Sunbathing and Heart Problems?

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2008
A Southern Girl!
I use to love to sunbath before my AVR and today I went to the pool with my daughter and stayed two hours one in the water. I went also the other day for about one hour. Today I just felt exhausted when I got home, bp was nice and low. I felt fine while I was outside and did not feel bad really when I got home, just tired. Has anyone else had this happen to them. I was reading that we must take precautions in the sun. :rolleyes:
A while ago there was a thread about sun bathing. I think one is to burn more easily while warfarin.
Not sure if your question was answered back then, and I for one cannot answer it, but I don't feel the sun bothers me.
A few years ago, one New Years holiday, we rented a beach house at Ohope (beautiful part of NZ). New Years Eve we had a few (quite a few:)) drinks with family and friends, then New Years Day spent at the beach swimming and sunbathing. I got quite sunburnt, LOL.
The next day went into AF (felt awful too) and had to go to the hospital up there and was admitted for 2 days. The nurses said that those factors could have contributed to going into AF - so, it's not impossible that sun could affect your heart in some way, I believe anyway.

interesting question,as i asked my cardio about that,he told me that to much sun is bad for you anyway,skin trouble etc,but in moderation is absol fine,just be carefull of the ohs scar and be carefull,basically just use ur common sense,is it because your on anti coag? i do know when i was on amiodarone the sun was a no no,
Some medications will make it near impossible to be in the sun for long. I know I'm ok if it's hot and I'm in the shade, but put me in the light and I start sweating like I'm melting and sunburn real easy. Heck, just resting my arm on the car door while driving, I get sunburned.
I did notice I would burn a lot easier, but I use sunblock. I think I will just can take it 2 or so hours a day and not at high noon! I turn brown quickly, so just slow and easy and in the water to cool my body down and lots of H20. I had asked my doctor about it now that I think back and he said in moderation it was ok but to have plenty of fluids! No all day sessions like I use to do! :(
Sun exposure is necessary to metabolize vitamin D, but it's never a good idea to go out without SPF 50 protection under any circumstances. Those of us who did so as little kids (and who are now in our 50s and 60s and older) were bloody lucky--and many of us have had bouts with skin cancer anyway. But with all the pollutants in the air nowadays, it's never a good idea to go out and spend much time exposed without the protection of sunscreen, hats, long sleeves, shade, and common sense. Heart disease and associated meds can complicate matters, so take it easy!