Staying the Course -- 08--15--2016

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
(WHOA! I accidentally doubled up on this week's Staying the Court thread. Maybe Hank can zap the extra one if he sees this)...

Staying a very hot course right now -- wow! Well, of course it is August. Looking back at previous Augusts, I was whining about the hot weather then, too. The older I get, the less I am a fan of July/August weather.

Ellie and I managed to make our dawgwalk this morning, though I got started late and it was 100F when we got going. WooWEE, I felt queasy. Hydrated and was okay. Have to watch it, though. Y'all be careful, too!

Going for surgery on my other eye mid-week. If it goes as well as the first one, I might be able to use NON-prescription sunglasses on these torrid days. And maybe just reading glasses otherwise. That would be amazing. Worn glasses since the third grade.

Loved a walk we took last Friday when a gentle mist was falling the whole time. Would love to have more of that. Heck, a torrent would be fine, too.

Hope all are well. Loved hearing from Cooker last week -- if other old friends are hanging around, don't be shy, jump right in. For that matter, newcomers are most welcome, too. We are folks just staying the course, keep track of our fitness quests and weight, reporting on it sometimes...chatting about whatever life brings along.


I don't know how you did that 100 degree walk, SB. Man! I'm still not used to the weeks of 96-105 (107 last Friday, sheesh!) after living north for so many years. Hope 2nd cataract surgery goes equally well. It should!

My weight is ok. But I keep having unsettling and bumpy things happen in my journey toward surgery and then falling off the exercise wagon. I was last at the little gym Friday. It's closed on the weekend and I did 3 fast (for me) mall miles Saturday. But no walkies Sunday & today.
I've been trying to eat better, stocking up on premade salads and bringing them to work. One week of that and not a hint of a weight change, but I'll keep going with the plan.

Good luck with the other eye, SB~
I premade five days of all three meals and snacks for myself last week (using a 1200-1500 calorie plan I found online) and that worked well for me. It made the lazy (and frugal - I hate wasting food) course the easy course and I was able to stick to that even if low on energy. I only need to summon energy to make healthy choices once that way instead of every time I get hungry. I also went to two exercise classes and walked more. I have another 5-day menu and ill get to the store today or tomorrow and make a new set.
t'was the night before surgery --- always a few butterflies. Knowing all the procedures they will go through with you in the morning. No it ain't heart surgery though. Still....

I love the idea of carefully prepared snacks and meals, honeybunny and dornole. Mine tend to be slapdash but your way is better...andyou'll be back n the exercise wagon I'm sure, Catie...

best to all..... Stay the Course.
Had a routine check up with my cardio yesterday at 18 months post op. Everything is fine. I see him again in sex months. Found out that my wonderful surgeon has moved on to another facility...he is a rising star in the OHS world. It's been extremely hot here in t eh Northeast. Staying the course. Best wishes to all.
Hi SB, Good luck on the other eye surgery. It has to fee great to be able to see without RX glasses, except to read. Like you, I had glasses since age 4, except when I broke them and could not afford to get them replaced for awhile. My cataracts are not bad enough to have surgery yet, but it is in my future. To not have to ware glasses is a dream. Best to you and hope you pick out the coolest of sunglasses.