Some insight please?

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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2011
Sioux City, Iowa.
Wanted to get some opinions. I will be 6 months pre-op the 23rd, the last 5-6? Days or so I've had an area of my incision that was bugging me, as days went on I found it more sensitive, and irritable. I woke up today and the area is much more red where I'm having the issue, and also a little dark underneath like its bruised. All of today it's been very tender, I can feel it even when nothing is touching it because of the sensitivity. It's only about an inch, if that of the incision, there isn't any opening of it or oozing, however could I be looking at a minor infection this far out of pre-op, or does this sound like anything else anyone can think of?

I've left my cardiologist a message so hopefully I'll hear tomorrow what he wants to do, but I figured why not get you're opinion.

Hi Ovie,
Nice to hear from you but sorry you are having a problem.

Yes, you need to get that checked. I would not put it off.
The last thing you want is an infection so near your heart.
Is it possible, there's a stitch that never fully dissolved and is causing the issue?
I'd have it looked at ASAP.
Hopefully I hear in the morning, if not I'll call. Just curious, if it was something that had to do with a stitch, what is the method of handling it?

A part of my incision looks like it is bruised, but this is how it is...I do not have any pain or sensitivity.

This could be nerving, but I hope your cardio will give you peace of mind. Keep us posted.
Yeah, a part of mine does too, but this is an area that has been buggin me for the last week and then started to leave a small reddish, blueish mark where it has gone from bad to painful. It feels like someone shot me in the exact spot over and over again with one of those plastic BB guns. Lucky me, my Cardiologist and back up one are both out of town for the week. Yay..
They have left no one covering their practice while both went out of town? That's not good.

Why not call your PCP?
Apparently I was dropped by my Cardiologist 2 months ago when he decided to move all of his clinic patients to new Cardiologists and failed to tell me, even when talking to his nurse this morning she didn't say anything. Absolutely sickening, he's suppose to be the best in town, but those methods are unacceptable. However I have a new Cardiologist now that works in the same hospital, I hear good things.

I don't know what a PCP is, other then a drug.

I went to my family doctor, diagnosis is, apparently I have a stitch that ( as said above ) has not dissolved, and seems to be making its way out through my incision, which has also resulted in a minor infection. I was told the stitch will do what it's going to do, and they can't do anything except let it be.,whether it's popping out of my incision or finally dissolves. She prescribed some antibiotics and said give it a week. Which sucks because it hurts like hell and from this morning till now I can already see darker area heading towards the surface that is very soft and tender compared to the rest of my incision.

Hopefully it makes it's move quick because it's extremely annoying.
Clindamycin is a mild-to moderate antibiotic. I have been using it for several years as my pre-medication for dental work, as I don't tolerate drugs of the penicillin family well. I've also been directed to use it for dental infections, so I would imagine that it should help with a stitch that is giving you problems. It also seems, for me, not to have side effects.

BTW, in this forum, PCP means "Primary Care Physician." The other definition doesn't come up very often hereabouts. . .