Staying the Course -- 11-16-2015

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Welcome to a new week of Staying the Course! Hope all out there are doing well on their courses, or at least figuring it out.

My son's big ol' yellow lab was my responsibility this weekend. Boy did we walk. And walk and walk. And walk some more.

My Vivofit2 tracker must have wondered how it was I doubled my daily steps.

Lots going on, busy, busy, busy. Another busy time of the year -- is there ever a slow one? But busy is blessed.

Looking forward to a big Thanksgiving buffet at one of our fav restaurants overlooking a scenic lake. Lots of blessings to count.

More later about assorted topics as I find time to write.

Love to hear from you all.


I've been remiss about posting because of weight fluctuations. Didn't weigh today's my having some shortness of breath, not as bad as before, but nevertheless. I'm waiting to see if it clears up. I'm supposed to go back to work next Monday and don't want to delay it with more doctor visit. Don't worry; if it worsens I'll have it checked out.

Meanwhile I'll be going to my first cardiac rehab in an hour. That's supposed to be three days a week. When I return to work I'll leave an hour early to drive to a 4:00 appointment. That will make for a long day as I leave my house at 5:00 a.m. I'll put in a 9 instead of 10 hour day but by the time I get home from rehab I'll have been on the go for about 13 hours. Not looking forward to that. I have a treadmill at home and may have to resort to using that instead of that schedule burns me out.

On another note, my daughter 's friend found a stray puppy that she has adopted. He looks to be a Labradoole and has been a very good boy. He stays with me most days. His name is Cookie Sprinkles, courtesy of the 7-year old, who is responsible for him. My Golden mix still isn't sure what to make of him.

Looking forward to reading all your reports.
Had my rehab. Did very little; 8 minutes each in the treadmill and bicycle at very slow speeds. I didn't feel like I pushed myself but that was the therapist's intent. Taking baby steps at this point.
Baby steps are good, Honeybunny. You will gain strength and endurance with time.
Superbob, glad you had a walking companion this week-end. Who enjoyed it more, you or grand dog?
We spent four days at our son's this week-end, and I returned weighing a pound and a half more than when we left. I hope to get it off pretty quickly.
I also had an echo today. It had been three years, can't believe it's been that long, and although I feel fine, I'm still feeling anxious about the results. Funny how the fear and uncertainty stays with us. I actually think I dread hearing the results more post replacement than I did pre-avr.
HB, baby steps are the way they go in CR -- hope you will get a chance to enjoy it, even though it makes a long day for you.

Duffey, WonderDawg no doubt enjoyed the walks more than I did. He's so headstrong and he thinks other dogs aren't supposed to be out walking and barks and lunges at them, creating quite a scene. But I certainly got some exercise out of it.

And I agree with you entirely about anticipating echo results. Hope yours turn out to be good. I have one scheduled just two weeks away and the disconcerting thing is that it is a follow-up because the cardio had concerns with a routine one I had done.

Post-av really is fret-time even more than pre-av because who wants to face the possibility of another one? But we have to do what we have to do, and hopefully for both of us all will turn out fine after the fret-time.

Oh and the new pup, Cookie Sprinkles, sounds like a delight, HB! I almost had us applying for a golden mix at a rescue that looked a good bit like my Sadiedawg; but I came to the realization that the dog is just 8 months old and I don't think DW and I could handle 24/7 the energy of such a young one. I may just stick with my granddog or if we do get a new one, find a calm and settled one about 5 to 7 years old.
Good luck with your rehab, Honeybunny. Superbob, glad you have a canine walking buddy. Mary, I hope your echo report is negative for any problems.

This is a photo of our little Katie. She is small but full of heart and love. Training is going well. She is just under 4 months old. The vet thinks she will be about 25-30 lbs at full growth.

I am still experiencing PVCs just about all the time. I got a Holter yesterday. This has been going on for over a week.


Hi, folks!

I haven't been on the boards much this past week or so - dealing with some issues at home right now. (I won't spend a lot of time writing, but the weekend before last, we had someone break into our detached garage, then they tried to break into the house - while we were in it. Kind of a mess, with board-up, contractors for repair estimates, security system install, car going to body shop for where they damaged it in garage, and on and on.)

At the moment, I'm not making any progress on anything. Just trying to stay in the game.

I'll be around, though.
Yikes Steve. Sorry you are going through that.

Last week not so good for eating though I did get a lot of exercise. Gonna wait a week to weigh. Might be too discouraging today. At last all the Halloween candy is out of the house. Via my eating it.
Truly disturbing, Steve. Just glad you and your family are okay. I'm thinking garages may be a prime soft spot for break-ins. Probably most of us could benefit from doing a security review.
Just received a call from the cardiologist's office with the message that the echo report is good. That's a relief! I hope you will receive similar good news, Superbob.
Jim, I still have bouts of pvc's. Some times I have a lot, some times they make such a thud that I think everyone must be able to hear them. I decided a long time ago to ignore them and hope that you can do the same.
Duffey, that's great news! My echo comes up first week of December, with a follow-up with the cardio a week later (ironically we will be having our Mended Hearts Christmas party that night). Thanks for the good wishes. I am going to rummage through my box of medical records and see what past measurements of left atrium have been. Hoping it's really no more (or much more) than me being a big boy with a physically big heart.

Jim, I had seen the acronym PVCs but wasn't sure exactly what that condition entailed, so for my own edification I found this Mayo Clinic explanation. I'm sure you already know this but I pass the link along. I join with Mary in hoping yours is just a passing condition, not anything serious. Keep us posted.