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CA Pigg

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2009
I'm new here and I am amazed at all your stories the sharing of your experiences. Question, how do I find the best surgeons to do a mitral valve replacement in the Montgomery alabama area. So I am close to Birmingham. I'm waiting to hear back from doctor still to refer me and I know I just want the best one, guess you've never heard that LOL!!! Any suggestions greatly appreciated....... I've done searches with not much luck.... THanks to all!!!
Hi there Carole and Welcome.
I'm from Canada so I can't help you out, but others will be around shortly.
Just wanted to say "Hi" and I'm sure you will find your answers :)
Welcome. I'm sure Al Capshaw will be around soon. He's our Alabama expert. I'm not sure of the geography, but I think it's University of Alabama that he promotes. You might want to do a search on his posts and/or send him a PM.
Carole -

Did you see the profiles of the UAB and Vanderbilt Surgeons I posted to your other thread?

I'm a Big Believer in Multiple Opinions. Once your condition has been diagnosed, the Cardiologist's job is pretty much done. It's time to interview Surgeons who can actually FIX your problem. I believe Surgeons have a better 'feel' for Valve issues and timing of surgery. Most good surgeons won't rush you to surgery but do urge surgical repair or replacement *before* there is permanent damage done to the heart muscles and walls by pumping against damaged valves.

BTW, you can Self Refer to surgeons. Once you establish that you have a Valve Problem, they will want copies of your Echo Reports AND the actual Tapes or CD's or DVD's, whatever medium was used to record your tests. I've had better results collecting the materials and sending them myself rather than requesting and relying on Cardiologists and/or their staff to get the right material to the right surgeon.

'AL Capshaw'
Thank you Al, I have been researching so much from what you gave me. I was worried about the non-invasive but after reading about them, I'm not so sure anymore. I just want the best doctor, LOL. We have a friend here that also mentioned McGiffin, saying he is one of the best! Now, I'm looking at all these different mechanical valves... Wow, is all I can say, choices, choices, which one is the best!!!! I'm still waiting on the doctor to call back with the referral, the nurse said she would have him refer me to uab, but the TEE doctor had not gotten my results to them yet, she is a part time worker.... We are under Tricare (husband retired military). I am ready to see a surgeon and get the ball rolling as I've mentioned my energy is just totally gone and is driving me crazy as well as the waiting LOL. THey did an EKG, echogram, and the TEE. The one thing that does confuse me is the echo showed a hole in heart and the doctor who did the TEE said she didn't see that???? Weird, I think! They didn't tell me any numbers like I've seen people on here ask, just that it is severly leaking and is beyond repair, has to be replaced.... Thank you so much! I just can't express how much all the information I'm getting is helping me. I have felt like the docs are leaving me in the dark, I'm betting the surgeons at UAB will be more helpful and understanding..... THANKS AGAIN!!! YOU ARE GREAT!!!!
Carole Pigg, I married a good Pigg, LOL!!!!!
If you get a copy of your echo report to send on, make sure you make a photocopy for yourself. Then you can start looking at some of the numbers, tell us about them, and get a feel for what they mean.
Still haven't heard from doctor but will give you the numbers when I get them... Thank you!!
Carole -

Would you like to talk with a representative from On-X?

I have gotten to know Catheran Burnette, R.N. who was their Manager of Education and Promotion (she has a new title now) and found her to be extremely knowledgable about all types and manufacturers of Valves.

She was a surgical nurse at Baylor when the famous Dr. DeBakey was in his prime, then went with Carbomedics, St. Jude Medical, and now On-X so she has over 20 years in the Valve Business. Her contact information is 888-339-8000 ext 265 or [email protected]

She can provide you with all sorts of background material and performance comparisons. BTW, the founder of On-X, Jack Bokros, Ph.D., has been designing Mechanical Heart Valves for over 30 years after his group created the Pyrolytic Carbon used in the leaflets for an application in the Nuclear Power Industry. He consulted with St. Jude on their BiLeaflet Valve which holds the record for durability at 30 years and counting. He's been designing heart valves ever since. He then formed Carbomedics and has patents on Carbomedics, ATS, and now On-X valves.

To MY (engineering) mind, the On-X valve for the Mitral Position has the Lowest propensity for Clot Formation in the mechanical valve arena as a result of their technological advancements.

'AL Capshaw'
Thanks again Al. You are the best!!!!! I'm feeling calmer this morning, not sure if you saw my post last night under confused/impatient. All the knowledge and support I'm getting here is so comforting!!!! Thanks to all!!!!
You might want to contact Gadgetman via pm. He was under Tricare when he had his replacement at UAB. Noel is another member whose husband had double valve replacement with Dr. McGiffin after having one unsuccessful surgery elsewhere. You are in a good part of the country for surgeons and facilities, so I'm confident all will go well.:)
I know this sounds like a dumb question, but I can just go get all my results from the heart doctors?? So, I just call and tell them to have it ready? I still haven't heard back from them since they told me the TEE doctor (test was Thursday) had not given them the results yet, which was Monday when I called them...
I know this sounds like a dumb question, but I can just go get all my results from the heart doctors?? So, I just call and tell them to have it ready? I still haven't heard back from them since they told me the TEE doctor (test was Thursday) had not given them the results yet, which was Monday when I called them...

It might be too early for them to have received the results, so you might give it another week.
You will have to sign a release form in order to receive the results, and there might be a small charge for each page, but you absolutely have the right to pick them up.
I am Robbie, spouse of Noel, and we are in north Alabama. Al Capshaw was a great help to us also and recommended Dr. David McGiffin. I think when we saw Dr. McGiffin that for the first time we felt like things might just be alright. We had to do a lot of leg-work in getting paper work and copies of reports and as a matter of fact we didn't wait for our cardiologist to refer Noel, we got on here, got some good advice, and then went and told the cardio we wanted a referral immediately. We had been told it might take 3 months to get in to see him. Actually we were in in less than 3 weeks and surgery scheduled immediately. As Noel was already on coumadin for life it was a foregone conclusion that he would just have the mechanical valves, plus his age played into the factor also. We are biased maybe, but we think Dr. McGiffin is great and a miracle worker. Noel was walking a mile a day 10 days post-op. We had just experienced the nightmare of a lifetime just 9 mos. earlier at another B'ham hospital. I might add that he found a hole which none of the tests had revealed earlier ...and he replaced both the aortic and mitral valves. He is two years and 3 months past the surgery and still doing great. I went to school with girls the last name as yours....I wonder if.......? Good luck and you are in a good place.
Robbie (spouse of Noel)
Thanks so much Robbie, my middle name is Noel. My husbands family is from Florence Alabama and there are not that many pigg's around so i bet he is related to them. I always say I married a Great Pigg, LOL..... Al has been great and I've heard doctor Mc Giffin's name so much now, I really think he is the one and I think I want the on-x valve which I see he does. You mentioned the hole and when I had my echo the doctor said he saw a small hole in heart and the leaky mitral valve then sent me to the other doctor for the TEE. She told us the valve could not be repaired and had to be replaced and I asked her about the hole and she said she didn't see it, so they has me confused. All the support on here is great. I'm think my husband (John) and I are going to be with you and have them refer us to Dr McGiffin ASAP as you guys did. So glad to hear all went well with Noel and I can't wait to be fixed like him!!!


I am happy to know I am not going bonkers. I found my other post...had not realized there were sort of two threads. I just posted in the other one too. If I can be of any help, please feel free to PM me and ask any questions and we will do what we can. Everyone else on here knows so much of the technical stuff but I might can answer questions regarding getting around the hospital at UAB, finding a places for family to stay, etc.