Surgery 2morrow

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Phillie Fred

New member
Jul 1, 2010
Im currently living in Tampa Florida but i may go
Hi All
I hope everyone is doing well, sorry to post a stupid question but im havin atleast two of my sternal wires removed tommorrow b/c one is startin to break through my skin and hurts ALOT and another seems to be on its way there too. Anyway i know this isnt that big a deal of a surgery and since ive already had 2 open heart surgeries and 6 other minor surgeries im not real worried but i was just curious as to what i should expect after the surgery. They said if my vitals are good and theres no complications ill get to go home the same night but i was curious if afterwards do they use stitches or staples to close the incision and about how long i should expect to be layed up(more so than usual,lol) I know the answer to this can vary from person to person but i was just wonderin what other peoples experinces with this type of thing were? Thanx in advance for any info anyone might have :)
God Bless and Good Health
I had a sternal wire removed 2 weeks ago that was causing an opening in the the skin and granulated tissue that ooz'ed quite a bit. I had this for a couple of months but the Dr wanted to waited until I was at least 6 months post AVR.

I was supposed to go in at 7:00 in the moring which I did, I think they started the procedure around 9:00. It took about 1/2 hour to remove the wire and granualted tissue and I was home by noon. I did take it easy for a couple of days. No biggie at all really, but left a nice hole in my chest. (2.7 cm X 2.0 cm X 2.7 cm deep). The hole is healing though the wound nurse told me I'd probably have something of an indentation there permanently. Not thrilled with that idea.

Good luck with your surgery tomorrow.
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Chris, has the wound nurse considered a vac unit to help the wound heal from the bottom up and Fredeick I would consider asking about the same ... The wound is packed with sterile sponge and a portable vac is attached and carried like a purse
Greg, the wound nurse mentioned a wound pump as did an ER doc the first week when i was suffering from excessive bleeding. The wound nurse used a product called surgi-seal, a mesh like material that helped control the bleeding. I was on Lovenox to bridge my coumadin and they thought that wasn't helping the bleeding. But it did stop and the wound is healing so now it's about half the size it was.