Staying the Course? Jan. 22, 2018

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Well, folks, I just sent a Staying the Course week starter, and got a message that it was flagged as possible "spam,"and will not appear until a moderator reviews it. What the heck? Hope this is just one glitch and not something indicative of deep troubles with this site. Anyway, I am not going to try to recreate my post right now. Will see.
i am curious -- has anyone else had any of their posts here referred to a "moderator" for review on grounds of potentially being "spam"? I did not keep a copy of what I posted -- it was just the usual chatty, let's start a conversation post. Wondered why Mondays are so often "manic"..talked a little about my first year in senior fitness class. Said I needed to get batteries in my weigh-in scales. Wrote nothing remotely raunchy, commercial, political or (so far as I know) offensive to anyone. Maybe shelving my STC starter was a message my posts are unwelcome. If so, I can easily solve that problem by not offering them any more.
Okay, I have belatedly read the Technical Support Forum and see one post about a guy finding his post bumped to a supposed "moderator" for being suspected spam after he tried to edit it, and then never to reappear again. That's what I was doing -- trying to edit my post. Probably adding a comma or something, (After all, I worked for a newspaper for many years and editing was encouraged. At least it was back then.) Anyway, to put this simply, it sucks if the system now has a trigger for shooting down edited posts. Perhaps the final straw for me.
I can only speak for myself, but my preference would be that you keep doing what you're doing. Never did much with STC, but now I find myself looking forward to it. I'm sure the post flagging stuff is a matter of good intentions snagging the wrong targets. I know why Monday's are manic around here. Five kid's, beginning of the school week, work week, coming off a weekend where there are too many projects with little time for R & R. But I hear someday I'll miss these years, so I try to keep that in perspective.

Still staying the course. I seem to have found my happy equilibrium where I'm not overthinking consumption, I'm getting my exercise, and I'm holding right about 200 lbs. I did find a "Modified BMI" calculator that adjsuts for the skewing inherint in the basic method when it comes to height. Taller people tend to skew toward a higher BMI than "normal" people. So my standard BMI is 24.3. Adjusted is 22.7. A person 5' 6.5 would have an identical BMI on both calculators. I found it interesting mostly because it was more favorable toward me. :coolhank: Guess I'll go enjoy one of those brownies my wife baked. Yay!!
Superbob - Your post appearing as spam is one of the forum glitches. I find the best way of dealing with this is to email Hank directly on his own email address. He doesn't seem to often look at forum messages but he always responds to email, at least as long as it's obvious you are writing about a forum problem. He never knew the forum was down on Sunday till I emaled him, and he's really appreciative to know of any problems. Here's his address:

Btw, I tried to send you a proivate message SB but you've exceeded your private message "quota" - you need to delete some of your old saved PMs !
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Paleowoman;n881328 said:
SuperbobHe doesn't seem to often look at forum messages but he always responds to email, at least as long as it's obvious you are writing about a forum problem. He never knew the forum was down on Sunday till I emaled him, and he's really appreciative to know of any problems. Here's his address:

as robots regularly trawl forums looking for rich bounty such as valid email addresses I think you should edit that out soon,

Before Hank's email is the permanent target of spam bots

Alternatively I would either write it here in "spell as you say" such as billy at stuff dot com or put it in an image or invite Superbob to PM you and exchange it there
pellicle;n881329 said:
as robots regularly trawl forums looking for rich bounty such as valid email addresses I think you should edit that out soon,
Before Hank's email is the permanent target of spam bots
Done - it was only there for an hour so hopefully no harm is done.

Superbob - please clear you PM box so I can sned you Hank's email if you want to alert him to the fact that your original message was disallowed until a moderator (who isn't there) looks at it. Your PM box is full ! I had tried to send my message above to you by PM and only resorted to senidng it on forum because I couldn't send it via PM.
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Very frustrating SB. Thanks for the tip about editing, Anne. I've not had a problem with my posts turning to spam but there is always a first time.

I did not make it to the nutritionist last Friday. A hard freeze in Houston closed our office for two days and I went in on Friday to make up some time. Earliest available Friday for a make-up was a month from now. I say "good"; gives me a chance to drop a few pounds before I go back. I'm hoping to get under 150, even if barely.

I've decided that I see the most weight loss when I've attended my line dancing class. It was cancelled last week, and several times over the holidays. There are some Thursdays that I am overly tired from my work week and have skipped. I'm determined not to do that going forward. It's a good, cardio workout for 90 minutes. If I were more determined I could exercise at home but I just don't like to exercise. It's boring. Dancing is not.

Wishing everyone a great what-is-left-of-the-week!
I'm sure it's nothing personal Superbob! All your posts are great!

Trucking along here with 30-day challenge through the local community center which is super fun and motivating, on an Olympic theme. Did a functional fitness class today. Zumba on deck for tomorrow. I will wear shoes this time . . I love dancing barefoot but my left foot seems to be saying I should drop a few pounds before doing that again.
What is it with feet? They’re supposed to just carry you around, but it seems like they’re opposed to exercise. I’ve been fighting plantar fasciitis for months now. I’d like to just run pain free.
Superman;n881347 said:
What is it with feet? They’re supposed to just carry you around, but it seems like they’re opposed to exercise. I’ve been fighting plantar fasciitis for months now. I’d like to just run pain free.


My left big toe main joint to the foot is making sking this year ... vexing
Superman;n881347 said:
What is it with feet? They’re supposed to just carry you around, but it seems like they’re opposed to exercise. I’ve been fighting plantar fasciitis for months now. I’d like to just run pain free.

For myself. . . I'd just like to RUN. I was a runner/jogger for over 30 years, but soon after my valve replacement, my knees just declared "No More!" If I try to run, I will be in such pain the next day I will have to stay in bed. Of course, add to that that I now have been taking a beta blocker for 7 years and can't get my heart rate up over the low 140's and there is no way I could run anyway. I am stuck with either the elliptical machine or power-walking. I used to run 7:30 miles (until my early 60's), but now the best I can manage seems to be around 15:00. Meh!

I've been rather silent of late - not because of anything here, but because my work routine has been hit by a S - - - storm. For most of the last two weeks I have been dragged into a slew of "crisis" meetings to fix things that were botched in other areas of the company. Of course, this is on top of my own full workload, so the days are a lot more hectic than I want. I don't "do" firehouse management - where you spend your weeks just flying from one crisis to the next. I'm too old for that foolery and would much rather plan my way out of my own dilemmas. So much for "cruising" toward semi-retirement.

My weight continues to be a frustration. I had my semi-annual consultation with my cardio last week, and he gently told me that "I could stand to lose a few pounds - maybe 5 to 8 of them." IIRC, my BMI has crept up to just about 25 (or wherever the top end of the "normal" range may be). I haven't changed my diet, although I have tried to enforce more stringent portion control. I just can't manage to maintain my activity level over the winters, so I tend to gain 5 to 8 pounds over the winter, then I struggle all summer to work it off, only to repeat the cycle the next year. I need to reset the bar, lowering the whole thing by that pesky 5 to 8 pounds so I can stay "in the range" all year. It seems to get tougher and tougher to do that as I get older.

I don't have time to take on any exercise classes due to my work and current exercise schedule. I am up by around 4 AM, do my free-weights and floor exercises, then get to work by 6 or 6:30. I leave work at 4 and head to the gym for my cardio workout, getting home around 6 for dinner. After dinner I have maybe an hour and a half before I head for bed to start it all over the next day. Where would I fit in a class or scheduled exercise session? This is why I so look forward to my planned semi-retirement, when I will only be working one week of the month.

Whew. . . once again, thanks for allowing me to vent. It has just been "that kind" of a month so far, and I am trying to hang on until it ends. . .
Geez Steve, you're a total gym rat already!! I think you'll have to work on the nutrition side to lose any weight. Or maybe you need to sleep more? Or just say screw it and roll with the winter and summer flow. I am surprised your doc even mentioned 5 pounds, LOL. I have an obese BMI and they never say anything. When I lost 40 pounds and weighed in healthy, they also didn't say ANYTHING. I felt a bit ripped off by that after all the work I put in.
dornole, I think my cardio, after the many years I've been his patient, understands me pretty well. He realizes that I am, possibly, "over-sensitive" to my weight, and may be just supporting me in my vigilance. Part of my extreme aversion to gaining any weight is that my only sibling is about 5'4" tall and must weigh 350 lbs. She has been obese to morbidly obese since her pre-teen years. She is now 72, and claims that at her annual check-ups her docs tell her that "all is well." I just can't ever let myself get there. . .

I also realize how different I feel at different weight levels, and I feel MUCH better when I'm in the 150-155 lb. range, rather than the low 160's where I now find myself. I'm only about 5'7" myself, so I'm small for a man, and don't have anywhere to hide any extra weight.

It was much easier to control my weight when I could exercise at higher intensity (before valve surgery and beta blockers). Yes, I was younger then and had the luxury of a higher metabolic rate, but I'm just trying my best to fend off the ravages of old(er) age. I just feel better to know that I'm fighting it, rather than giving in like so many of my colleagues have.
Steve, you're actually quite thin already. Rejoice.

Dornole, your comment about sleep caught my attention. Does lack of sleep cause weight gain?
Almost to late for this week's STC but wish everyone well here. The winter eating definitely "weighs" on a lot of us. Warmth and comfort it seems.

Still don't have a scale at our AZ home but know I am not losing any weight. I have been walking quite a bit more but nocturnal leg cramps seem to go along with it. Geeezzzzz they hurt. I have had a lot of my swelling go down though so guess it is a good trade off. Only swelling that really shows is in left leg and wonder if that is because they took vein during OHS. Hmm..........more to check in to. INR this week and hemoglobin. I feel pretty good about it,, at least until it shows otherwise.

Make it a good weekend guys, and next week more positives with a "step in the right direction" We got this!
Just as an update, I had crafted a nice response, but it was also thrown in the penalty box. Seems to be if you attempt two posts in under a minute, something is triggered. Computer stalled and I made the mistake of clicking "Post Reply" twice.

Anyway - was I was saying was that epstns - I don't think I could keep up with your schedule on fitness. I wouldn't be adding a class. I would replace maybe a couple days of regular workout with classes and see how it goes.

I had more cool stuff and many pearls of wisdom to share, but I forgot.