Staying the Course -- 01-04-2016

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Let me be the 1000th person to wish you all a Happy New Year? Never really gets old, does it? -- at least not for a week or so.

Have you written "2015" on a check or other document yet? I did on the very first one of 2026, but I did catch myself and correct myself. (Ha -- I accidentally wrote 2026 instead of 2016 -- think I'll leave it uncorrected. Anything for a laugh.)

Sorry to have left you hanging out there as the final poster of 2015, honeybunny, but hey maybe that's an honor actually. Appreciate your contributions here and your steadfastness.

Speaking of "steadfast," I wrote a mini-essay on its meaning yesterday on my senior-fitness blog. Rather than retype it, here is the link if any are interested.

The pace of life immediately quickens after all the feasting and football etc, doesn't it? Today I start my aqua therapy, tomorrow I have a six-month's appointment with my GP, Wednesday is dentist day (just for my DW this time), and Thursday is round two of aqua therapy. Wow, that's wall-to-wall medical, huh? Such is the life of an old dawg, but I sprinkle in some fun. My grandson will have first basketball game of the "Y" season -- that will be fun!

Actually, the aqua will be intriguing. You enter the area through a narrow corridor of dressing rooms, and there is the pool, set off from all the other rehab activities going on, a secluded therapy pool for two -- just me and my assigned therapist, Yep, one on one instruction -- so different from the group experience I had with aqua 12 years ago in Northern Virginia. Hopefully she will go easy on me as I get acclimated.

I kept grand-dog Dasher over New Year's and actually walked him a couple of times without the recent hip-to-knee shooting pain returning. Hope it's gone, but if it is, still have the spinal stenosis that hopefully aqua will help me address.

Okay I have rambled on about me. Would to hear what's up with y'all this first week of 2016.



Happy New Year to you, Superbob! I need to crack down and get back to my pre-surgery dieting. You may recall that my surgeon gave me a list of "nevers" such as never eat bread, fried foods, dessert, salad dressing; never eat after 8 p.m. and so forth. I followed all his rules prior to surgery and lost about 10 lbs. Time to do it again, however this time I'm going to adopt one change at a time each week or so in order to not feel deprived all at one time. I read that tip in an online article and it makes sense for me. I'll do the never eat after 8 p.m. and no bread this week. Next week I will restrict another food. Good luck to me!
Aqua therapy sounds awesome and I hope it is, Superbob. It's quiet in our household. We've had various combinations of visits from our children, spouses, and their children since the first weekend in December, but today I am alone with the turtle and grand dog, Yoshi, since hubby is back at work. I don't like it.😕 Our town was one River community that fought the 2016 Great Flood against the mighty Mississippi River and won! The river crested at 48.9', a historic height, but our flood walls held it back. It was odd to walk downtown streets knowing that on the other side of the flood wall the river flowed 12' above our heads, but that's part of life when you live along a river. I hope all Throwdowners have had a good start to the new year and stop by to share what's happening!
Hi, everyone, and I'm glad to "see" you all back here after the holiday madness. We are finally settling back to normal here, as our daughter, son-in-law and 7-month-old grandson just went back East yesterday. What happy mayhem! They were here with us almost 2 weeks, and all thoughts of any routine in the house were dashed as soon as they arrived. Their little guy is a handful, but a joy as well. He is such a flirt, too! My daughter and I took him out to the local outlet mall with us last week, and he made more friends than I ever thought possible. All he has to do is flash that great big smile and everyone is his friend. I can only hope that this continues for the rest of his life.

As I write this, I'm back at work - lunchtime right now. I'll be back to my regular 50-hour weeks now, as our next holiday is Good Friday - which is so far out that I haven't even looked where yet. At least I can get back to my more normal diet and can get back to the gym to work off the extra holiday weight (fortunately only about 2-3 lbs this year), as well as trying to stay in shape for summer.

I hope all are doing well, and will try to stay in touch.
Sounds like our folks are settling back into their routines (or courses as we call them here), but Duffey I am particularly happy to hear that you and your family are safe from the horrible flooding in those parts. Sounds like well-constructed floodwalls can be a great investment.

My first aqua session was relaxing -- 90-degree water in the pool. My young therapist just sat on a perch above the pool, checked with her computer, and told me some simple exercises to do. And simple/easy they were. I suppose they gradually become more taxing. If not, I'd probably be better off just doing lap walking or jogging. Kind of strange being in aqua therapy solo. In Virginia years ago, we were all happily splashing in a big pool, the therapist included.
We had a busy New Year's Eve and day with friends here in Philadelphia. The holidays were fun but I've been unable to break through my final weight plateau to reach my weight loss goal. Maybe now that the holidays are over I'll be able to make it to my goal. I have a cardiologist appointment Wednesday for a routine check up 10 months post surgery. I feel fine, my PVCs are gone, so I'm not expecting any problems. Finally, wow did it get cold here. This morning it is 16 degrees and windy here!

Jim -- hope your cardiologist appointment went well. We had a couple of days with morning lows around 20, cold for here. But now the temps are rising to more moderate level. I had my 6-month's appointment with my GP and biggest news was my A1C, three-month blood sugar average, dropped from 7.2 to a nice 6.6 (despite December being one of the three months). Pleased with that. Off now to round two of aqua therapy for my back. Hope Amy steps it up this morning. First session was very light, I guess on the not unreasonable assumption that I am a decrepit old man.
Superbob - had a good meeting with my cardiologist...EKG was fine and I have no other heart issues. He wants an echo in July but if that is all good then he won't need to see me for a few years. We had a nice chat about TAVR and other issues. He told me that TAVR valves are still controversial but the valves are in their third generation now with track records approaching 10 years.

Happy New Year to all! 2016 is off to a good start in this neck of the woods. I've been to two Zumba classes thus past week and man, oh man, am I out of shape! I used to attend regularly and don't remember it being so difficult or causing me to sweat quite so much. I love it! My Fitbit says I burned 470 calories in the one hour class night with an avg. heart rate of 135. I'll take it.

Superbob, I used to attend water aerobics and I was probably the youngest person in the class. The instructor that worked us the hardest has only one leg and she still does the exercises with the class, with some modification, of course. She makes you do about a million leg kicks and then check your pulse. Honestly, my legs never looked better than when I was taking her class. I only stopped because it was expensive and exercising at home is free 😀

Take care, all!
That sounds like a great water aerobics class, Lisa. My second aqua therapy session was much better -- the instructor really stepped up the pace.

I am getting all sorts of extra exercise now also because my wife and I adopted a rescue dog, Ellie, a 7-year-old going on puppy. Sweet and very energetic. I have to take her on a good walk at least twice a day because we don't have a fenced backyard and she right now has a propensity to bolt. I hope she will settle down and just lounge out back with me sometimes.