Strangely Quiet

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
This joint has been unusually quiet this week.

Worn down by the relentless election campaign and all the nasty ads? (I live in battleground Virginia, so we are getting more than our fair share.)

Or just worn down by our last sex thread? :p

Or maybe with the cold weather moving in, we need a new sex thread. :rolleyes:

Out shopping for Halloween candy or costumes? Any of our ladies going to dress up like naughty nurses? (Or maybe Sarah Palin/Tina Fey? :p -- if so, let Superbob know so he can put you on his flight schedule. ;)

I know some of our regulars have been distracted by hardships -- I know our hearts go out to them.

Anyway, Superbob may have to put a spicier avatar up in an attempt to liven things up. :D
We've been very busy working on selling our house in order to move. That hasn't stopped me from hanging around here a lot though :rolleyes:.

I hope you're suggesting a thread on the light side, all fluff and no substance. I've been so serious lately and could use a break from it :eek:.
Yep, exactly -- all fluff and no substance. :D

Maybe tastes in Halloween candy. I remember years ago we used to have buckets and buckets of candy, and had so many trick or treaters that the supplies ran short. Do many of you have big groups of trick or treaters any more?

What's the candy that you buy in quantity and then keep for yourself? :D I'm not supposed to eat sugary stuff, but I love those "fun"-sized Baby Ruth bars. Actually the label says 2 of them have 170 calories, so if I can treat myself to just one, that's not so bad.

Superbob is just babbling along. :rolleyes:
Yep, exactly -- all fluff and no substance. :D

Maybe tastes in Halloween candy. I remember years ago we used to have buckets and buckets of candy, and had so many trick or treaters that the supplies ran short. Do many of you have big groups of trick or treaters any more?

What's the candy that you buy in quantity and then keep for yourself? :D I'm not supposed to eat sugary stuff, but I love those "fun"-sized Baby Ruth bars. Actually the label says 2 of them have 170 calories, so if I can treat myself to just one, that's not so bad.

Superbob is just babbling along. :rolleyes:

IF I kept Halloween candy around, it would be candy corn. All sugar I know, but still my favorite of the genre!

I think I might just pass out candy this year. I've been a candy grinch for a few years (not stingy, just blah about it all). Well dang it all, I'll buy some candy and let some parents deal with rise of fall of their little sugar infused monsters. ;);)
I keep the Reeces cups....

I keep the Reeces cups....

Ms.Thang buys several different kinds of candy, as we usually have 300 or so trick or treaters come by the house. I usually hide the Reeces Cups for us, and hand out everything else.

She still will not let me take the chain out of my saw, dress up in my Santa outfit, and chase kids with my unarmed chainsaw:D. The City Police would probably not find any humor in that, and have something bad to say about it, anyway:mad:.

I think she is going to let me wear my Santa suit to work for Christmas (those of you in radio scanner range of Roanoke can probably hear me after 11 PM Christmas Eve, talking with my State Troopers). Is my year to work Christmas, and be off for New Year. And yes, I work Halloween night.

Have fun out there!!!!!!
Strangely quiet indeed......
With Ross resting, Bonzo MIA, Cooker meditating, and others busy with their own "stuff", what are we all to do?

Out here on the farms their is no door to door trick or treating, but there was for several years a wicked haunted house at the community centre. 5 years ago I went to it and I had the cr-p scared out of me and almost went to the ER. Too bad because I just love Halloween parties and costumes.
wheres Freddie????:confused:

1 2 Freddies coming for you!
3 4 I better lock the door!
5 6 pick up sticks!
7 8 lock the gate!
9 10 Freddies coming for you again!:eek:

Just a Hallowe'en song.:p

Long evening here too.

zipper2 (DEB)
IF I kept Halloween candy around, it would be candy corn.
Makes me think of "Psycho" ,where Anthony Perkins munches on candy corn
thru out the movie.It seems that my Humanities teacher mentioned that
it related to all the bird of prey symbolism...the name "Crane" and the Bates
Motel office with all of those stuffed birds on the walls.
I like to take advantage of all the great scary movies they show now, I
always end up recording a few more each Halloween.

Zipper-just watched the first one last night.Couldn't believe how young Johnny Depp
wheres Freddie????:confused:

1 2 Freddies coming for you!
3 4 I better lock the door!
5 6 pick up sticks!
7 8 lock the gate!
9 10 Freddies coming for you again!:eek:

Just a Hallowe'en song.:p

Long evening here too.

zipper2 (DEB)
I think it goes-
5,6 grab your crucifix
7,8 better stay up late
9,10 never sleep again!

Can you tell that I have absolutely NO life??:eek:
I mean to actually remember that song.
Makes me think of "Psycho" ,where Anthony Perkins munches on candy corn
thru out the movie.It seems that my Humanities teacher mentioned that
it related to all the bird of prey symbolism...the name "Crane" and the Bates
Motel office with all of those stuffed birds on the walls.
I like to take advantage of all the great scary movies they show now, I
always end up recording a few more each Halloween.

Oh, Dina, I may have to refrain the candy corn! :eek:

I'm a wimp when it comes to horror flicks; never could enjoy fear:eek:;) Actually, horror movies with birds, such as "The Birds," left me scarred for life. I still have a fear with birds. Weird, I know. Then again, I love to watch birds talk, but on TV.

Maybe I can officially change my favorite Halloween candy to M&Ms? If there's an "Psycho" of M&M fame, I've missed that one.;)

Superbob, and you thought you were babbling. ;):rolleyes:
Hi-Dee-Hoe Everyone, I am here:) just had to work today.
Wow, so many questions to answer.
SB - we used get about 100 kids, now we're down to maybe 30 - last year we only had 18 but it was really cold. As for candy, I make SPECIAL bags up for the neighbors kids and make simple bags up for the other trick or treaters. In the these mini bags there is 1 sucker, a couple of mini chocolate bars and chocolate bats. Each bag is stapled closed - Throughout the years I find that this is a very easy and simple way on handing out the candy.

I keep the good bars for ourselves, Kit-kat, CoffeeCrisp and the Aero bars.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a must to watch around here come Halloween and any Stephen King Movie........heck I love them all :)

Thanks for the song Zipper - I love you too:D

Gee I hope I got everything:(
One time when I was trick or treating,at abou 7y.o.,some woman in
the next neighborhood over slipped something into my "plastic pumpkin".
When I got home to look at all my plunder, I found a piece of
had writing that said..."I.O.U." True story. Can you believe it??
I felt like that kid on Charlie Brown... who says "I got rocks." in response
to his friends asking him what kind of candy he got. Poor guy.
Freddie you found your way home:D

Hey i bet living in a nudist coloney
would likely take the fun of Hallowe'en away?:D
zipper2 (DEB)
Zipper! :eek: In a nudist colony, the females could dress up like the EEK! face before this sentence! The men would have to be Kilroy!

We get lots of trick or treaters here. We lock the dogs in the bedroom so they don't bark all night and then sit in the neighbor's driveway and hand out the treats. At 9:00 sharp, which is curfew, we go inside and turn off the lights. You'd be amazed at how many people, even little kids, still come to our door after that! This week since Halloween is on Friday, we may stay out until 10:00.

Back in the day, our church had a couple of huge haunted houses every year. One at the church for the kids younger than high school age. It was still quite scary though. The second for the high school kids was out at this old farmhouse. All the adults dressed up in scary costumes and you never knew what was going to jump out at you or suddenly show up behind you. Now our church has switched to the non-scary Fall Festival because they apparently think Halloween is devil worshiping. :mad: I don't know why people feel the need to ruin anything fun!