Staying the Course -- 10-3-2016

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Now that we are in Hurricane Matthew's Cone of Uncertainty, meaning it it entirely possible it could hit us late this week, I am indeed hoping we can Stay the Course. Weather people just noted a westward drift at 2:30 P.M., which makes us a more likely impact zone than before. To be sure, it could still swerve east and out to sea. But they are talking about possible direct hits in South Carolina as I type this.

So we are not quite in an evacuation zone, but within a mile. Watching nervously -- will it still be a cat4 or will it weaken to around a tolerable (perhaps) 100 mph if it does hit us. Restocked batteries and water today as a start. Now,,,,to add drama, DW has her retinal surgery tomorrow at crack of dawn and then a folo with doc Wednesday early a.m. I don't suppose any evacuations would be ordered by then.....can you tell I am a worrier?

Ironically, we just spent our 50th anniversary week at Ocean Isle, a lovely retreat in NC, just an hour's drive away from here. Marveled at the power of t-storms over the ocean then -- but they are nothing compared to a hurricane.

So will be Staying the Course as best we can!



(Who needs to muster all his superpowers for what may be ahead!)
Glad you have water. Remember being out of power (thus water since we had a well) for 3 days after Gloria, and my parents sent us down to the creek with buckets to get water so we could flush the toilets. Hope it all "blows over" so to speak.
Lots of nervous anticipation looms on your horizon! Aren't you just a wee bit excited by the thought of riding out a hurricane? I believe I would be, but one never knows until it comes to pass. Good luck and best wishes as the week's events unfold!
Thanks for the concern -- sincerely appreciated. We have three evacuation zones here in this part of Myrtle Beach -- A, B, and C. A is oceanfront and several blocks inland (westward) -- that is the zone Governor Haley had designated for an evacuation to start this afternoon; however, she has now postponed it til tomorrow because Matthew may be starting to take a somewhat friendlier course for us; more off the coast. (Much uncertainty still, though). I think the evac of coastal Charleston farther south is starting this afternoon.

Zones B and C are progressively a few miles farther inland. A direct hit from a big 'cane could mean evacs of them. We are just outside Zone C, so we are not in an evacuation zone at all. That doesn't mean we would never leave, but our current intention is to ride this one out. Heard on the radio this morning, we have a 50 percent chance of tropical-storm-force winds and just a 10 percent chance of hurricane-force winds as it now stands. Looks bad for parts of Florida, but as Matthew moves up the coast, it is beginning to look like its interaction with a high-pressure system will nudge it a little more out to sea than expected yesterday.

These storms have a history of taking wild, unexpected turns, however; that is part of what makes them so fascinating.

Cheers...Superbob (who has donned his flying cape, just in case)....
Hang in there, SB! And hang onto Ellie, too! don't let anyone blow away.

We just came back from a trip to DC. My wife was there for a week for work, and my daughter, son-in-law, grandson flew out from MA, I flew out from IL, and we had a big old family get together for a bit. We hadn't seen our grandson for months (he's now 15 months old), and he sure did grow!

Hope everyone's doing well. I'm hanging in there, too, but dealing with some crummy non-heart related medical junk still. Got some months yet to go on it, lots of anxiety there. . .