Some silly pics

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2008
UK, Derbyshire
Hi all, well my photographic skills aren't anywhere near as good as Dennis's, however I do like a titter, so I added some silly captions to some of the pics I've taken over the years. Does anyone else have funny pics or pics with silly captions? I could do with a laugh :D Here they are anyway.

The rabbit one is our bunny Gizmo, now gone to the great bunny farm in the sky. The sheep one is of some sheepies in a field near where I live, and the dog is Jessie. She had to be put to sleep in March and I miss her like mad.

She had a great sense of humour did Jessie and I swear, she often did things just to make us laugh. Lots of times, she'd limp to her lead, get it and give us this sad eyed look. As soon as we showed signs of taking her out, the old-soldier limp went! She knew what she was doing I'm sure :D She'd also walk up to one of us, put her paw on our arm to make us stroke her, then she'd break wind and run off, leaving us with the smell! She loved doing that. Ditto burping. Every time :)

I'll put two of them onto new messages as there's only one attachment allowed.

Hi Lynn, how are you doing ?
Your pics are great !! Really cute and had a good laugh !! Made my day !!
Why don't you make a calendar ?

Best Wishes
Nice pictures - Im an animal over too.
Looking at the sheep makes me miss the country,
Im in the City now and really miss wide open spaces.
We had a whole herd of cows across the street from
us and they would get loose every once in a while-I
would look out the window And there would be a cow
staring me in the eye:eek:
Lynns Pics

Lynns Pics

Hi Lynn,

Thanks so much for the great pics! Great sheep picture, lovely area. You must live in the countryside. I know how you feel concerning your dog. They are part of your family, and your best friend.

Good luck to you, and God bless! Kathy
Hi everyone, thank you for your kind comments. I'm glad you enjoyed them. :D

We live in Derbyshire and the countryside is lovely around here as some of you mention. I couldn't go back to city life now. I used to live in Chester, and while it's not exactly inner-city, it was too crowded and busy for me!

Thanks again, Lynn
Lynn, I understand. We are going through that right now.....the stiffness in the legs has been around for awhile, but the indigestion is something new. We are giving an organic herbal supplement with seems to help somewhat. Too bad I can't power my car with the gas she gives off!!!