Staying the Course -- 09-07-2015

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Who was the genius who scheduled our first Staying the Course weigh-in for one of our all-American eating days? Oh that genius would be me.

Well, I'm doing this before the hot dogs and blackberry cobbler later on, so that has to be good; however, I have very uninspiring results. Measuring off my baseline weight taken and recorded August 20, I have exactly . . . no change, not even an ounce. Not up, not down. For some, maintenance could be good, but I really do need to trim 10 for starters. Only good news is that I snuck a peek last week and I was up 5 -- so I did bring that back down. Now I need to make some real progress.

I had suggested a monthly weigh-in, but maybe every Monday would be good -- for me, anyway. In any event, it is all about how each of us decides to proceed -- can do monthly, can do weekly, can not weigh-in at all. Weight is just part of our Staying the Course.

I have really appreciated the info about fitbit, Garmin and activity trackers in general. I am going back and forth about best course for me -- and even whether to try one. I have a hard time walking because of spinal stenosis (but seriously losing weight would make it easier by taking strain off narrowed lower spinal canal). In Sadie's final years, I walked 'cause she wanted to, even though we both struggled. Hard to make the struggle solo. My main fitness exercise right now is riding an exercise bike, and of course it already records mileage, etc.. But maybe if I had a fit device I would be more motivated to make the walking effort. And yeah if I could find a 5-year-old Sadie with her smarts and sweetness, that might be the best course of all. Not quite ready to go searching the rescues yet though...thanks very much for just letting me mull all these things over. I think that is a good part of what we have here.

Hope you all have a very enjoyable Labor Day. We doing a fairly simple family cookout (or maybe cook-in depending on t-storms) -- hot dogs, fresh butterbeans. mac&cheese, cobbler --- I intend to enjoy but try to savor, eat slowly, and pig out less than on some previous holidays.



I went up a lb. to 154.2. Weirdly, I was up around 2:30 a.m. on Monday (let dogs out) and did a weigh-in that showed me at my low of 153.2. About six hours later I was up the lb. Still up this morning so that is what I'm recording.

The good thing about a step tracker (now that I've got mine tracking accurately) is that it prompts me to take an extra walk or two during the day to try and beat the previous day's steps. I walk in our building's parking garage and often talk myself out of going. Last week, however, I went at least once a day. So the device is a bit of a motivater for me and I'll take all the motivation I can get.
I bought some WW scales (I may have mentioned it) and I like them. Not measuring anything but weight but the seem very accurate. I'm down from my baseline and trying to watch my points. Down 7.8 since I started on 8/31. A lot of fluid I'm sure but I'm pleased and trying to "stay the course"...... until next week.... peace out....
That's great, Cooker! And dornole and honeybunny, sounds like you are motivated. As for me, I exercised fairly good restraint at the family eat-a-thon. Only two hot dogs -- and believe me, there was a day I would have wolfed down 3 or 4. A simple serving of the blackberry cobbler, let others finish it off. So feel pretty good about moving forward with this -- believe I will do a weigh-in each Monday -- that adds a little more incentive to exercise some moderation during the (for me) football weekend -- not just with the eating, but working in exercise, instead of just being a total couch potato.
I weighed in at WW on Saturday at 238.4 (down 2.4 from the previous Saturday). I'm 6'2" for reference. I ran my 10th half marathon on Sunday at Disneyland Resort. Doctor said to no faster than an 11:30 pace. I one upped him and ran at 12:33. I was on pace until 11.7 miles in when I had weird beats and trouble breathing, so I slowed drastically. My next (and last for now is scheduled for 11/15 Disney's Avenger's Super Heroes Half Marathon).
Holy Hannah, you must be strong as an ox Dodger fan. Does doc say you can run more if you shed your "backpack" of extra weight? No idea how much a 6'2" guy "should" weigh.

Nice loss! You too Cooker. No jinx. : ) Keep trucking!

Maybe I do need to go back to WW . . .
I bought the scales and am trying to follow the "old" points system as close as possible.... I don't go to the WW meetings.

Two true facts, I am not a Native American and I loathe exercise. But I listen to a talk radio show that features a segment with doctors and testimonies of Native Americans on health and wellness. The overwhelming thread in theses testimonies is the beginning of a walking program... all have started out slow (30 minutes) some have built up the time but some have stayed with 30 minutes. The results was amazing... weight loss and stopping many diseases that are brought on by inactivity and being over weight.....decided to give it a try... Mondays and Tuesdays are out but I will give it my best to walk the other five..... peace out
Hi, gang!

I'm still here, but was out of town for the holiday weekend. You know what THAT can do to a weight management program. . .

I was up in north-central Wisconsin, in Appleton. We ate at a number of local eateries, including one of Wisconsin's legendary Supper Clubs. I wasn't too bad, but I did devour an 8-ounce filet with all the trimmings, including dessert. Those places are a treat - simple, unpretentious, usually really good food at reasonable prices. Good fun. I didn't weigh in on Monday because I was away from my scale, but I will jot down next Monday's number and track from there. I'm currently at a "low" period in weight, as we are nearing the end of summer, when I am most active. The goal is to establish a new baseline and maintain over the winter. Time will tell.

BTW, Cooker, walking is one of my primary sources of exercise, now that my knew have quit running. I just try to find time to get out for a couple of walks a day, weather permitting. Not sure what I can do over the worst part of winter, though.
I was 188.7 the last time I weighed myself, down a few lbs from where I was over the summer at roughly 192.5. Currently I am really being strict about my low carb and small portions diet. Dinners are no more than a salad and an avocado half. I allow myself a couple of chocolates at lunch and dinner. Breakfast is a small portion of Oatmeal. Fruit is OK as a snack in the morning. Lunch must contain veggies. Superbob, I am am actively looking for another dog. Since we have a five year old cat I'm prepared to start again with a puppy to make it easier on the cat even though I have some doubts that is the right thing to do at my age (66.5). But I don;t think you can lead your life like chicken little worrying about how long you will live. That's just not healthy. What is healthy for me is the quality time I spend with my pets and the hours daily I used to spend with my dog. I miss that dearly. Here's a photo of me and Dan on board the Royal Princess in Edinburgh, Scotland. I finally bought my kilt after wanting one for years. I had to go to a kiltmaker to get the extra long size that I needed.

The kilt is a good look, Jim!

Best of luck in your search for a new dog. Rarely a minute goes by that I don't think about Sadie, so I will probably join in a search too at some point. But not quite ready yet.

Glad so many folks are staying active. I've been pretty busy around the house but also have been working in a brisk ride on the exercise bike, too.
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Dornole, i'm not that strong. LOL. Doctors cut my distance due to my AVA hitting 1.1 cm on my last echo on 4/30. The max normal weight on the old BMI chart is 195. Which I have hit twice since 2006. Somehow I always convince myself I'm one of those people who can eat what they want with no consequence after being skinny for a while.
Cooker;n858206 said:
I bought the scales and am trying to follow the "old" points system as close as possible.... I don't go to the WW meetings.

Two true facts, I am not a Native American and I loathe exercise. But I listen to a talk radio show that features a segment with doctors and testimonies of Native Americans on health and wellness. The overwhelming thread in theses testimonies is the beginning of a walking program... all have started out slow (30 minutes) some have built up the time but some have stayed with 30 minutes. The results was amazing... weight loss and stopping many diseases that are brought on by inactivity and being over weight.....decided to give it a try... Mondays and Tuesdays are out but I will give it my best to walk the other five..... peace out

Cooker -- that's fascinating. Is that talk radio show featuring fitness with a Native American twist syndicated? Was wondering if I might find it on local radio or maybe even online. Looking for motivation wherever I can find it.
SB - My motivation was that my clothes didn't fit right any more, and I'm too cheap to buy all new ones. . .

In my case, I guess it is also the "personal history" thing. I was always thin/skinny, until my late 50's, when my valve started to go. I came out of army basic training in 1970 weighing all of 145 lbs., which was a personal maximum for me at the time. Fast forward to about 18 months ago and I was up over 170 lbs. I just didn't feel right. Way too heavy for my modest height (around 5'8"). I've been working over the past year and a half, and am now back to around my target weight of 155 lbs., and it feels so much better.

I feel lucky, though, that I didn't get so heavy that there was no way to lose enough weight to feel right. It sure doesn't get any easier as we get older. . .
You sure are right about losing weight not becoming easier as we get older, Steve.

The only time I really enjoy shopping for clothes is when I discover I can fit comfortably into a size smaller than I had been weighing. Hopefully, I will have that pleasure again some day.

Football season is in full swing now! Just went to workout room, so I can now retreat to the recliner without guilt.

Cheers to all!