Staying the Course -- 07-19-2016

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Opening a new Staying the Course week -- greetings to all.

Steve wins the gold medal for persevering through the pacemaker retooling and keeping us informed about it -- here and on Heart Talk. So glad that he is doing well. And Steve, I do a lot of waiting in the A-C in trying to find a decent break in the heat suitable for walking. It is not easy here this time of year -- I know my walking is down from what it was last winter and spring. My weight is probably creeping up -- got to get a handle on that. Needless to say, I am looking forward to cool, crisp fall.

Latest on my health front: I will have a pre-surgery exam and consultation next week (a 3-hour appointment, I'm told) -- long-needed surgery to fix a cataract is on the agenda. Getting more problematic to drive after dark -- double and tripe vision and all that. Complicating factor is my eye doc says that absolutely the best surgeon is in another city, one Carolina to the north. So logistics come into play -- my wife is no longer able to drive, so may have to enlist another family member -- or maybe one can drive the next day, but I very much doubt it. Anyway, should find out what I need to do at the consultation next week. Kind of unsettling to have yet another surgery but when you are blessed to live as long as I have, that comes with the territory, I reckon. (And who would want to go to a local surgeon when a superior one is up the road a few hours?)

Okay, still hot and humid as all get-out -- with pop-up thunderstorms (a temporary blessing) an almost daily occurrence. August still to come. Olympics might be fun to watch -- praying they will be safe, along with life in general, all aspects, everyone, everywhere -- we are living in troubled times. But will not go into all that further here. Just hoping/praying for healing and peace.

All best to all y'all who are Staying the Course. Looking forward to hearing from you when you have a minute.


Hey, SB - I know how you feel. I took a shortened walk at around 7 AM today, before the temps really got up there. Now, at 3 PM, it is 87 degrees, and will probably climb a bit more yet. Bummer, as I wanted to add a mile or two yet today. I'm trying to keep to at least 4 miles a day, while I'm restricted from driving to the gym. Once I can drive, I can get to my health club and at least walk on the indoor track, where it isn't as hot or humid. Maybe next week.

Today is post-op day 6, and I can feel progress daily. Much less shoulder discomfort today - only took the Tylenol first thing in the AM, not since. Energy is OK, still too early to push it, as I remember every time we changed my pacemaker settings it took a week or two to get used to the changes.

Wishing you all the best on the cataract surgery. My wife had both eyes done about 5 years ago. I remember that for her it was much more annoying/aggravating than painful - with all the drops to put in her eye every so many hours. Her recovery went well and smoothly, though, and now she wonders why she waited so long. I sort of envy her, in that she can now buy her sunglasses "off the rack" rather than having to spend big bucks for prescription lenses like mine.

I'm just hanging around this afternoon. Tomorrow AM I go for my 1-week post-op checkup. I'll know more about what's to come after that.
Hard to type. I'm surrounded by dogs wanting to be petted.

Based on what I've been told by folks who had cataract surgery you shouldn't have any problems.

Have you considered Uber for transportation or is it too far? I've not used them but friends have.

As for me, I can't seem to stop eating 😔
SB, everyone I've talked with over the years loved their new & improved vision after cataract surgery. Trusting you will, too.

Steve, I relate about the heat. Yikes! Good to hear you're feeling better and better and squeezing in walks as you're able.

Honeybunny, sorry your appetite's running high these days.

Yesterday two indoor miles, 30 min on elliptical, 15 min swimming.

Today one outdoor mile, 30 min on elliptical, 30 minutes swimming. Not as much as I wanted, but still something. Today had to keep slowing myself on elliptical as HR was higher than cardiologist wants. Stress, I think.
Hey, everyone! I'm back from my one-week post-op check and all is well! (Of course, I knew it was - it just felt right to me.) I'm off work for a few days to regain some more strength and flexibility, then back to the office part-time next Monday.

In going to the device clinic at Northwestern, I decided I would be "good" and not drive until I was actually told I could. So, I walked to the train and took the train downtown. In doing that, I have already walked about 4 miles today - from home to the train, train to the hospital, hospital to train and back home. It is HOT now, so I won't go back out walking until maybe this evening when the sun goes down. If I go out during the day, it will be in the air conditioned car.

Staying the course - one step at a time.
Glad for your good report and that the weather allowed for outdoor walking.

This business of slowing down on the elliptical to lower my HR didn't work so well today. I left the gym limping on my L leg, since it seems to take more oomph to do the motions slowly than to get a faster momentum. May need to stay off that machine a few days. I never seem to notice muscle strain till it's occurred.
Hi folks, This will be short and cryptic for it is late. First weight: I broke under the 180 barrier to weigh in at 179.2. Two days, and one apple pie later, I'm back over 180. Bummer!

Heart rate: last months of monitoring my heart rate and blood pressure provides interesting data and raises more questions: my resting hr varies from 35 to 50. Me thinks that is too low. My peak hr is between 125 - 140 with anything over 130 being too much. Chinese food (msg?) can kick my hr up 30 points. My blood pressure is all over the place: 112/64 to 145/90. After of two hours of strenuous grass cutting my bp dropped 10 points. That is not a good sign based on my limited research.

My 3 month Cardiologist visit is tomorrow. I do have a LOT of questions.

I'll write a new post once I sort all this out and have some time.
Catie - Have you figured out the adjustments on your elliptical machine? The ones at my fitness center have two adjustments -- one for resistance and one for effective incline. Try setting it for less resistance - maybe than you will be able to work enough to hit target heart rate without too much stress.
Fred, I hope you get some good answers about these variances.

Steve, thanks for that suggestion. I go to a small gym at the senior center close by, and I've found the elliptical difficult even at it's lowest setting so I don't move it up. It resets between users to "1". Leg's really sore and I had to be homebound anyway today to watch allergic dog for possible reaction to vaccine. Wishing cardiologist hadn't asked me to tweak things as they were going well before.
Enjoyed following the discussions this week. Daughter is visiting from Tennessee this week; celebrating granddaughter's 18th birthday with a new car -- she's got to pass the driver's test and get her license.

That's all joy -- on fitness side, did a junk food binge yesterday. Potato chips, hot dogs, cake -- bad, bad, bad. Think I need to find a way to dawgwalk twice today if possible.

Cheers all.
Well, SB, I hope your weather is more walk-friendly than mine. I did get out for a 2-mile walk at around 7 AM today, but by the time I came back, my shirt was wet with perspiration. It is now just before 2 PM, and it is about 93 degrees with high humidity. . . again. This stinks. Here I was home all week, and couldn't catch up at all on my missed exercise. Just too danged hot. Well, I go back to work (part-time) next week, and will try to get to the air-conditioned fitness center a few days to begin to get back on track. I do plan to go back into it gradually, but I don't want to drag it out too long.

Stay cool, everyone! Stay hydrated, too.
SB, cake would be my undoing, if I had any at home. Hope you're having a ball with your daughter and granddaughter!

No coolness here, except A/C. Like a blast furnace during the day, especially starting the car!

Steve, bet you'll be happy to see the fitness center again.

Three indoor miles. Zero elliptical, lol. L leg still sore.
No exercise here, today. 4 PM and it is 93 degrees, and "wet-blanket" humidity. I think I'll just stay inside a bit. . .

Oh, I did pressure-wash the garage floor this morning. I was as wet as the floor was - and not from over-spray. It was so humid I could just stand there and start dripping sweat. As the Great Snoopy said. . . "BLEECCCH!"
That sounds like a serious chore in the humid heat, Steve. Whew!

3 indoor miles. Dodged lots of people during laps around the mall.
FredW;n866629 said:
Loosing weight, foe me, will be on the back burner. My goal today is to get tubes out and escape from ICU.

a worthy goal

then the catheter

Personally I'm amazed that your posting from ICU ... I was totally ratshit till I got back on the ward
No kidding, Fred. I'm impressed, too. Hope that escape comes soon. Speedy healing to you!