Stitches pushing out?

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Active member
Dec 5, 2008
Austin, TX.
Hello all-
It has been a while since I have posted/logged on and encouraged those about to go through the experience: My apologies.
I had my Ross Procedure December 10, 2008.
I have been on the rollercoaster from around week 3-present. All in all, I don't feel too terrible, but don't feel the energy and wonderful feeling I had hoped for. Perhaps I was unrealistic, as I am not just real young, age 47.
That said, I have had strep twice and allergy issues I have never experienced prior to surgery. My family Dr. finally convinced me I suffered from post-op anxiety and prescribed me Zoloft. After about 3 weeks of being on that I experienced signicant stomach issues and all "those" issues that go with a bad tummy. They thought I had c-diff/bacterial intestinal infection, so had me taking Flagil (SP?) antibiotics. They also had me stop taking the Zoloft whily on the antibiotics. Issues got much better. Started on the Zoloft and stomach issues resurfaced. I took MYSELF off the Zoloft, Cymbacort, Flonase, Zyrtec, cut my Toperol in half and I feel better than I have in months!!! Totally off my title, but wanted to share...
So, I am having these bumps on my incision area that look like, for lack of a better word, pimples. They sometimes get rather large and look like a whitehead. I asked my Dr. and he said it was just sutchers (sp?) surfacing, no big deal. Sometimes I just leave them alone, sometimes they do hurt a little so I drain them and just like a pimple nasty blood and puss come out. I am sorry, I know it is gross, but I really want to know if this is isolated or if any of you have/do experience the same thing?
I apologize for the very long-winded story, so will leave it here.
Hope to hear back from some of you,
What doctor did you show them to? You card or surgeon or GP? Justin has had dissolving stitches that didn't disolve and looked the pipmle you are talking about, his usually happend earlier. The surgeon (or resident) pulled the stitches out.

ps I'm sorry you are having such a rough go of it.
Hi Bruce,

Sorry that your recovery hasn't been so smooth.

I can't remember exactly what he said, but my cardio said after surgery that it was possible I would experience such a thing...I think it had something to do with the wires.
I think as long as you aren't experiencing fever it should be OK, but maybe check with your cardio or surgeon to be sure.


I had some of those sutures coming out. This is normal in some cases. It also happened to others on this forum. I only pumped one out and disinfected it very well. In my case, they were extremely tiny white pimple-like and they in my case dissolved on their own under the shower. When they came out long, I very carefully cut them with a disinfected tiny scissors. Watch out that they do not get infected.

As for recovery, I think when it is Ross Procedure, it might be a bit tougher, but soon you shall feel much better and enjoy your new better and healthier you.

Good luck.