Staying the Course -- 05-29-2017

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Just a quick opener for Memorial Day -- hope one and all are having a good holiday on which we remember the men and women of the armed services who have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect us as we live in freedom.

Sorry to leave Steve hanging out there as the last poster of last week for so long. Got distracted and didn't get back to the thread. Appreciate Steve's observations always, and the rest of our merry crew as well.

Our granddaughter will be graduating from a local high school Wednesday. She moved here a few years ago to take advantage of opportunity here -- so it is a big accomplishment and we are proud of her. She will be moving in with a girlfriend to share college housing while working this summer and then starting tech college and probably four-year university afterwards.

I ordered a funny t-shirt for my exercise class that says "Planking is the answer ....Why Worry About the Question?," but in the pix on Amazon the printing of letters looked subdued. On the actual, they are huge -- and I'm not sure I want to wear it..and be that showoff. Might offer it to my teacher (whom I call "Plank Boss") to give to her husband, or to someone in one of her classes who planks superbly and deserves a reward.

So ... hot, humid, chance of a fierce storm or two brewing up each day -- typical South Carolina summer days, only it's not quite summer yet. Thursday officially begins hurricane season, so need to start thinking about emergency kit and all that.

Well have a safe and happy rest of the day... and of course...



No problem about ending last week's thread, SB. Somebody's got to do it!

I don't wear the T-shirt, but I have added planks to my morning exercise/weight routine. I felt that I needed to tighten up my abdominal muscles, but due to a past abdominal hernia repair and some chronic back issues, I am not comfortable doing sit-ups. Planks seem to help, without the risk of aggravating previous injuries. Whether planks work or not. . . it is too early to tell.

We're still hanging around there. Beautiful weather for the holiday weekend, even though the forecast called for frequent rain, it hardly dripped a drop. That's the good news. The bad news is that even for the first week or so of June, the temps will struggle to get to 70, the clouds will stay and we have significant chance of rain nearly every day. The weather service says that this year we had one of the wettest spring seasons in 150 years, and it shows no signs of drying out yet. Very disappointing. I had some outdoor activities in mind for next weekend, but so far the forecast is for clouds and possible rain, with temps in the mid-60's. I hope it doesn't stay that way all summer.

Other than that, we're busy at home. We have a lot to do before my wife heads out East for the birth of our second grandson. She will be there for a few weeks, then home for a few. Then she will go back East to bring the whole brood here for a month or so during the summer. Expecting a madhouse, but hopefully a joyous one at that.

Hope everyone is doing well and that they had a great holiday weekend.

Stayin' the Course. . .
Hey SB, Steve

beautiful 4-day weekend for me. Did yard work, cleaned, cleared out some things, did a lot of reading, even got in a nap. Basically both a productive and restful holiday. Chatted with my big brother thanking him for his service in Vietnam Nam.

I also signed up for a line line dance class at a local small fitness center and had my first 1-1/2 session Thursday night. Did some sweating because I'm out of shape and had a good time. I'm going to try and go every Thursday because that's my Friday so I can stay up past my bedtime. It's constant movement, low impact, and I love to dance, so perfect for me. I just need to make myself go. Normally once I'm home I stay there, but I'm going to give it my best shot. It's probably also good for my aging brain. Lots of steps to learn.

Got my pickup out of the body shop today and I swear it looks brand new. So I'm a happy clam this evening.

One beef though. A local realtor stuck a small plastic flag with her contact info in my yard. I hate when people do that. I have no use for the flag and can't just throw it out. Very annoying.

Stay at the course!
HB - Agreed that you can't just bin the flag, but look up the ways in which you can dispose of a soiled flag. We used to have a Veterans of Foreign Wars post nearby, and they had a retired mailbox out in front of their lodge, just so people could deposit soiled flags for the post to dispose of properly. If all else fails, I think I remember that burning is actually an approved means of disposal, but I don't know for sure what special observances may apply.

I hate all sorts of "leave-behinds." If a business leaves a circular or card in my mailbox (actually illegal, but they do it anyway) or under my wiper on the car, I choose NOT to patronize that business. If they have to come to me begging for my business, they probably aren't that good anyway.
Steve, I recall something about burning also. I will look it up. Or maybe I can mail it back to the offending party. And I have the same sentiments regarding flyers/business cards left at my residence as well as popup ads I see when I' reading my local news online. If you annoy me, I want nothing to do with you.

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