Sick of winter!

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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2002
S.E. Mi
A Michigan poem

It's winter here in Michigan
And the gentle breezes blow
Seventy miles an hour
At twenty five below.

Oh, how I love ole Michigan
When the snow's up to your butt.
You take a breath of winter
and your nose freezes shut.

Yes, the weather here is wonderful
So I guess I'll hang around.
I could never leave my Michigan
Cause I'm frozen to the ground!
I am tired of the cold, too..and I live in Georgia...........What is the worse part of winter that you hate the most?Besides, shoveling snow.:p .I don't like wearing heavy clothes...mainly heavy shoes..(hubby puts on his heavy shoes and wears them all day..but he is outside more than me)..I also hate pull-over type sweaters...Put them on for cold..go shopping, come home and pull them off?..I enjoy when he makes a wood fire..once in awhile ..but the next day..have to clean up the fallen chips/ect. around the fireplace..:eek: ....Hoping for an early Spring..:) Bonnie
heading home from Saasota tomorrow morning - back to near freezing temps in NW Fl. ugh - also tired of winter, but surely loved this two week reprieve.
Sick Of Snow? Boy...AM I EVER!!!!!

Sick Of Snow? Boy...AM I EVER!!!!!

I can't believe that we are in for another foot of snow overnight tonight. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Here's a pic of our walkway to our front door. The condo association is supposed to have both the front and the back shoveled due to the fire code in the area and they know that I cannot shovel due to my health, but yet, they haven't bothered to return my brother's calls nor come over as promised and shovel out the back as per the contract. :eek: :eek:
Here Is Another Shot....

Here Is Another Shot....

This picture is of the snow and ice that was shoveled off of our roof....again, as required by the fire code and up until the other day, neglected by the condominium association board. :eek:
This one is of our back deck......We cannot get out

This one is of our back deck......We cannot get out

due to the amount of snow and huge chunks of ice piled up on the deck....amazing isn't it how the condo association can charge my brother $2000 for rot repair and a window that he shouldn't have to replace due to their negligence and bad attitude. Now we know why we are all sick of winter....Sheesh......:eek: :eek: :( :eek: :eek: :D


John/I were just talking about the last 2 months..Our cold is the wet/damp/kind....along with freezing..every night..Birdbaths..frozen..Plus the winds..:eek: .....Our Village..(Ann met me there for lunch) sits in a Valley...completely surrounded by Mountains on all 4 sides...Only 2 miles long and 1/2 mile wide..only 1 main road...and a small street that runs along the river...where they have the Tourist tubing/ect. ....Our dollar store/bank and Bar-be-que place along that road....When I stop at the outside bank on a cold is awful..:eek: It is a huge wind tunnel..:eek: .Once I told Hubby that I would walk the dog..down to the Dollar store..this winter..So help me..if the Tourist tubing buses had not been parked for winter..I think I would have died from the cold.:eek: Was able to get behind them and work myself down to the Dollar get out of the cold wind..Like being in Alaska...:eek: .....Bonnie
You haven't even heard the worst of this Bonnie...

You haven't even heard the worst of this Bonnie...

Granbonny said:
OMG....Harrybabe..will not complain anymore.:D That is awful. bonnie

Our neighbors, Lloyd and Helga went upstairs one day to clean up after their puppy, or so they thought, and what they discovered is that ice got in between the outside and inside wall (where there SHOULD have been insulation but wasn't) and it built up and flooded their upstairs bedroom, and down the wall into the living room. They are now living in the local Holiday Inn Express while this horrible horrible condo management company fixes their home. They will be in a hotel for at least a month.....This has been a not so innocent management company productions.....Da Bumsrush Inc..LOL :D :D :D :eek: :eek: :D :D
I don't think so......

I don't think so......

Ross said:
Hey harrybaby, I think you could use some more huh?

There have already been a lot of roof collapses in the area and the ice build up was a big cause of it along with the snow on top of the ice. I have had some really slippery driving going to and from school due to the towns running out of sand and salt... I am ready for summer......:D :cool: :cool: :D
Nice poem, and yes it could have been called Saskatchewan instead.

But its been melting here for the past week and can and can no longer complain about the cold.

March will be coming in as a lamb :) ........but I'm afraid it will go out as a lion:eek:

I do feel the cold and my (((hugs)))) go out to all of you who are still feeling the cold wet snow:(

Rich ... wonderful poem ;).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"I missed a million miles of fun" ... Len ... 'Steal My Sunshine'
Those of us in Arizona never seem to get enough "winter" weather. It was nearly 80 degrees today and I am becoming fearfull of an early Spring with temperatures of 90 and 100 degrees.

Perhaps that means that the grass really is greener....In Arizona, the grass can turn brown right before your very eyes!!!
