Should I take tomorrow off?...After all I slept through January 18 last year.

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Praline Supporter
Supporting Member
Dec 18, 2005
What a difference a year makes! Last year on January 17, I was scared to death. Tomorrow will be the first year anniversary of my open heart surgery. I went from having a routine check-up in November to facing open heart surgery 2 and a half months later. I felt like my world was coming to an end. Many of you remember how scared I was...

The morning of Jauary 18, I reported to the hospital with my husband and my stepdaughter. I was prepped, spent a while with my husband, and then the nurse said," It is time to go to surgery. Say bye to your husband and I am going to give you something to relax you." I gave my stepdaughter and my husband a hug and.....THAT WAS IT... The next thing I knew I was waking up from surgery. It was the most amazing thing!
Yes, I was still on the ventilator but the nice people on this site had prepared me for that. The only problem I had was I still had the post nasal drip I almost always have at this time of the year. So I kept motioning for them to suction.
After spending about 12 days in the hospital, more than half of those in ICU, I was back home.Contrary to most of you who say that food did not taste right, I was always starving. A good thing my sister was visiting and cooked for me because I would never have had the energy to cook all the food I was eating.:) The surgeon said I was definitely the exception to the rule when it came to appetite.
After a few episodes of atrial flutter, I was soon back to normal.Today I am doing just fine.I am back at work and feeling okay.

Little did I know that my OHS was just a bump in the road. Now my husband is the one faced with serious health problems.He is still doing radiation and chemo for the lung cancer. When he had his chemo treatment this past Tuesday, they changed one pain med and upped the other.For the first time in weeks, he is practically pain free. It feels SO good to see him feeling better.

When you are healthy, you are rich, no matter how little money you have in your checking account. Enjoy the carefree moments..., you never know what the next year brings.

Please continue to pray for us. We really appreciate it.
Congrats on your anniversary Praline. I was in ICU myself and remained there for 3 weeks following a pericardial window to drain fluid from my heart from my OHS on Jan 5th. Well the window ended up being another OHS to stop the bleeding which put me into a coma for 12 days.
Anyways congrats again and I am praying for you and especially your husband during this ordeal your family is going through and I will continue to pray for you until I hear otherwise.

P.S. Go ahead and take off tomorrow and treat yourself to something special.

What a year you have had. I definitely think you should take tomorrow off and enjoy the time with your husband.

Hoping and praying that things stay on the positive side for you.

Congrats on your one-year.
Congratulations on your one year anniversary Praline. You and your husband remain in my prayers.
Lots of prayers your way. Yup, take tomorrow off and be with the hubby. I was actually thinking of taking June 16 off myself...wait, that's a Saturday! :p

Debi (debster913)
:) congrats on your 1 year anniversary!!!

Absolutely take the day off to celebrate..
Everyday is a gift!
I agree with the deserve a day off to reflect on this last year...

I continue to pray for you and your hubby...
Happy Anniversary, Praline. Glad to hear that your husband is comfortable and hoping that you both have a good day. Prayers still coming your way.
Congratulations on your first anniversary! May there be many many more.

Taking the day off...gee, there's a first anniversary is coming up...hmmmmm... :rolleyes:
Dear Praline,
I hope you take the day off and spend time with your husband. I think that's one of the lessons of valve replacement; enjoy the time you have.
yep, I remember that first post and how scared you were! That is the main reason we have members to begin with. Then they stay, as you have. Sorry it was why you had to join, but we are happy that you made it through well and here we are at a whole year after. You are back at your job and doing well enough to care for your husband. If you want, I hope you are sitting home reading or just enjoying that next cuppa whatever. Congratulations and blessins - to you both.......
Congratulations on your first anniversary! You most definitely deserve a break today - I hope that the sun was shining on you and you enjoy(ed) the day no matter what you chose to do.

Good to hear that they have been able to help your husband with his pain.

Best wishes to both of you!


CONGRATULATIONS on your 1-year anniversary!

Time does fly, doesn't it? ;)

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"Get the word out" ... Collective Soul ... 'Feeling Better Now'
Congratulations. I think there is something special about the one year anniversary; I hope you able to relax and enjoy the accomplishment.
You and your husband are in our thoughts and prayers.
Praline -

Praline -

Congratulations on your anniversary and it is so great you are doing so well heart-wise! It was truly something what we went through, huh? Wow! Open heart surgery is such a modern miracle.

I continue to pray and send good thoughts to both your husband and you. Having helped my Mom through chemo for her breast cancer, I know how truly overwhelming the whole experience is. God will NOT give you more than you can handle, you can rest assured of that. Lean on Him.

It is so true that "when you have your health, you have everything."

Christina L
Hi Praline!

Congrats! Getting through a whole year and doing well! How absolutely fantastic!

So sorry to hear that your hubby is enduring his own battles now. Just doesn't seem fair sometimes. Is it possible that there's a site out there for lung cancer patients similar to this one for "valvers"? It might be a help to him.

You are both in my thoughts/prayers.

congrats on your anniversary. i will send prayers and totally good vibes your way for your husband.