Something to look forward to . . . .

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drivetopless Supporter
Supporting Member
Dec 28, 2008
formerly Atlanta, GA.
Just checking in. I'm now 8 weeks post surgery. I am still dealing with some afib issues (seem to be getting a better), but I must say . . .

I FEEL GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more SOB when I go up the stairs or walk around. No more feeling lightheaded for no apparent reason. Much more energy and pep since presurgery. I still need a good bit of rest, but I am really enjoying the energy. And I haven't even started cardio rehab yet, so I can't imaging how this will be this time next year.

So all you folks facing surgery soon, there is a pot of the gold at the end of the rainbow. YAY!!!!!
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You are doing great...keep up the good work!!! When are you permitted to start cardiac rehab?? Just AVR may be in April date set yet.
God bless you and stay positive.

As someone who is having an AVR next week, I think this type of post is EXACTLY what I need to read!!! I'm so glad to hear you are getting stronger by the day...keep it up!
Just checking in. I'm now 8 weeks post surgery. I am still dealing with some afib issues (seem to be getting a better), but I must say . . .

I FEEL GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ............. there is a pot of the gold at the end of the rainbow. YAY!!!!!

From your first postings, you have been an inspiration and a Positive Force for those facing this bump in the road. Keep your upbeat attitude:thumbup:..... recovery is strongly influenced by attitude.
Wow, Topless - you're my new hero! I'm just coming up on two weeks out, so your eight weeks isn't all that far ahead, and I look forward to being in a place similar to yours. We all hit speed bumps, but as long as we have our excellent care teams and a good attitude, it all turns out well.

Congratulations and I'll catch up with you as soon as I can.

Go Class of 2011!