Staying the Course -- 04-25-2016

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Whoa, sorry I didn't tend to the Course Staying page the last half of the week.

So happy new week!

As I described in my blog, Ellie and frequent visitor Dasher have made peace after she bit his ear the first week she was in her new home. Now they are good buds. You can find the story at if you'd like to read more.

Temps are heating up a bit so we have started seeking the most tree-shaded route.

My grandson's Little League team (the Cardinals of course) are undefeated and he's started pitching and loves it. (Pitching put his dad through college, so who knows? Anyway, what's important at this age is just to learn the game and have fun. His dad is the team's coach, and he is a great one -- patient, positive, and a good teacher)

Staying busy with all sorts of things -- trying not to be depressed by politics (which we wisely avoid here on this site, so that's all I'm saying about that)...

Oh weight .... I seem to have hit a plateau at minus-16 since early January. That's okay 'cause I haven't regained any. If I keep walking and avoid junk food pretty much, I am confident I can lose more.

Would love to hear from any or all of our STCers or newcomers here.... what's going on with life in general, weather, family fun, challenges, weight, anything you'd like to bring up.


I'm still here, and still holding within a range of +/- 1 or 2 pounds for some time now. At least our weather is starting to warm up, so we can get out to walk more, wash the cars, etc.

My DW and I walked about 5 miles yesterday - from our neighborhood into the next suburb to do a bit of shopping. It was really nice out - mid 70's and sunny/breezy. Since we didn't have any chores we needed to do, we walked instead of taking the car. It felt really good - and we both slept well last night.

Cheers to all!
Now that the snow is gone, my son and I are out and about. We played some tennis, soccer and rode bikes today. Our soccer season is winding down, only two weeks left. We tied last Saturday, but he didn't show much of an effort. (Not good for me to see as his coach). We'll try and practice more this week so that he can improve during these last few games. I'm really fortunate to have him to pal around with. We have such a blast that it doesn't even feel like exercise. Chasing an 8 year old should pay off quite handsomely in my weight loss journey. More of the same tomorrow, maybe even hit the driving range before practice. Glad to read all of your posts too. I'm staying the course. And I've even managed to keep checking in here too. I'm happy to be an active participant again. Stay the course...
After my good weather report the other day from London, we now have snow ! That is really rare for us this time of year:
And I'm not going to France after all as I injured my foot the other week which means I can't do the walks we love doing there. So we've postponed our trip. I'm getting terrific physiotherapy I'm glad to say though. I need it as I have a stress echo in two weeks time so must be okay for the treadmill - cardiologist wants to know why I have had mild left ventricular hypertrophy ever since six weeks post op. I want to know why too ! No hypertrophy at all pre-op or immediately post op.
Happy new week to all. I have an echo today and meet my surgeon for the one year out check up. I'm feeling fine so I don't expect any surprises. I did pick up a few lbs on our recent cruise ship vacation, unfortunately. I was very active during the trip and very hungry at meal times so I fell of the wagon and ate things I usually don't like bread, etc. So now I have to get back on track with my usual healthy low-carb eating. - JIm
Anne - I sure hope you're going to be better soon. Hate to have to re-schedule all your holidays.

Speaking of holidays. . . are you kidding about that weather? We may be heading to that part of the world soon, but we weren't planning on taking our winter coats, gloves, scarves, etc. England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales are on our route. Should we pack for heavy winter?
Hi Steve - I'm not kidding about the weather. Everyone is complaining ! We have the central heating on as it's so cold - ridiculous for the end of April. However, next week it's going to get warmer, apparently. No need to bring winter coats, gloes or scarves, but do pack a warm sweater or cardigan just in case. But you could always buy something nice in Ireland, they do wonderful knitware.

It's not really a problem rescheduling our holidays. The house in France is always there and we were amazed that the Shuttle didn't charge an amendment fee when we changed the booking. We're going for September which is (usually) always beautiful in France. And some lovely friends invited us to spend a few days with them in Wiltshire and in Dorset - just hope it's warmer as the forecast says ! My foot is improving with the wonderful physiotherapist's work :)