.

Which hospital/surgeon are you having?

Hope everything goes ok,

Hang in there, take it as it comes, before you know it you'll be back home recovering.
Surgery Pending

Thanks for all the replies.My surgery is sheduled for 26/2/09 at University Hospital of Wales with Professor Von Oppell.I'm anxiously waiting to get this over and done with now because I feel my life has been on hold for months.Knowing of so many people with very successful outcomes is greatly encouraging.
I'm glad you have the date and the waiting will soon be over. I put you on the calendar, so it is now "official".
Hi again Barrie,

I am having Prof Von Oppell too and from my research, he is one of, if not the best surgeon in the area. I was originally supposed to have my surgery in Morriston but after doing research on surgeons, I requested that Prof Von Oppell carry out my procedure. The wait has been longer because of this but I now feel I have the best man doing the procedure and that gives me comfort.

I haven't been given a date for surgery yet but have got my pre-op on the 23rd Feb. Could I possibly ask how long after your pre-op is your procedure scheduled for? I'm trying to get an idea of how long I'm going to have to wait after the pre-op.


Surgery waiting time

Surgery waiting time

Hi Andrew
My preop assessement was 2/2/09 with an anticipated admission on 25/2/09 for surgery the next day.This as you know isn't definite and depends on the bed state of the day.Best of luck with your surgery.Prof Von Oppell has an excellent reputation.
Thanks for the info Barrie.

I have dropped you a quick PM with a further question as I didn't want to bore people with my specific questions. It's great to be able to chat with someone who has first hand experience of the specific admissions procedure at the University Hospital Cardiff. I'd say you are around a month ahead of me in the process so I will follow your progress with great interest. As you say, Prof Von Oppell has a great reputation and has had several papers published with research on various aspects of Cardiac surgery. One of his most important to me was the paper published in 2000 on using pre-measured goretex loops to repair Mitral valves. As that is what I am having done, I know he knows his stuff so am fully confident that I will get the best repair available to me.

Good luck with your surgery and I will keep up with your progress.

I have dropped you a quick PM with a further question as I didn't want to bore people with my specific questions.

Please do ask your questions. That is why this forum exists. To share information so that others may learn. ;)
Andrew,you ought to be given a date for admission at the pre-op assessement.Prof Von Oppell's case manager is Cathy Von Oppell his wife.She is great and makes everybody feel at ease.Good luck.