Since OHS Do You Get Sick More Often?

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
Sterling, VA
I'm 9 weeks post op and I've had either a cold or bronchitis one after another. Does our immune systems change with surgery? It's very depressing:frown2: I feel like I'm on a roller coaster from hell!

I would say yes the immune system has been waging a war for you. and it is weaker ....... but also the medical offices we visit harbor many many illnesses and there we sit waiting for appointments as I got stronger and visits fewer I was more resistant and healthier

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Nine weeks is not a very long time. Your body is still recovering from the Operation. Once it heals up you should be better than ever. I think that since my surgery I have had few colds and seem to get sick less often. Hang in there it will get better. Talk to you MD about it if it persists.
I hope you feel better soon. I was always worried because everyone else was sick around me, but I never picked up any of the bugs some how. You would think that the ammune system would be effected, But for me my wife was sicker than I was and I feel for you. It may be the warm humide air and air conditioning causing some of your problems, are you walking much yet?
I believe the immune system is compromised because of surgery. I found out last week that when I did catch a bug, my symptoms were worse then pre-surgery. Especially the chills and night sweats. Note that I was only 11 weeks post op.
I am 5 months post op today. I was sick a lot the first 2 months, but have not been sick at all since. I take a daily vitamin which I think helps the immune system. I would say that I am sick less than I was before surgery or that I've noticed no difference.
I am 5 1/2 months post op. I had one low grade fever two weeks after my Surgery, and nothing since. So I think I am doing better after surgery than before.
I think the actual answer to your specific question is no, our immune systems do not 'change with surgery'. They are temporarily less effective though, for various reasons, and as another poster pointed out, we are exposed to more pathogens because of the company we keep post surgery (doctors!). In all probability, your immune system will return to it's normal strength as you get further into your recovery. Mine seemed to take about a year to get completely normal, though it is difficult to say with any accuracy.
Chalk me up as one who seems to be as healthy or healthier than before surgery. The day I got home from my surgery, all three of my kids had a temperature and deep cough, and they had these for at least a week. We isolated ourselves from each other, and I never did catch it. Since that time they have brought home many various bugs (kids are germ factories when school is in!) but I haven't been sick at all. My surgery was over three months ago, and no sickness, allergy, etc. which is actually quite a long time for me to go without something.
Carol, this is kind of the post I wanted to do as I am a bit confused, too. I'm 8 wks post-op, and I run a fever every day. My normal is 97.9-98.2 (4 max), and now Im 98.8-99.7. Yes on the bronchitis, too. I've gotten different opinions from dif med personnell, and REALZlY don't know now. Was hoping people has their own experiences and Dr.s opinions...
Dr (PA)#1 says, you have atelectsis (sp??) because you are not at all hitting what you should be hitting on your spirometer (750ml when he wants 2k), you NEED to exercise more (get everything moving in the right direction) and OPEN YOUR LUNGS using the spirometer.
I'm thinking I may need phisio because a have an arthritis that has fused all my ribs in place so I can't expand sideways).
Dr. One and two both say the fever is the body rebelling at the insults it recieved, so it's actually a good thing...I am taking water pills, so THAT ain't over yet and I would think that a fever would go with the water if it's (waterlogged) unacceptable, to my heart. But I really DO want to know myself if people had fevers out this far, etc. For me, I KEEP bundled UP. But should I be taking antibiotics, need some experienced persons here myself (ps they tested my blood, no germs). Just cough, cough, spirometer.....
I'm sorry that you are not feeling well. I'm not sure you can blame it on your surgery. I hope by saying this I'm not setting myself up for a long bout of something nasty (don't want to tempt fate) but honestly..... I'm 5 years post op and I have not been sick since my surgery. I find it so strange, that I asked my physician about it a few months ago. Her comment was that she has always noticed that I am not the type of person to have her hands about her face a lot. In fact, I never ever seem to touch my face, let alone rub my eyes, or itch my nose or anything. That -- she said, was why I don't get sick. Whatever germs I pick up with my hands, I do not introduce them into my system by rubbing them on my face!

I was so ready for surgery 5 years ago -- I just felt awful. When I finally got my surgery date I did not want anything (heaven forbid a cold or worse) to get in the way. So I started some simple practices that I still use. I do not touch my face unless my hands are clean; just washed. I carry around a little bottle of the antibacterial gel in my car so that every time I'm out touching handrails, doorknobs and the ickiest of all -- grocery carts -- I can come back to the car and "clean off the germs" or at least wipe away a few of them. At home we do not share toothpaste tubes or towels. In the powder room type bathroom that is used most, I have a roll of paper towels to use as well as a hand towel in order to prevent the spread of germs on the cloth towel. I wash/replace that towel frequently. I don't think I'm going overboard. I don't sterilize all our doorknobs at home or walk around with a face mask! I just practice these few simple things religiously and it is working out for me. I hope this may be of some help to you in the future.

Marguerite, I wondered about that; I have three cats (my sweetheart Pio just died a little over a week ago, how i miss that amazing cat) who like indoors more than out and sleep on my bed. And, yes I have to clean their litter! But the lab tested my blood, and it would sure be germs I'm thinking of. Called my dentist to see if he'll xray my teeth to see if I have any cavities. I don't have a spleen, that was taken out prophalactically 40 yrs ago when I had Hodgkins and the radiation. I have a housecleaner who spends a good 7 hrs once a wk cleaning, I rarely go out but when I think of the exposure I could have gotten taking a train down to far the Drs have ignored the fever as they focus on the awesome aortic work....this happened about a month ago so I took (bad me) my own antibiotics if no one else was going to pay attention. The last Dr. said it was week I will get a Dr. To pay attention!!
I have two Sharp air purifiers, big ones, and so I have for a while tried to keep the air clean. Nothings different but the surgery, and to whatever when I'm still so darned weak. Went from 144lbs to 128lbs in just a few weeks... Waterlogged but touchy stomach from the potassium, I think. Determined to scarf down more food...I eat organic and take every vit you can imagine. Gees I'm going on! If my cats got me sick before, it was rare. Thanks for your ideas and experiences, I appreciate that. You may have been writing to the person who started this thread, but it works for me too! Michellemar
I'm nearly four months post-surgery and would say I'm healthier than before the operation. My husband and daughter have both had sore throats/coughs/colds during the past couple of months and I just haven't picked them up, which was a nice surprise. I don't think I'm eating lots better (especially given it was my birthday last week so have LOADS of chocolate in the house :) ) although I am exercising more (but not as much as I should).