Staying the Course -- 05-30-2016

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Hope everyone is having a good Monday -- and in the USA, a good Memorial Day, in remembrance of those men and women of the armed services who made the supreme sacrifice in wartime.

We are having a very simple family cookout --- most of the fam has been battling various minor but yuckky ailments, so we are keeping it low-key.

In the morning I have to take poor Ellie Mae to be spayed. When I rescued her from shelter, they said she had been spayed, but then surprise, surprise, she went into heat -- turns out she hasn't been spayed -- I'm sure it was just an honest mistake on their part. They work hard to rescue dogs and cats from bad situations. She's 7 years old, but the vets says it is still important to be done because of health problems that otherwise can develop in old age.

I am competing middle of the pack in my Garmin step tracker, not too bad for an old-timer. People from all over world are in various weekly competition groupings -- it provides a little extra motivation. I logged about 55,000 steps last week.

Guess Ellie will need some recovery time after tomorrow's surgery -- hope she comes through without complications.

Best to all,


Just realized I didn't follow up re my wife and cardiologist -- she loved the cardio (its the one I go to regularly; very caring doctor). Nothing definitive but she will have an echo and follow-up....
Hey, SB - Thanks for the update on your wife. I hope that things stay stable and smooth for her.

We, too, had a relatively low-key holiday weekend. After being away for a couple of weeks earlier in the month, we had a lot of "past-due" chores to do in the house. The weather was supposed to be rainy, but remained beautiful, so the time we spent outdoors was really enjoyable.

I'm just hanging around, weight-wise. Can't seem to shake off any of my winter weight yet, but I really haven't been able to ramp up my exercise for summer yet. Hopefully within the next week or so I can. Of course, my work schedule isn't going to help that any. Being just back from vacation, I'm still behind on some routine work tasks, but by the time I get caught up, I'll be in the busy period of my business year. It will be manageable, but it won't leave much time to "smell the roses."

Sending good health wishes to you, your wife and Ellie Mae.
Yes, SB, thanks for the update on your DW.

Poor Ellie girl. But not to worry; females bounce back quickly, regardless of the species :)

I got caught in the storm that went through Texas on Friday, the one in which several people lost their lives. Took me four hours to complete what is normally a 1-1/2 hour drive, but I made it safe and sound, and that's what is important. Had a busy rest of the weekend also with my 13-year-old granddaughter. I don't get to spend as much time with her as I do my other grands, so I enjoyed our time together.

Finally, a big shout-out to all those who serve in our military. My older brother is a Viet Nam vet and he has a multitude of health issues resulting from his time in the jungle and exposure to Agent Orange. God bless him and all those who gave their lives so I might live in freedom.