Strep Throat Question

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Creed3 Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 12, 2002
Hi Everyone!
I wanted to run something by you guys to see what you think. Strep throat has been running rampid around here lately. In May my seven year old developed it. I soon after developed a sore throat but the strep test came back negative. My doc said my throat didn't even look red. I had also just recently taken Cipro before my throat swab because of a bladder infection. My husband has just come down with strep throat and my neice who was visiting last week also came down with strep throat. She is 19. I have recently started to develop a slight sore throat. Kind of scratchy feeling. Feeling like I might be catching a cold but not really developing anything. My throat isn't red and I am not running a fever. My seven year old just threw up tonight and is starting to complain of a slight sore throat. Her throat isn't really red but her tonsils look slightly swollen. I am going to take her to have her throat swabbed to check for strep.
My question is does anyone know much about strep throat. I have never had it myself as far as I know. I always remember being tested when I was younger as well as an adult and it always is negative. I have had some docs tell me that I probably won't ever get it and I have had others tell me that I could get it. Why is it that some people seem to get strep rather easily and others can come in contact with strep and develop nothing other than a minor virus type sickness? Why do some people never seem to get strep even when they are around others who have it? I know there are some people out there who never develop strep symptoms but are carriers of strep. I understand that carriers will and can still test positive for strep even without symptoms. I am just confused as to why some people get it and others don't.
I think I am going to go get my throat swabbed on Monday just to be safe. If my daughter tests positive for it tomorrow that will be three people in the family that have had it in the last week. If negative I will have still been around two people who have had it recently.
I am considering working at my youngest daughter's preschool in the fall but I am now getting concerned about how much infection I will be around. Do you all think it would be a good idea to work around so many young children who will be developing all types of viral and bacterial infections?

Take Care!
I agree with both your doctors. You could get it, but you probably won't.

It's such an easy thing to do, to get checked for strep, that it just makes all the sense in the world to get it swabbed if you have any doubts. Strep is not a good thing for someone with heart valve problems.

As far as working with all those kids in your daughter's preschool: You're fishing behind the net. Your daughter is already bringing home all those nasty viruses and bacteria from those other juicy, slobbering, germ-warfare cases she spends her days with. I know, as my granddaughter has brought home every nasty bug that comes along from her preschool. Although I've hardly been sick for years, I have apparently no more resistnce to these amped-up preschool germs that I do to her with her arms stretched out saying, "please pick me up."

Can't hide from it. Go out and live in it.

Best wishes,
Everyone comes into contact with so many germs and virus' every day. Don't let it worry you, just wash your hands, not obsessively Please!...People demanding anti-biotics years ago has made alot of common bugs resistant.People not finishing anti-biotics is another big cause. You probably gave it to everyone else in your family!....:eek:



I'm with Bob..........not physically, of course! :D But a throat swab is quick and easy, so go get it checked. Better safe than sorry. This is always the rule I use with Katie...............if nothing else, I want to know whether I am dealing with a virus or something bacterial. With viruses, I worry about Reye syndrome due to Katie's aspirin regimine. With bacterial illnesses, it's BE..............sigh! :D Anyway, get checked. Peace of mind will be worth your copay. Be forewarned, too. The first year I started teaching I was sick all the time, but it really beefed up my immune system. I am rarely sick now except for my blasted sinuses and those blasted stomach bugs that I dont' think there is any immunity for. So you might be sicker more this first year, but I bet it helps your immune system in the long run (and no, I'm not talking about the stomach bug long runs..........:D ). Many hugs. J.


for all of the replies. I really appreciate them. I agree that it is always best to be safe than sorry. I like to get things checked out. It just seems so frustrating sometimes because when others get strep and then I don't get it I start to get a little lax in my thinking. I know, I know, not a smart thing to do ;) If I do that that is when it will be strep. I'm really glad you all think it is ok to teach the young ones. I can't hide from life.
Thanks again for your comments.

Take Care!
Hi, Gail. You've certainly brought up some good questions, especially for those with young ones at home and for those of us who teach. I do remember my youngest testing positive for strep a few years ago. I tested negative, but the doc just put me on a low dose antibiotic anyway. Interestingly, I just recently established myself with a new cardio this past spring. He said that due to my profession, he would put me on an antibiotic full time and even wrote the script. I've never filled it, but I guess I wouldn't be adverse to doing it. We'll see. Good luck to you.
I am a carryer of strep. Although, I still have had full blown strep numerous times in my life. Everytime I get a sore throat, I have to go onto anibiotics. The infection of strep attacks your heart, it is something we should all learn more about, with our past or comming valve replacements.

Hey Gail,
I am a teacher and around streph all the time. My cardiologist has kept me on penicillan for years now. I go off of it during summers and long holiday breaks to give my system a break from it....but for the most part ...I take it every day. Better safe than sorry although it is somewhat controversial to stay on an antiobiodic as long as I have.
Another thing to be aware of - I developed a streph infection but it never settled in my the time I had developed symptoms of a blood infection it had been running rampant in my system for days and the damage was done and apparent about a month later when I developed intense all over joint pain which was unbelievably debilatating and long lasting (3 months).


everyone for all of your comments. It is very important for all of us to be very aware of strep and all bacterial infections. Like I said before, everytime I get tested for strep it is negative and I tend to want to lax a bit when I get sick but that is definitely not what you should do. I had my throat swabbed yesterday and it came back negative, again. One thing the nurses told me is that my chances of developing strep if I have never developed it is lower than the average person but that doesn't mean I can't get it. They told me that it is very very important to get tested for strep when I feel sick. The doc told me that eventhough I tested negative for strep yesterday that I still need to keep an eye on things. He told me that if my sore throat doesn't go away in the next few days or if I start to develop a fever etc....I should call him and he will put me on antibiotics. He told me that eventhough I tested negative now, I could still develop strep.
I know everyone here probably already knows how important it is to keep on top of infections but I just wanted to stress it again to everyone.
If I end up working at my daughter's preschool I think I will discuss with my doc what he thinks I should do regarding antibiotic therapy.

Thanks Again and Ya'll Take Care!