Southeastern VR get-together anyone?

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halleyg Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
Atlanta, GA
I was reading through the other posts and looking at the pics of your gatherings.. would love to get together with some fellow valvers as well! I live in the metro Atlanta area.. I know I have seen some others on here from the area as well as Alabama and surrounding states. If you're interested please post or send a PM my way..
Count me in. Having twins takes up most my time, but if you guys set a time and place i'll try to be there.
Count me in!! I'm right outside of Montgomery, AL... I think it would be great!!
Sounds like a great idea! Now we just need to think of a place.
Maybe Stone Mountain would be a good location...A Saturday luncheon maybe less crowded than dinner time. Just some suggestions. I went to one of the VR Reunions several years ago in Nashville - it was great to meet some of the members.


MVR 04/1989
Severe AS
Moderate AI
Rheumatic Heart Disease
Hi Tammy,
I didn't see your post until now! Stone Mountain is a great idea, was also thinking the GA Aquarium would be fun, but may be pretty crowded. Also have to come up with a good time for everyone, don't know if June is too soon, might not be quite as hot as July and August.
Can't be there with you, but.....

Can't be there with you, but.....

I visited Stone Mountain, when I was in the area for business. It was such a splendid experience. We had a delightful Sunday brunch at the house at the bottom of Stone Mountain. Everything as so good..and new to me. I actually thought the greens were bitter spinach.

There are plenty of things for all to see. I liked the small recreation of a Southern town in the early days. Can't even imagine the doctor there being able to help cure folks.

If you are thinking of this as beeing a possibility for a one day experience, I would bet that everyone would have just a great time.

Hi Blanche,
That's great you had such a nice experience; I love Stone Mountain, I grew up in Atlanta so I've been going there since I was a child. There is so much to do. This summer one of the first things we're going to do is climb it - figure my girls are now big enough! That's funny about the greens, I actually never had collards until I met my husband, who is from a more rural part of Georgia. Although traditionally they are made with meat and I am a vegetarian, but I now make some mean meatless greens!
Great idea. I was just diagnosed with BAV in March. I live in Buford. It would be great to meet some of you. let me know anymore details. thanks
I will be in Gainesville,Ga for a wedding on sunday may 24. will be there that week until i leave on the 29th.
Well... we have gotten a good response and Stone Mtn. seems like a great location. I was thinking June, although it would be nice to meet you, azpam, but I don't think I can manage that week, as my stepson is graduating and leaving for the summer. Of course, if it works for others, you guys could plan something. Does anyone have any specific dates that won't work, otherwise I can start throwing a couple dates out there!
Sounds good!

Sounds good!

I just checked in for the first time in a while. Stone Mtn sounds better than the Aquarium. I was a cop in ATL until 2 months ago. Gotta pay to park and I don't trust the "locals" of the downtown area to NOT break in to our vehicles. Sure it could happen anywhere but I like the odds better elsewhere.
June could be do-able but it depends on where I am in my training. I am with ROSWELL PD now and in FTO. (field training) My current FTO has Sunday and Monday off. Let me know so I can see what can be done.
I really would love to do this:D