Staying the Course -- 04/18/2016

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
So Staying the Course begins on Tax Day. Well, the good thing is that we will have this day in our rear-view mirrors after midnight tonight. Because Friday was celebrated as Emancipation Day in D.C., the federal tax-filing deadline was pushed back to today. No kidding.

Anyway, I feel lighter today, and not just because of rendering unto Caesar what Caesar says is his.

I am down another pound since I last reported -- total loss now 16.5. Bouquets of doggie treats to the rescue dawg who has rescued me from my slothful ways. Just wondering how Ellie and I are going to keep up two-a-days when the heat index hits 110 or even 115 as can happen here in the subtropics. May have to become less of a night owl and walk before dawn. And then again after sunset. In addition, I am looking forward to putting my aqua therapy lessons to work in the community pool in between.

Hope this week will go well for all of you. Love to hear from all of you if you have a few minutes.


I'm still waiting for spring here in Chicago. I just don't trust the weather yet. The weekend was beautiful, and since my DW was busy volunteering with a friend, I had time to take a couple of 2+ mile walks in the 75 degree sunshine. Yesterday again was beautiful, but I couldn't get outside all day. I was "locked up" with a systems consultant and didn't even get outside for lunch. I did get to take a good long walk (about 4 miles) around dinnertime, but by then it was beginning to cloud up again. They are predicting rain for 7 of the next 8 days. That's springtime in Chicago. . .

It could be worse, though. I still remember the snowstorm on April 1, 2003 (or was that 2004?), when we had 24 inches of wet, heavy snow. I left work at 5:00 PM and started driving home. By 2:00 AM, I was still a block from home and had "parked" my car in a snowdrift in a parking lot near home. That 9-hour drive covered just 5 miles. That's springtime in Chicago. . .

These thoughts sound like they should be the basis for a folk song, but it would have to be written by Steve Goodman, and he's gone now.
Awful wet here in Houston. I live SE from city center and when I left my house at 5:00 a.m. to head to work across town there was a mere drizzle only. Fast forward 40 or so minutes and our van pool was passing stalled cars. Not long after I made it in, an email alert went out saying all streets around our office buildings were flooded and the offices closed. Didn't help me and my co-riders because we couldn't go anywhere! We boogied when the rain slowed and flood waters had somewhat receded around 2:00 p.m. Made it home safe and sound, and had no flooding around my home.

I've gone through a few hurricanes and had tornadoes pass overhead, but I've been very fortunate to never had to deal with high water in my house. And some folks around here have had multiple floodings. I just can't imagine going through that all by myself.
I am prompted by your weather reports to give one for here: London UK. Today it has been beautifully sunny with mostlly blue skies and just over 16 C ( 60 F). No wind so it felt lovely and warm in the sun. On the whole we've been having damp and cool weather here, very cold at nights, even almost a frost the other night, but everything is growing qucikly in the garden.

I injured my foot last week so we have postponed our holiday to France……. Having lots of physiotherapy though from a really fantastic holistic physiotherapist so I'm happy :) Especially as I bought DVD of Star Wars Force Awakens yesterday and watched it last night. Missed it in the cinema. Fantastic film :)
Honeybunny -- stay safe! Been seeing some of media reports on Texas flooding -- terrible! Hope your home continues to avoid the flooding. In last October's Superstorm in South Carolina, a neighboring subdivision experienced flooding, and our neighborhood road was temporarily blocked by an overflowing pond. It's scary stuff. We're not technically in a flood zone but I shell out for flood insurance anyway because having experienced 32 inches of rain overnight from the remnants of Hurricane Camille in the mountains of Virginia way back in 1969, I know that flooding can happen anywhere.

So hope conditions improve in your part of the country soon.
We had another nice snowstorm blow through here in Denver last weekend. It put a damper on my new exercise routine. We've had two significant snow storms here in the past few weeks. It's really screwed up our soccer season. I coach my son's team and we have had three games and four practices canceled already. It's been crazy. I've also been chomping at the bit to hit the links and lose several golf balls. No luck on that front so far. This snow should be melted away by Friday (fingers crossed) so we should be able to play our game Saturday. Next week looks like a chance of rain nearly every day. At least I won't be in a rush to get my sprinklers ready.

honeybunny;n864705 said:
May I come live with you, Anne?
Well it's beautiful and sunny here again this morning - but the weather forecaster says it's all due to change this weekend with "arctic" blasts ! I'm sure it's not going to be extreme like you have though - hope your weather improves !
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Golf, Minnesota style


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