Staying the Course -- 12-28-2015

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Here's hoping the holiday season is going swimmingly for all Staying the Coursers! It is a good time for relaxing and reflecting on life and enjoying family and friends.

The week between Christmas and New Year's is another mainly medical week for me.

Having a tooth extraction this afternoon. My wife's final PT following hand surgery is tomorrow. Have my first appointment for aqua therapy Wednesday (no pool the first visit -- interview/orientation, I suppose). Podiatrist that afternoon. Then maybe bloodwork Thursday morning for first GP visit of 2016 first week of January.

Can any of you match that fun-filled schedule? Not feeling sorry for myself -- have many, many blessings, and I know that we all have our challenges, and we all strive to Stay the Course

In between, I plan to watch lots of football, esp. the Tennessee Volunteers on New Year's Day -- Go Vols!

I've never been big on New Year's Resolutions but maybe this is a good year to make them. I look forward to aqua therapy as a chance for a fresh start -- need to find a good exercise facility with a pool I can use regularly to strengthen the back and LOSE WEIGHT! and trim and tone. That has the makings of a resolution.

Wishing all of you good friends a healthy and happy New Year!!


Hey, SB - That sounds like a plan!

We're still here, but it has been anything but relaxing at our house. We have a house-full, with our daughter, son-in-law and our 7-month old grandson visiting from out East. It is amazing how completely a little one can obliterate any sense of calm and any schedule, even when all goes smoothly!

Honestly, this little guy is a real joy. He is good natured, loves everyone and is not at all fussy. Compared to his first two months, this is a wonderful way to be. His reaction to all the festivities gives new meaning to the Christmas Season.

With all that going on, I've taken a holiday from the gym, too. There just aren't enough hours in the day to do it all, especially since I still have to work half-days this week (fiscal month-end).

Hope we all can stay on track and keep making good progress in the coming new year.
I have got to get back on track with the weight loss. Between stuffing my face and taking steroid therapy, I've plumped up about 6 lbs. And cardiac rehab was limited because of their holiday hours. I have a session today and that's it for this year. On the plus side, my FitBit is accurately tracking after a software upgrade, so I want to up my daily goal to 6,000 steps, which is recommended by the Arthritis Association.

I can't swim, SB, but aqua therapy sounds like fun. Good luck with the extraction. Like you, I feel so blessed each and every day.
HB, I average about 5,000 steps. Hope to "step it up" by improving back and leg function. BTW, to my understanding aqua therapy involves no swimming (at least that's what I found with the AQ I took 12 years ago). All exercise in the water is led by a trained instructor. I don't enjoy swimming for exercise either, but walking and/or jogging in a pool lap lane is a good option. Some pools set aside a lane or two for that.
Thanks, HB. The remnants of the tooth didn't want to come out. The surgeon struggled. I thought the pain thereafter would be terrible; however, I took just one pain pill as the numbing was wearing off, and haven't taken any more. No pain or soreness, amazingly. So far. Have a week of antibiotics to take, too.

First appointment with aqua therapy today. for evaluation Main PT is a tall blonde gal who surely must have been an athlete (maybe still; volleyball or basketball I wonder). Anyway, she is very well informed. Made me bend this ancient body every which way. Surprised they assign you your own therapist for solo exercise in the pool, which is in its own area separate from gym. Guess that means I can't slack off, as in a group therapy setting. She gave me some exercises to do at home, also. Now I need to do them conscientiously. First aqua will be on first business day of 2016.

Happy New Year!