Stress Echo

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2007
North Carolina
Can anyone tell me exactly what this entails? I've had a regular stress test but not a stress echo. I'm assuming it will be the whole treadmill thing with an echo thrown in at some point. Is this right? I'm being called in to have one here in the next couple of hours after several weeks of atypical chest pain.
Kay, I don't like them, think they're horrible, too stressful to me -- just my opinion.

But I've had a couple many years ago that were with a treadmill and I had one at a year post-valve replacement that was evidently unlike anything anyone else here had ever heard of and was explained to me as a new technique at the time so I'll try to describe it: I was flat on my back but there was a pedal apparatus at the end of the table and I had to pedal for all I was worth, while they also simultaneously performed the echo. Exhausting. I could be wrong but I felt like it set me back physically so I've never agreed to another one.

During the last one my dad had, he "died" on the thing with some serious V-fib and V-tach and the cardios had to use the defibrillators several times to get his heart started again and they finally successfully got him going again -- Whew! That experience of his also probably contributes to my aversion to them.
Mine was exactly as Scott described....echo before, run on the treadmill, jump off when my HR was high enough and jump onto the table for another echo.
I had a chemical stress test, so I can tell you that if they suggest that, you tell them to get away from you. I don't know too many people that had a good experience at all, from those.
I've never been subjected to a stress test at all in my entire life!

I will keep you in my prayers & hope that you are able to sustain the test without any complications!

Will be calling you later to see how you're doing!