So my surgery sucked...and it's not over yet

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Feb 29, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Hi all,

I'm sorry that it took me so long to post any updates after my surgery. The surgeon at Cleveland Clinic did a mini sternotomy and attempted to repair my bicuspid valve. He also replaced my ascending aorta and part of the aortic arch with a Dacron graft. After the surgery, my pain was really bad. They had to switch me to a different medication, but while that was happening, I felt super terrible. I remember the breathing tube being in and it made me want to puke. I was in the ICU for one night and then was moved to the step down unit. It was hard to get my pain under control for the first few days, but eventually I got up and walking again. At one point, I was pretty jaundiced but that cleared itself up. By Thursday, I was having palpitations again, and they were becoming more frequent. All the nurses said that it was normal, but it didn't feel "normal" to me. It felt just like the palpitations I had before surgery. I had an echocardiogram on Thursday, but they wouldn't tell me my results yet. They said they needed to wait until my blood pressure and pulse rate went down. So I took some beta blockers, but the palpitations kept getting more frequent. I had a repeat echo on Saturday. Finally, today the cardiologist and my surgeon told me that I am going to need a reoperation. My repaired valve is failing and the regurgitation is equal to or worse than before I had surgery. So tomorrow, I get to do it all again. This time, the surgeon is going to replace my valve with a mechanical valve, just like I wanted in the first place (so that I could avoid a situation like this). I just sucks that, even though I suggested a mechanical valve, they pushed for a repair. So now I will have had two surgeries within a week of each other, and have to begin the whole recovery process all over again. Sorry for the depressing news and extremely long post, but I wanted to fill everybody in on my situation. To TheGymGuy, if you're reading this, sorry I haven't been able to communicate more post-surgery. I hope everything went well for you and I will try my best to keep everybody updated on my progress. Thanks again for all your support.
Dale, Wow...I don't know what else to say. I'm so sorry that this has happened to you. The only good thing (if there is one) is that at least you are already there and you don't have to go through the anxiety of waiting all over again(sorry, I'm just trying to find something positive!). I know this sucks, no other way to put it. Just hang in there, get it over with, and get on your way home. Please let us know how you are doing.

Sorry for the need to go back in to replace the failing valve. At least it is very soon after the initial surgery and you won't have to go thru the complete recovery process all over again. Hang in there.....hopefully this will be behind you soon.
So sorry to hear wishes for a more successful surgery and easier recovery the second time around!

I didn't just FEEL like I was going to puke because of the breathing tube, I did! I also had a tough time with pain meds because I couldn't take anything strong enough to help. The worst was when they did find something that worked for a day or two and then had to take it away because it was lowering my platelet counts too much. I can't even imagine what I would have done if I was in your situation, but I can tell you that as terrible as I felt in ICU after my surgery. 5 weeks later, it's already becoming a blur...I had to endure some major crap for about 5 days, but now it's just history. It might take some time, but You'll get there too! Just hang in there...
Hi Dale,

How alwful for you. It really puts into perspective my post earlier this morning entitled A bit frustrating ... where I was having a gripe. I'm very sorry this happened to you and wish you well for the next proceedure.
All the best.

Dale, sorry you're having to go throught 2 surgeries to "get er done". Better to develop a problem now while your still in the hospital then to go home and have some time pass then have to go back. I had 3 surgeries prior to my breathing tube even being removed (13 days), but at I was out of it.

Good luck. Tell the surgeons to get it right this time. :)
I am very sorry to hear this turn of events, but will continue prayers and best wishes for you, Dale. Hope this is soon behind you and you can actually start on solid recovery road.
Hang in there...
Dale, sorry to hear this. I hope this is your one BIG bump in the road, and it will be smooth sailing from here on out. I registered for the enw Buffalo Half marathon in June (30th)....the finish line is at the 50 yard line of Rich stadium......sorry Ralph Wilson stadium. Hopefully we can meet up while I'm out there. (Richard, that's a hint you should sign up too!).
Wow, that really is rotten.
I'm so sorry to read this and wish you an easy redo. Hopefully, you'll breeze through it easily and get on the road to recovery.

Who is your surgeon? Are you using the same one for the redo?

Best Wishes.
That really sucks, and frustrating because it’s not what you asked for to begin with. That stinks. On the other hand, though it doesn’t seem like it now, in another month or two you will be out in the clear. Even in a couple days you will likely be feeling better.

Here’s to keeping us updated, and a bump-free recovery.

BTW, my step son had to be re-operated for infection after 2 weeks and it’s really tough to go through it a second time when you weren’t planning on it. You will get better, and soon. Keep your head up!