Staying the Course -- 11-02-2015

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Good to hear so many are staying the course in fine form.

Me, I don't know how at my age I will ever get in a serious weight-loss mode. I do try to stay active.

Did some beach-walking last week -- that was wonderful. More sandpipers than people on the beach. Sandpipers don't judge you.

I do track my steps with Vivofit, but I gather mine are about half of what some of you do. Anyway, it is a reminder to get off my rear end.

Stormy day -- that's not good for walking, because there's lightning around. Guess I will head to the community workout room and do the x-bike some. Wish I had one at home.

Wishing everyone a fine STC week. Hope forward to hearing from you.


Walking along the beach sounds lovely, Bob. Are you close enough to walk to it or do you have to drive? We took the dog for a walk last night, and apparently the pace was too fast because my right knee cap hurts like heck when I go up or down the stairs. It's discouraging. I'm still counting calories, and I' m closing in on the 10 pound loss milestone. We have loads of leftover Halloween candy in the house, but I had hubby put it in a closet downstairs so my desire to indulge is tempered by the certainty that knee pain awaits if I chance the steps.
We are just a 7 minute drive from the beach, Duffey. I like to go over this time of year especially but it's nice to know I can go about any time I want to. Of course, I miss the excitement Sadie always showed when we hit the sand. Take good care of that knee!
Hi, everyone! I'm still around, although not as active as I was just a couple of weeks ago. Funny how things slow down immediately once the warm summer days go away. I can look at my weight chart and the correlation between weather and weight gain just jumps off the page! As soon as it cooled off, I gained about 2-3 pounds, and if history is any gauge, those pounds will be with me until next summer. I can actually feel the difference, but since it is now "normal" for this to happen to me, I try not to beat myself up about it. I'm still healthy, active and relatively happy about things, so that is a good start.

We're actually getting into the holiday mode at our house. We have my daughter, son-in-law and grandson coming out for a couple of weeks the latter part of December, and unless we start getting ready now, we won't be ready when they arrive. Not that we're that old and slow, but we both are still working, and have some trips and activities already on the calendar. So, the house isn't the "model home" it usually is, but soon enough all will once again be calm - and decorated with Christmas tree for baby's first Christmas.

The holiday thing is just a bit unsettling for me, as I'm still trying to get used to the fact that it is now fall and that I'd better make sure the snow blower starts rather than worrying about playing outdoors. Well, at least working on the blower is done outdoors. . . if it is nice out.
Enjoying the warm weather here. 60s! In Mn! In November! I bought a kayak and used it twice this week! Some years we'd have a skim of ice by now.

Wishing everyone health healing and good energy to move as you are able.
With weather patterns, I guess one tends to yearn for that which he or she doesn't have in abundance. In MN and Chicago, that would be toasty weather; in South Carolina (at least for me) it is frosty weather. I love to bundle up (sweatshirts/sweatpants and the like) when taking a long walk. Even like walking on the beach on cool days better than warm ones. I suppose, though, if I lived in the Snow Belt, my views might change somewhat. I do miss the crunch of snow underfoot, but if I had to deal with deep snowfalls, my perspective again would be affected.
my son came down with the flu so I've been taking care of his very active 100-pound yellow lab Dasher since Thursday. He's high-energy, high-maintenance. Walked him twice first day and then I needed a hot soaking bath to take some of my aches and pains away -- plus some Tylenol Arthritis. Racked up extra steps on my Vivofit, but the walking is more arduous than my dear old sweet Sadiedog outings were. (Sadly, there will never be another Sadie.) Probably just the butt-kicking I needed, though -- if I were 10 or 20 years younger. Oh well, may have to load him up in car and take him to dog park so he can run some of that energy out -- worry though that it stays muddy, and we've had a lot of rain, and so he'd be a mess returning in the car. Oh well, guess I'll just suck it up and go for another walk. Load up my pockets with small treats if I need to slow him down. He requires at least a mile or two before he will think about doing his business.

I should lose a few pounds out of all this.