Staying the Course -- 01-18-2016

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Just realized it's Monday -- wow, time is flying, isn't it? So if it's Monday, it is time to celebrate anew Staying the Course!

"Ellie," my 7-year-old rescue dawg is a delight. She finally has given me the motivation to contract with Lowe's to put up a backyard fence. She's not the only reason -- granddog Dasher lives next door, and they have no fence, and I worry terribly about him running loose sometimes in the neighborhood. Could be stolen, run over, hurt -- hate to think about it. And with a gate and as Dash and Ellie become pals, he can come over and I can relax on back patio watching them play. Have needed a fence for a long time.

Don't misunderstand -- I still intend to walk Ellie twice a day. As I noted the other day, I have already lost 5 pounds since starting with her. But she's ready to go outside right out of bed, understandably, and I need to get myself ready for a walk (a type 2 diabetic should not exercise on an empty stomach). So with a fenced yard, she can go out while I get ready. And afterwards, we can play ball in the yard with her off the leash and we could birdwatch (though I think Ellie is part coonhound, cause when we go out late at night she heads right for our cedar trees and rousts whatever birds (maybe doves) are resting there. She's part retriever for sure (has Sadie's face) but she makes the cutest baying sounds when she spots squirrels and such.

Can you tell I love her?

Always one worry -- her blood work came back perfect; her teeth, gums and coat perfect; but she has a little growth (tumor?) on her rectal area that the vet spotted. Most likely benign; could wait it out. But what if it's precancerous? Vet said she could snip it with E sedated, send it for biopsy and see where things stand then. I hate to put Ellie Mae through this so soon, but I'm thinking I should.

Anyway, always something to worry about! Hope all of you are doing well. Look forward to hearing from y'all!


Hope all goes well with Ellie . . . and glad you are seeing weight come off Superbob! That's great.

Thanks everyone for your encouragement in last week's thread. I had a good day today, healthy eating, good tracking and since it's DANGEROUSLY COLD went to the gym for a first time in a long while. Walked on the treadmill. I'm targeting to lose 27 pounds by May 28 which is about 1.5 lbs a week. That's hard work but with exercise and careful eating I know I can do it.

Off to early bed, lots of sleep is important for weight loss for me too. Love to all.

Steely resolve!!!
Dornole, would you share some of your steely resolve? I'm having trouble with my weight loss the past two weeks.I'm still down seven pounds but I was down nine. Superbob, a fence sounds perfect. Yoshi needs to go out as soon as he wakes up. We're able to let him out the front door without worrying that he'll wander off, but only because we're standing there watching!
Hi to everyone, from the warm clime of Chicago! It sounds like all are getting back to the rhythm of life, and I am glad to hear it.

I'm trying to control things on the weight front, myself, after the dietary disaster we call "the holidays." I seemed to miraculously pick up a couple of pounds, and they are sure tenaciously sticking around. It doesn't help that there is no way to add extra exercise in the evenings because of the weather. I'll just have to watch my intake, keep up with the gym, and get back to it when the weather allows it. Even if it is cold, I would still take a walk after dinner, BUT too many folks just decide not to shovel their sidewalks, and I'm not walking in the streets in the dark. I'll have to wait it out.

SB - I would have a chat with the vet to discuss how he would proceed if Ellie was his furry friend. That may help you decide what to do. I think I would probably proceed with the snip and test, as my own experience has been that pups don't get traumatized over sedation the way two-leggers do.
The snowy nor'easter is getting wound up off our coast down here, some icing inland, just cold rain and wind here. But will slam Virginia, DC, Maryland and other places with snow measured in feet! Thinking of them --- in my thoughts and prayers.

Have scheduled Ellie dawg's minor surgery for next Wednesday. Hoping biopsy comes back cancer-free but if it is positive, hope the surgery will get it all and she'll remain healthy.

Quite a workout yesterday with Ellie walks plus an hour of aqua therapy. Got her out very early this morning for good walk, and now will hunker down.

Stay safe, all.