Stuff happens, I guess

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2009
North Texas, USA
I've spent the last week getting things ready for the folks who're taking over my classes for the next quarter--a process that turns out to be harder than teaching the bloody classes in the first place. But I wanted to be all calm and ready for my cath on Tuesday, fully expecting AVR to happen very soon after that.

So yesterday my dogs uncover a little bundle of baby possums in the woodpile. I thought one was dead, but he turned out to be alive, so I put him back in with another (later found one more) and left them for mom to retrieve. But by bedtime it was clear that she'd abandoned them, and when I went out to gather them up and keep 'em inside overnight, one really was dead. So the other two came in, and this afternoon I took them to a rehab facility, feeling all pleased with myself--despite an attack of angina that caused me to stop paying attention to the speedometer for a moment or two.

When I looked in the mirror, flashing lights greeted me, and I pulled over to find out I'd been driving 42 in a 30 zone. I didn't have the wits to say, "Sorry, Officer, just having a touch of angina"--so I got my first ticket. In my life. I'm 61 years old and have been driving for 40 of 'em. Damn.

Then I came home and found one more dead baby possum. I hope that's the last, because that's the third bad thing, and I was raised in China--so maybe I've got some good karma going into next week.

It's nice to have a place to vent. I'm ok now. Ready for a peaceful weekend!
Sounds like mom possum got killed. They never abandon their young and usually have them hanging on to them when mom travels.

Sounds like your police are as bad as ours. If you don't have anything on your DR, they make it a point to put something on it. That ticks me off to no end. I could see if you were doing 55 in a 30 zone, but not 41. Maybe you ought to fight it in court. If the cop doesn't show up, it'll likely be dismissed.
I've actually thought about doing that, or at least showing up for deferred adjudication. But chances are I'll be in hospital at the time, or just home. Maybe I should show up in a wheelchair and a Tawdry Shirt!
I hope that's the last, because that's the third bad thing, and I was raised in China--so maybe I've got some good karma going into next week.

It's nice to have a place to vent. I'm ok now. Ready for a peaceful weekend!

A very close friend born and raised in Hong Kong has always said... be grateful for the little things that go wrong... they keep the big things away.

You are a good soul!!!! That has to count for a lot!

Enjoy your weekend!!

Hey Big Al,

I am not sure what you teach, but here is a tip..

Always wear your teacher's badge. My former principal always told her teachers this. I thought she was crazy.

I got pulled over a few months ago and popped my badge on right where he could see it. I was going 56 in a 30.

He asked for my ID, etc. and then asked if I was a teacher. Of course I said, "Sure am, very proudly." He said, "Well I am letting you off, just slow down ma'am."

Whew.....I had not been ticketed in 18 years. I said a big thank you to the good Lord above as I drove off. That badge stays close.
I don't really have a badge (college teachers don't always wear them), but had I worn my name tag it might have helped. My big mistake was not owning up to the angina problem. I was actually heading for a parking lot where I could sit it out, and that side of town is known to be a speed trap (I used to live in the same neighborhood; you'd think I'd remember). I'm thinking seriously of making the court date if I'm able, and just making a good argument for extenuating circumstances. I have taught logic in the past, and this could be a real test of my ability to make a cogent presentation about why I wasn't paying close attention. At the very worst, I'd pay the fine, but I'd have my dignity. For whatever that's worth!
Something to think about....

By mentioning you were experiencing a debilitating episode (angina) but continuing to drive, you possibly could be opening yourself to more serious driving infractions. What would you respond if they asked why you did not pull immediately to the side of the road and stop rather than continue to drive? (I'm not suggesting you did anything wrong but sometimes the less we say the better.)
That may have been one reason why I didn't "fess up" as it were. For me angina isn't all that debilitating (tightness across the shoulders, anxiety), and it goes on all the time--it's not like the chest-grabbing pain you see in the movies. Nonetheless, I'm just going to take my licks and pay the blasted fine--hoping it earns me karma points for my cath tomorrow.

Speaking of which, I mentioned the Forum in my "farewell-for-awhile" blog post this morning on Owl's Farm. I'm not kidding about how much help y'all have been since I joined.