Strange thumping

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Just wanted you to know that you're in my prayers & I hope that if this sensation continues, you will seek medical help soon! Please keep us posted & do take care! :)
Now, the thumping has not gone away, although I am less freaked about it. I think that I am just beginning to get symptoms. When I walk up the stairs,.....with the laundry basket since you are aware when this happens to you, can you leave the basket for your hubby to take it upstairs. Before my surgery, I stopped carrying or lifting anything that caused mine
.......... I do question myself, how come I didn't feel this 6 months ago, and now that I have the diagnosis, I feel every heartbeat? And I think I may have had this in the past and ignored it, maybe more alert since your diagnosis...I ignored my shortness of breaths and thought they were tensions sighs!

think I will insist that I start talking to surgeons at Stanford. it is a wise decision and will give you peace of mind and give you enough time to choose the right surgeon

but resting HR is way high, like always 85 or above) mine too was always between 80-95 for many months before surgery

For those of you who have had symptoms before MR, I don't know what were the first signs. I am reassuring myself every day when I panic that there is no risk of sudden cardiac failure from these symptoms I am experiencing, signs were increased fatigue, lots of palpitations, some pvcs and shortness of breath

Nupur, good luck and lots of prayers that all go well with you. It is wise to prepare your son to call 911 in any emergency.
