Staying the Course -- 02/05/2018

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Life goes on after the Superduper Bowl....for me, that means getting one of those fancy round batteries and powering up my Weight Watchers scales. We had an all-American spread of yummy eats yesterday -- homemade chili, hot dogs with the works, chips and dip, and miniature round cheesecakes with cherry pie filling on top... yeah, fun, fun, fun, but I can feel the waist expansion! Okay we all need our splurges from time to time, I guess, but this is also my wake-up call that I need regular weigh-ins -- at home, not just waiting for docs' scales.

Okay, hope y'all are doing well -- look forward to hearing how you are staying your courses.


Okay, guys, doing this as a reply to myself because, you know, edits sometimes vaporize unexpectedly. So I got the lithium battery and got my WW scales working again. Now, unlike so many others here, I weigh in about like an NFL lineman (sure wish I was at their pay level, too) so I am a little sensitive about posting my actual weight. However, I have a "baseline" from weighing just now (and it wasn't as terrible as I thought it might be) -- and I am going to set an initial goal of losing 6.4 pounds from what I see there today. Will report on progress each Monday. Once I reach that goal, I will set a new one. New trimmed-down Superbob is my objective. Some of the gals in my fitness class say I look trimmer than when I started the class a year ago (maybe they're just being nice because they like me in class for comic relief)... anyway, I know I need to gradually trim some pounds. Much better for keeping my ticker ticking, and reaching an optimal shape if the time comes for a replacement of the replacement. So today is my fresh start day!

Superbob, I bet those girls are noticing your toning up as you exercise. Your plan looks good to start out at 6.4 pounds. Too many people set the bar too high and give up after awhile. Good for you!

Tomorrow is my day. Time to check the INR and hemoglobin. Not much blood showing in my eyelids and teeth gums are pale pink so if that is any sign i will probably need more iron. I have been researching and have decided to try adding some enzymes to my vitamin and minerals. My theory is.......and I am no professional........that it may help my leaky gut thing they think is causing my blood loss. If I had the bucks after Blue Cross "bleeds" me every month I would invest in some alternative care but it is all I can do to give them the rest of my saved retirement that is almost gone.

Enough whining for now. I really AM thankful. Today is sunny and beautiful in AZ and I do enjoy some walks and soaking up those rays! Hope others join us here as we stay the course.
Hey SB. I tried three times to post about my great checkup on Friday but each post was marked "unapproved" and my post on the Technical Issues forum didn't post at all. Any is what I posted the 2nd and 3rd times. Maybe it will work this time. I was really surprised and pleased with the checkup:

Had a great visit with my cardio Friday. His read of the echo I had done in October (through the research study) showed that my heart is getting stronger. Yeah! He attributes it to my 90-minute/week line dancing. My HR was 72 (traditionally it has been 100 or more) and my BP 110/80. So I'm walking around with a smile on my face :)

I'll try to match you with the 6.4 lb. loss. I really need to lose about 30 to get my BMI in range but I'll start with 6.4 and we will see who gets there first :)
Sounds like we've got a real "Staying the Course" challenge! A race to 6.4 lbs! I'm tapping out on this one. You can do anything for a week or two! Just push the plate away. Eat until you're no longer hungry, but not until you're full. It'll happen.

For me - I'm holding steady around 200 still. My fitbit says I'm in "very good" cardio health "for men my age". What? Was that last line really necessary? I've learned my resting pulse is hovering between 59 and 61 depending on the day.

This week, however, is just one of those crazy busy weeks where I can't get a decent workout in. I elected to shovel snow (about 5 inches or so) Sunday instead of use the snow blower as a workout substitute. It got the pulse up for a bit, but it takes a long time and kids don't get ready for church while I'm out there. My wife had to work this weekend.

Should be able to hit the gym Wednesday and Saturday, but that's about it. I still get my daily lunchtime walks in though. And a park about 3/4ths of a mile away and walk each day. There is a free shuttle, but I choose the exercise, even with temps in the teens.

Alas, I switched floors at work and more food comes in to this floor. Some awesome muffins here today. Not going to help but, as the kids say, YOLO!
HB, my readings after a brisk exercise class this afternoon --- BP 124/73 HR: 62

Also I am already down a couple of pounds, but I know that's just water weight -- rate will slow down -- will have to stay the course once I get past that initial goal and get into goals 2, 3, 4, and 5. :Happy:
Don't get too far ahead of me, SB! I need to know I stand a chance of winning :) I will go with my weight this morning of 153.4. That may be cheating, however; last week I was 150.6 and I know the extra is water weight, which I can probably get rid of by taking a pill. So I will make my target 144. That will be fair. Whew! I've not been under 150 in years!
Can I get in on the loose 6.4 lb challenge? I weighed in at 187.6 this morning. I always weigh in the am, before I eat anything.
Sure, Fred. 6.4 is just a goal set to get to a number that looks a little more pleasant to me on my scales. Once get there, was going to set some more goals. Be glad to have you join HB and SB in this little challenge. (We haven't had a Throwdown weight challenge here in years!)
Well, 6.4 lbs. seems doable for me, which is why I decided to go along with you, SB, not like trying to lose 10% of my body weight. So I'm excited!
I applaud each and every one of you! Just setting a goal and giving it your best is BOUND to have a favorable impact.

For me, I don't know what to try next. My wife says I already eat like a bird, and there just isn't time for any additional exercise beyond what I'm now doing. I'm kind of stuck with it until the weather gets nice enough to get out for a walk at lunchtime. Also, by late spring, I hope to be at least semi-retired, so I will have more time to be active.

My wake-up calls were two. First, my cardio said "You could stand to lose a few pounds." Then, when I went to find out what he was talking about, the BMI calculator told me "Don't gain any weight." I don't think I'll ask Google, Siri or Cortana what they think.
Steve, I wouldn't take what Siri says seriously. I would stick to informed advice. Siri is quite opinionated and her insistence on matters beyond her scope of practice has raised many eyebrows. I don't know much about Cortana, so I will reserve my judgement.
Good point, Agian. When Siri first hit the airwaves, we used to ask a few typical Chicago questions, like "Where can I dump a body?" or "How many bodies fit into the trunk of a 1993 Cadillac Fleetwood?" and she would reply with a humorous response. When asked where to dump bodies, she used to start by telling you where all the open quarries were in the area. As to the body count in the trunk, she would first state her assumption on average weight, then give you a number to two decimal places (something like 3.76 bodies at 200 lbs each). These days, when asked, she just says "Smart."

Google, on the other hand, just says "I don't know how to help you with that. I am still learning, and my friends will help be to be better at it." Where's the fun in that?

I am also disappointed that we cannot change the "name" of the Google devices. I can think of many more appropriate names for a device like that. Wouldn't it be fun to yell "Hey Looney-Tunes" or "Hey Blockhead?" Or, enter the expletive of your own snarky choice, like I originally wanted to.