Strange Lights

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enkaynj Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 5, 2011
New Jersey, USA
I am about 2 weeks post AVR. For a couple of days I have been seeing some bright images in front of my eyes. This happens when I accidentally glance at a bright light source even momentarily. I see an image with a blinking red light. When I keep my eyes shut for a minute, it disappears. It used to happen frequently but has since been occuring infrequently. Has anyone experienced this ? Thanks
normal ; it will come and go, now at two months it comes a lot less, it happens to a lot of us dont wory you are going to be fine. Really do not know why but it is just part of the process .
Hey there, I am 30 days into my recovery and from day one, I saw light falling down like snow flakes. I did not want to tell anyone because I thought they would cut me off of pain meds. It's every other day now.
I think the medical term for this kind of thing is "visual aura". I also had some streamers, but it was not new to me as I have had it previously. Either way, I think it is good to mention anything unusual and let your care team have all possibly relevant info.
Thanks All. The lights are gone for good now (knock on wood). I am wondering if it was as a result of a diuretic(water pills) I took for a couple of days to get rid of the accumulated water in my legs. Apparently the loss of fluids may cause imbalances of sorts.
Many people have ophthalmic or optical migraines post-op.
However, it is best to run questions like this past a doctor -- just in case it's something else. Better to be safe than sorry.
While in the hospital, I asked my surgeon about the strange lights I was seeing. He drew a blank. I mentioned it to my dad 2 days after leaving the hospital and he knew exactly what they were -- he has the same problem and had consulted a neuro-ophthalmologist, a doctor board-certified in both neurology and ophthalmology, I think he said. He was told there's nothing that can be done.
I did run the same question past my PCP, my cardios, ophthalmologist and optometrist. My PCP was the most helpful, but taking migraine meds for something that only lasts 30-45 minutes is pointless.
My optical migraines do resemble the sparkles off snow.
Red lights could be indicative of something else. You only have one set of eyes. No tissue or mechanical replacements available for those at this time. Again, run questions about things like these past a doctor.
I agree with Catwoman to check with your doctor but I have had definite vision changes following AVR. My cardiologist finally told me (at a 3 month post-op visit) that the fluid in your eye can get more viscous while on bypass. It really peeves me when I am not aware of these issues in a more timely manner. I hadn't heard that about the fluid in your eyes and I have researched lots of valve surgery issues so I didn't realize this before; assuming it is true. I didn't need contacts or glasses before surgery but now I think I do as I have become farsighted since surgery. I go to the optometrist next week.
I have found that I have "floaters" in my vision. How to explain? I have what appears to be something floating in my left eye, it moves and coincides with my heart beat. They kind of pump around my eyeball, wierd really but I am getting used to it. I also seem to be extremely light sensitive now.
I would not worry all too much about it, I believe your expierencing visual auras. I too have gotten them quite often post op and I have found many members on here have as well. My own theory on why we get them is the beta blockers and other vasodilators messing with the blood flow around the optic nerve. Iether way I wouldn't sweat it too much just put some sunglasses on if there bothering you too much its worked for me.
It could be something they call Phosphenes. It may be caused by fluid retention or pressure on the eye or just a left over from the heart lung machine. I think, as with anything else if it worries you, talk to your doctor. From what I can find on-line it is usually temperary and nothing to worry too much about. Sounds pretty though!