Staying the Course -- 7-27-2015

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Hello, all, starting a new Staying the Course week. I wish I had something wonderfully inspiring or at least newsy to report here, but not much right now. On the fitness trail, I did the exercise bike today, and then was tempted to double up with a swim in the community pool, but I was afraid that would be a bit much on such a hot day. Probably my loss.

Amid my worrying about ol' Sadiedawg being lethargic, I did a search here and actually found my post -- from way back in May 2007 -- when we had a car accident and she suffered a horribly dislocated hip. The emergency vet really didn't think she would make it through all that trauma at mid-life but she pulled it together, and here we are now, 8 years later. And the people on were wonderfully supportive with their advice, good thoughts, and prayers way back then. Some have passed away, but still very much live in our hearts -- Granbonny, Ross, others.

Anyway, hoping for a good mid-summer week for all.....


Superbob...good to read about you and Sadiedawg...

Got my first post-op echo report (4 months) today...what can I say...just perfect!

1. Left ventricle: Size was normal. Systolic function was normal by visual assessment. Ejection fraction was estimated in the range
of 55 % to 60 %. There were no regional wall motion abnormalities. There was mild concentric hypertrophy. Left ventricular
diastolic function parameters were normal.
2. Aortic valve: A bioprosthesis was present. It exhibited normal function and normal motion. The leaflets appeared normal. There
was a normal-appearing sewing ring and no rocking motion of the sewing ring. There was trivial aortic regurgitation. There was
no significant perivalvular aortic regurgitation. Valve peak gradient was 12 mmHg. Valve mean gradient was 7 mmHg. The
aortic valve obstructive index (by VTI) was 0.68.
3. Aorta, systemic arteries: The root exhibited mild dilatation, but represents proximal aortic graft after reconstruction of the
proximal ascending aorta.
You ever get the urge to re-post something from way back on Of course, that would be mainly we old-timers. Here is a time back in 2007 I really needed to vent. Next I will see if I can put a link to the wonderful responses I received when both Superdawg and Superbob were feeling distressed.

My Precious Sadie
May 4th, 2007, 08:01 PM
I got a good report from the cardio today and encouragement to keep walking, so despite the misty rain, I decided to take my yellow lab/retriever Sadie for a walk. Because I don't like walking the return leg up the steep hill in front of our house, I decided to drive us over to the Blue Ridge Parkway for our walk. On our way on US 460, a guy in a pickup truck pulled out suddenly into the left lane (we were in the right at full speed), looked as though he might hit us, so I had to apply brakes fairly hard. Sadie had jumped into the front seat, so she slammed against the dashboard. She was crying in a lot of pain, with a back leg twisted up under her. Took her to the emergency vet, and he said after x-rays she has a severely dislocated hip. He is going to try to pop in back in back tonight, while she is sedated, but thinks there is only a slim chance of success and she probably will have to have surgery to put in a pin to hold the hip in place. If that can be done.

All because I didn't want to drag my fat ass up the steep hill. If we had just walked in the neighborhood this never would have happened. Now Sadie may never be the same. She might not even make it. I can't live without Sadie, the best sweetest friend I have ever had. Better that the cardio had said I had to go back in hospital and be sliced open again. Then Sadie would be okay. I feel terrible. I can't describe how badly I feel.

Addendum: Hmmm, can't quite figure out tonight how to post a link to the responses, but there were 76 of them, wonderful, caring, compassionate, wise responses. They meant so much to me, and still do. They were in "Small Talk." Maybe "Staying the Course" will be able to help folks when needed, too.
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skeptic49;n857083 said:
Superbob...good to read about you and Sadiedawg...

Got my first post-op echo report (4 months) today...what can I say...just perfect!

1. Left ventricle: Size was normal. Systolic function was normal by visual assessment. Ejection fraction was estimated in the range
of 55 % to 60 %. There were no regional wall motion abnormalities. There was mild concentric hypertrophy. Left ventricular
diastolic function parameters were normal.
2. Aortic valve: A bioprosthesis was present. It exhibited normal function and normal motion. The leaflets appeared normal. There
was a normal-appearing sewing ring and no rocking motion of the sewing ring. There was trivial aortic regurgitation. There was
no significant perivalvular aortic regurgitation. Valve peak gradient was 12 mmHg. Valve mean gradient was 7 mmHg. The
aortic valve obstructive index (by VTI) was 0.68.
3. Aorta, systemic arteries: The root exhibited mild dilatation, but represents proximal aortic graft after reconstruction of the
proximal ascending aorta.

I have no medical degree, but that sounds like a A-plus report, Jim -- congratulations!

I think my cardio said my left atrium seems to be enlarging. Not quite sure what that means, to be honest. Got to catch up with you in research and good reports!
Superbob, we love and depend upon our canine companions so much. It's painful when they are in pain, or when we eventually have to say goodbye to them. It seems like only people who have wonderful dog companions can really understand our pain when something happens to our dogs. I'm sure it was a difficult time for ou after Sadie was injured.
Sorry to hear about Sadie's lethargy, Superbob but glad she is still with you. I had to send two fur babies over the Rainbow Bridge within a year, one I'd adopted shortly after my husband died in 2001. My angels sent me a new girl 1-1/2 years ago, a Golden mix, and she is the sweetest dog I've ever had. Happy trails to both you and Sadie girl :)
Golden mixes seem to be one of the sweetest -- Sadie certainly is the sweetest (and smartest) dog I've ever had. Took her to get her nails trimmed at vet's this morning and got a refill of some arthritis med that seems to help her some. (have to lift her in and out of car -- woof, that's a gym workout for me!) My vet says just give the med to her when she seems to need it. So we both march on....thanks for checking in, honeybunny, and please join in here any time you wish.
In the process of developing a new point system for exercises falling under the category of Honey-do Marathon.

Don't have the points worked out exactly, but something like....

Going to Farmers' Market and carrying heavy boxes of veggies back to the car: 5 points. Toting extra-large watermelons: 7 points. Doing this on 105F heat-index day: 15 points

Walking from way out in parking lots to the Family Dollar stores my DW loves to frequent: 3 points. Doing this in 95F heat: 5 points.

Walking to Starbucks at other end of mall while DW hits the upscale ladies' stores: 10 points.

(Deduction for eating a cranberry-orange scone with my low-fat Starbucks latte: - 5 points)

Walking between TJ Maxx, A.C. Moore and the other little miscellaneous stops in the Honey-do Marathon: 6 points

All-out excursion to Wal-Mart, including trying to keep up with DW after she jettisons her cane and goes into overdrive: 20 points.

All working out, you see, is not done in workout room, pool, or walking trails. :Face-Smirk:
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