Something you wished you would, should, or could have stopped before your AVR?

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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2009
Knoxville, Tennessee
Okay we all have something that we should have...could have....would have stopped before our AVR replacement..(ie: smoking, eating fatty foods, taking medications regularly, exercise)

So what is yours?
Did you stop on your own or cause the doctors told you?
Do you still sneak this?

Just thought I would get some input.
Mine is smoking....Yes I know Harp on!

i have been through quite a bit, and just shy of prozac this is the only thing that has calmed me down. now naturally im not nearly as bad as I was a year ago...but its so hard with people around me (husband and friends) smoking to stop. I have been quit in the past. The longest was 2 years then my uncle passed away suddenly and it just seemed to fit.

I am hoping my husband quits before I get home.
I just can't imagine being a smoker and having OHS.
I don't want to sound stuck up, but before each of my 3 surgeries, I have been exercising, eating good, staying my usual normal thin. Even so, heart surgery is a big deal for a healthy person. I remember my 1st surgeon telling me he was glad I was slender and not overweight. I would imagine any doc would suggest quitting smoking. Who wants problems after surgery like pneumonia? Even with being "good" before surgery in Feb, my right lung collapsed and I had to have a procedure to get it to inflate. Not fun.
I grew up with a dad that smoked until I was about 10. I still remember him blowing smoke in my face and laughing. I still remember not liking it, after so many yrs.
Another "harp" here..

Smoking is an addiction and nicotine is your drug. Make sure your cardiologist and your surgeon both know of your addiction as soon as possible. Also let them know you live in a second-hand smoke environment so they can plan your healthcare whilst being fully informed of the surgical and recovery ramifications which could involve your lung function post surgery. You don't want pneumonia..!

Most importantly get professional help or go it on your own to get off this very addicting drug for your sake and the sake of your very small children. Smoking is not a 'crutch' -- it's a horrendous addiction. Don't 'hope' your husband quits, quit for yourself now. It's never too late.

All the best wishes for a successful surgery.
Okay for one, we have never smoked inside our apartment or around our children. We dont smoke in the other than smelling it off our clothes its not blown in our faces.

My problem is seeing my husband smoke and me not being able to.

Yes every doctor that I have been to DO KNOW THAT MYSELF and Husband smoke.

My surgeon said my ultimate goal for me is for me to quit, but with my age sometimes its hard to do.

Also this thread wasnt started by me to start the harps on smokers!

It was started to ask what are things that you wished you would have known not to do before surgery, exercise more, not eating shell fish, something like that.

For all of the smokers that have PM thank you! For those of you that have never smoked, it is one of the hardest things ever to quit.

Im not angry or upset, Im just trying to explain myself a little better.
Valerie -- I am speaking to you as an ex-smoker. I know how hard it is to quit, believe me. I quit cold turkey for 23 years....not a puff. Then started smoking again for a couple of years and quit cold turkey again. Starting to smoke after all those years was the stupidest damn thing I have done in my entire lifetime. Not to worry, I'll never smoke again because I know I cannot be influenced and I am the only person in charge of it -- lesson learned.

I don't have an answer to your question since my surgery was an emergency and thankfully I was smokefree for it.
Here's the honest to God's truth!
I should have NEVER have signed those consent forms before surgery.

There I said it!
Don't bother to ask me why - it's one thing I shouldn't have done.
No preaching from the choir ... Life is too short not to enjoy a few things ... I’m not condoning, I just understand ... I smoked one on the way to the hospital .... good luck if decide to try and quit....
Here's the honest to God's truth!
I should have NEVER have signed those consent forms before surgery.

There I said it!
Don't bother to ask me why - it's one thing I shouldn't have done.

Freddie, OMG, I said those exact words to my cardio TODAY! Sorry, don't mean to hijack your thread Valerie. Just shocking to see someone else say what I feel.

Freddie, OMG, I said those exact words to my cardio TODAY! Sorry, don't mean to hijack your thread Valerie. Just shocking to see someone else say what I feel.


The question was I answered it.
Kinda happy to see that I'm not alone. Thanks
We bought this farm from my husband's co-worker......his funeral was 6 weeks ago.....lung cancer.
He left behind a loving wife, 3 grown children and 3 grandbabies. :(
My husband smoked solidly (outdoors) for 30 years and quit when I was home post op, some times a person just needs the crap scared out of them.
Now he's addicted to gum and candies. :)
Didn't we have a great stop smoking support thread January one year?
We bought this farm from my husband's co-worker......his funeral was 6 weeks ago.....lung cancer.
He left behind a loving wife, 3 grown children and 3 grandbabies. :(
My husband smoked solidly (outdoors) for 30 years and quit when I was home post op, some times a person just needs the crap scared out of them.
Now he's addicted to gum and candies. :)
Didn't we have a great stop smoking support thread January one year?

Yep, we did ... I don't think anyone stayed with it ... my best friend died from lung / cancer all over ... never smoked ... you just play the hand you are dealt:cool:
Yeah cause I looked....I searched smoking, quitting, and cigarettes and found nothing. That is kinda why I didnt know where to start at. Thanks guys!
Yeah cause I looked....I searched smoking, quitting, and cigarettes and found nothing. That is kinda why I didnt know where to start at. Thanks guys!

Val ... don't beat yourself up ... everyone knows smoking is bad for you ... so is over eating, over doing anything ... I still smoke from time to time ... I'm sure everyone just wants the best for you ... I just swing from a different tree ... life is to be enjoyed and lived ... you are young and maybe at 53 I have a different view ... I have given up all I am willing to for now ...:cool: