Surgery Date - September 9th

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2009
Well - I have a surgery date now - September 9th.

I am feeling stressed, anxiety, relieved, emotional all at once, I guess this is normal. I had a good cry tonight so that should help me deal with all the arrangements at work tomorrow. So embarrassing to burst into tears in the bosses office.

Everyone knows I am a big baby and even cry if I see a touching commercial so I guess a few tears between now and then won't hurt anyone!

Ok, just wanted to let you all know - you have helped me so much dealing with all this so far, seemed that it has happened so sincerest thanks!

Will keep you posted on the emotional wreck and the surgery too! :rolleyes:

I am sure it is both a relief and very scary to get a date. Take a look at all the others who have travelled this road and have climbed the mountain and made it over and are living full and active lives. The good news is this is a fixable problem.

We are all here for you and understand those feeling of anxiety fear etc.
I, like you can cry at the best of times. I find that crying actually gets rid of some of the stress. It is very normal to be emotional at this time.

Hang in there and don't be shy to post any questions or concerns. :)
The waiting is very stressful. Hanging out here was a huge help during that time for me.

I will keep you in my prayers.
OK, so you cry...We are all allowed to have moments of uncertainty. Now, we are here to listen, inform, opinionate, and just send you cyber hugs when you need them. Sept. 9th is a good day to mend a wonderful heart. So, just go with the flow and keep us updated as you move forward on this road.:)
There's just a lot of emotion to handle in times like these. Some people release the emotional stress by crying - some by yelling and getting all cranky. I'll take the crying!

Think of this as the best thing you can do right now for yourself and your family - because it is! Your new healthier life will begin on 9/9
hope you come out of the surgery faster and healthier then ever before, my prayers are for you...
Take care, your kids are great
Dear Lori,

Wishing you the very best on your upcoming surgery! We've all been there & we know all the feelings that you are going thru but we're all survivors & that's what you have to focus on!

So cry if you feel like it but concentrate on the fact that you need this surgery to go on for yourself & your loved ones. You'll get through it! Hang in there! :)

Probably everything you are feeling, we have felt in one way or another! So if it helps you to be in this good company, fantastic!!

But when you wipe your tears (and this whole scenario may happen several times between now and then), take a long breath in and breathe in your life. Feel it's wonderfulness???!!! Then chin up, shoulders back, and walk with confidence.

You are going to do this. And you are going to do this well. You are going to surprise yourself!!!

We're here 24/7. We're thinking of you!

Best wishes.

Cry away - you are definitely entitled. Wishing you all the very best for a smooth ride.
All the best for a great surgery and recovery we will be with you
in good thoughts and prayers
The waiting is the worst and the crying is the best while you wait;)
Keep your mind occupied on beautiful things and for you know it
the day has arrived,dont put worry into surgery,as its wasted energy
BEEN THERE DONE THAT(twice)..You'll be ok:)

Wishing you all the best on the 9th and a smooth recovery afterwards.

It is perfectly normal to have anxiety beforehand and sometimes cry. Guess "Superman" shouldn't admit to crying but he had a lot to work through emotionally. Usually we gain a sense of inner peace as the date draws near, and then we have it done and get a new lease on life. So we all here pulling for you....cheers.....
Oh I did the exact same things before my surgery! I was never really scared but just very moody and emotional! Cried also in my boss office, cried when I tried to go back to work and realized I either could not do it any longer are just did not want to! Good Luck! Be happy, cry when you need to, I use to cry alot in the bath tub where no one could see me! But that is also a place I pray alot also!
Cry, shout, do whatever you feel like, we have all been there, you think no one could possibly know what you are going through...but we do. This forum got me through very tough times especially when you have people in work think it's not big deal, and you are tired of answering stupid questions from others that simply do not understand. This is the place that I found kindred spirits. We will see you on the other side of the mountain....You will be in my prayers for a smooth ride! :)
Thanks so much everyone!!!! I truly appreciate all of you and so happy you are here for me and hope I am as much support to the group as you are to me.

OHS is an emotional issue. As Ross so rightly said in another thread "When they play with your heart, they mess with the gateway to your soul". We are entitled to be emotional. I tried to bargain myself out of the surgery for months and then experienced a strange calm a few days before the operation. Will get the guardian angels out in force on the 9th! Johan