Staying the Course -- 04/11/2016

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Well, I think we are a minute or two into Tuesday as I start this week's thread. Maybe I should make Tuesday the regular start day because my Mondays seem to be plumb super-manic every week.

Today I walked Ellie (of course), then attended a Mended Hearts meeting, then took my DW to a doctor's follow-up of her recent surgery, then got us a quick dinner, then watched a quick inning of the Cardinals' home-opener on MLB-tv, then took DW in a wheelchair to my grandson's Little League game (where we watched his Cardinals win a thrilling 4-3 walk-off -- one of best-played Little League games I've ever seen --- much better fielding than the Braves and Cardinals displayed in Atlanta over the weekend).

And now I am here trying to get caught up on work. After walking Ellie a second time of course.

So I am staying the course as best I can and I hope all of you all are as well. I look forward to hearing from one and all if you have a few minutes tor check in!


You're having way too much fun, SB! Glad your DW is able to get out and about. How is she doing overall? Any predictions as to when she'll be out of the wheelchair?

I spent two hours on Sunday cleaning and felt very satisfied and productive when I was done. During the winter months, when the weather is dismal, I become lethargic. Now that the beautiful weather is here I am catching up on my to-do list and it feels good.

Stay the course, big guy, and so will I.
I envy you your beautiful weather, honeybunny! We are just now seeing the sun, after what seems like weeks of grey skies, clouds, wind and rain. Last week, in one morning, we had sun, clouds, rain, snow, sleet, hail and wind. I was just waiting for the hurricane to complete the palette. Transitional seasons here are often the pits. If this year is anything like the past two years, we will have a few days of real spring in mid-to late May, then into full-on summer for a while. I can't wait for summer, though, as I'm much more energetic and happier then.

I'm still watching my weight, but it isn't going anywhere fast. I'm down about a pound over the past month, but at least I don't seem to be gaining any more.

SB - it sounds like you really are a busy guy. I'm still working every day, so I won't get really busy until I finally retire (whenever that is). A couple of my high school buddies are already retired, and both of them say that they are so busy now that they don't know how they ever had time to work.
Thanks HB and Steve -- just to clarify, DW is not in a wheelchair regularly. Walks mostly with a cane. We do wheel when go to grandkids' games and sometimes at the mall.

Hope all are doing well. Had scare with Ellie -- she was gagging off and on all night. Was afraid she had an obstruction. But vet says it is kennel cough -- gave her some meds. First, though, they tried putting her in isolation quarters. No way! She got up on those long legs and opened the door -- jailbreak. Vet's comment" "She is one smart dog!" (We finally have our fenced backyard so maybe that curbs her wanderlust a little at home. Still have to watch the front door, though. )
skeptic49;n864581 said:
Just got back from a vacation in LA and French Polynesia. I've logged 17 scuba dives this year including eight ion the Caribbean; two in Catalina Island; and seven in French Polynesia: Tahiti; Bora Bora; Rangiroa and Moorea. So I think I can safely say that I'm recovered from OHS!

Wow, Jim, and here I thought I was doing a lot walking my crazy dog twice a day and trying to keep up with the grandkids! So glad you were able to enjoy that great adventure, and welcome back!