Surgery induced gout? REALLY?

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Well-known member
Jun 19, 2010
Detroit Michigan
Howdy all:

Has anyone out here experienced surgery induced gout?

After getting a visit from the at home nurse, upon close examination of my extremities for swelling, she pointed out that on my left foot, there was some very minor swelling on the top of the foot and around the ball of the foot. It has been a little painful but nothing serious.

She was very confident that this was not swelling consistent with water retention, and that it was not unusual to see a patient of OHS suffer from a sudden onset of gout due to the stress of surgery, the use of diuretics (if even temporary) and more significantly aspirin, all of which have the potential of raising the acidity levels of blood causing a gout attack.

This kind of shocked me considering that before surgery; I was a vegan and exercised regularly. I did, however, take aspirin daily and have been asked to include some meats (protein) in my diet for recovery at the request of my surgical team as well as 10 days of Lasix.

Needless to say, I have an appointment to go see the MD, but I figured I would throw it out there and see if anyone has had any gout related issues or heard of anything like this.
Hi Jake - I know from one friend's difficult experience that some heart medications can contribute to gout from that elevated uric acid. BTW, eating cherries can give you some quick pain relief, as I learned from another of my old friends who suffered with gout. Pork was one of his big triggers. Please let us know what you find out. Take care :)
I have heard this, I had Dressler's which is treated with gout meds at times, and I think your body in the repair process starts affecting all types of things. I now have horrible allergies to all kinds of air borne type things that I didn't have a problem with before. I think its part of the immune system going haywire. Sorry to hear about the gout, my husband gets it and so does my dad and they seem to be in serious pain.