Staying the Course -- 05-01-2017

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
First day of May -- wow! We enter the month famed for bringing flowers after the April showers. Hope we can get outdoors and enjoy all that Nature has to offer. Reminder to self: Got to get to Brookgreen Gardens very soon; one of most graceful slices of Nature combined with art and history anywhere.

Weather is usually a good starting point here. It is always changing (obviously) and it varies greatly from one STC location to another (obviously). We have had a spell of unseasonably warm and humid weather -- was still humid this morning on our dawg walk, but the wind was blowing briskly, bringing some relief, and spectacular sight of puffy clouds skittering along rather rapidly. All this presages some likely thunderstorms overnight, and then a blessed drop in humidity for a few days, followed by some scattered showers toward end of week. We can use the rain -- has been rather dry the past month.

Just now I am hearing heavy-duty jet planes in the background. Used to be a big Air Force base here, but not now. Been hearing the jets the past 3-4 days. Wonder if anything is stirring. Hope and pray for peaceful solutions to world's problems.

Exercise: I have been busy meeting my work quota for April, but no excuse today for not trying the at-home senior exercises my sweet instructor/trainer personally provided me -- at my request, believe it or not. I will do some right after I finish writing this STC week's starter. If I don't, I will be on a guilt trip -- and no points are awarded for those. They don't show up on my step-tracker.

My son, who loves deep-sea fishing, brought us back a ton of fish right out of the Atlantic, and we have a second night of those on tap tonight. Had some snapper, sea bass, and "trigger fish," which I'd never heard of before but my son advises is highly prized because can only be caught way out in the deep. He hooked a shark too, but didn't keep.

Okay, I am rambling now....hope you all have a happy May Day followed by a good month of May as a whole. Usually May does not reach the torrid levels of July and August....and hurricane season does not start 'til June 1. (Some folks around these parts are still struggling to recover from Hurricane Matthew.)....

Cheers all,

Happy May Day, SB! I live Ellington AFB but have not heard any increased activity. Like you, I want all these world issues resolved. Not going to get into the politics of the thing. You know how I feel about our fearless (or should I say feckless) leader.

This is my fourth week back at work. The few precious pounds I lost while on leave for 9 weeks have returned. I know I'm retaining fluid. I have an app that I set to remind me to stand every 30 minutes. I set it to prompt (in text) "Get off your ass!". That helps quite a bit, surprisingly.

Other than that, I am Staying the Course!
Happy Tuesday, everyone! We made it past Monday. Whew. The older I get, the more I dislike Mondays. IIRC, it was that way when I was much younger, too. I guess mid-life numbs the mind.

I'll take off my philosopher hat now. We don't have spring weather any more. It is back to late winter here, with just days and days of rain with cold winds to go with it. Temps in the 40's to low 50's with the rain being blown sideways don't feel like spring. I don't want to feel them at all. This weather sure puts a damper on my walking efforts.

Other than that, I think I'm finally beginning to feel back to "normal" after last fall and winter's non-heart related medical shenanigans. My innards are finally beginning to behave again after months of random gas, cramps, pains and all sorts of other mean, nasty, ugly stuff. They told me it "usually" goes away, but they couldn't say when to expect relief. I'll happily take it as it is, and now the worst of the medical issues seems to be ongoing arthritis pain in my back and joints. This is still bearable, and when it flares, over-the-counter meds can control it.

So, all-in-all, life is good. Just stayin' the course. . .
Some days seem harder than others to stay the course. When I got out of bed this morning, my back was really stiff and sore. Maybe I slept in an awkward position. Anyway my spinal stenosis was kicking my butt. Managed to make it out with the dawg for a walk, which wasn't really enjoyable but got it done. Then went to the one-hour exercise class -- was glad I did. We exercised muscles and such I didn't even know I had. Tired tonight, sure, but glad I went. Pleasantly fatigued but no longer feel that tightness I felt this morning. Guess my moral is that you sometimes just have to fight through pain to stay the course.

Stay the Course!
I am late to the party this week! I love the month of May so even though we are surrounded by rising floodwaters and almost continual rain, I am a happy camper. We bought a new SUV to pull hubby's sailboat; now all he needs to do is finish the repairs so we can haul it to Wisconsin and start enjoying it.Neither one of us has any sailing experience but we don't intend to let that stand in our way! Bob's brother does sail so we plan to learn from him. It has been a crazy venture, but we're following the "you only live once" school of thought. Wishing everyone a good weekend.

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