Seven years ago today this group got me to the top of the mountain

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Active member
Sep 12, 2009
Gulf Breeze, Florida, USA
I am still ticking and sadly had to get Ross to re register me for this group that provided so much encouragement and strength. At a time when fear and the sense that I was surely going to die finding and all the folks here made a difference. Not only in how I viewed the surgery but life in general.

I do not know how many are still here and I do not want to leave anyone out but my pump headed memory makes me list these and if I miss anyone, blame it on the pump, OK?

Bonnie Anderson, Ann Black, Al Capshaw, Walter Wier, Scottie who shares this day with me, Hank for providing this forum, and Ross who was at death's door while I was climbing the mountain, all come to mind as I visit here for the first time in years. As I said, I know there are others and as I think of them I will make them known.

I have to go "out and about" this morning but will be back to post more and renew some long missing friendships.
Hi again Bill and Happy Anniversary!

Bonnie passed away and is in the In loving memory forum, Ann is here, Al is here, Walter lurks, but is here, Scottie disappeared.
well, looka yonder, looka yonder. there's Bill. Wow, it's been a long time. Scottie is not here anymore. but most of us are still hangin around. Hope you are doin ok. So nice to see you.

I sure miss my dear Bonnie.

fill us in on what's happenin with you.
Hey folks, Bill sent this to me and I told him this had to be posted. I think you'll enjoy it also. :D

Bill at his sons wedding, offering up the Mans Manual of Women.

[ link ]
Thanks so much to everyone

Thanks so much to everyone

And, my favorite southern belle from Defuniak Springs, Annie it is really nice to see you still kicking around here. I was shocked to hear about Bonnie, she was such a great CHEERLEADER in real life.

Connie has retired, since last we talked.

All is pretty good here, my cardiologist got hit on his motorcycle a couple of months ago just before my annual check up. Darn near killed him, and I never took him for a biker dude, he must be crowding 70.

I have had a lot going on here today so will not be able to stick around long tonight, but will check back soon with a few more details.

Thanks especially to Ross for getting me back on the forum, even though my history and such is gone, I had been a busy poster back in the day.

I still spread the word to all who will listen about this great group of folks.

Y'all will be hearing from me, it won't all be as funny as my YouTube post from Ross.

Thanks again to all,

Hey where is my signature,

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Hi Bill,

Glad to hear you're back, after all this time! I have been a member on this forum since just before my AVR surgery, Feb 11, 2008 It's a terrifice group of people!

Looking forward to your future posts!
HI Bill, HAPPY # 7 Waiting for 8,9,10,......... i have been a member on this forum since just after my OHS on july 16 2008 .It's a terrifice group of people!


srinivas Heart History:
13/6/2008 2D Echo Diagnosed Ascending Aortic Dissection ,Bicuspid aortic valve, Moderate AR at the age of 38(2008)
9/6/08 CT scan shows Aneurysmal dilation of aortic root and ascending aorta with dissection extending upto brachio cephalic trunk and mild aneurysm
16/07/08 Operative findings & repair. Aortic aneurysm approx size 10 cms diameter.Aneurysm extd upto 1c m from innomiate artery. Mod. Bental DC Bono surgery procedure done to repair my anueuysm with#25 mm St.Jude medical valved conduit(SN 84094003.REF25CAVGJ-51400 AOROTIC VALVED GRAFT) At CARE Hospital Bangara Hills,Hyderabad,India. Surgeon: Dr K.s. Neelakandan gave me re birth! Dr . Sridar,Dr.Amreesh, Dr.Jagannatham completed the formalities.
while I am waitin for your youtube to download (remember, I am in the boonies with only dialup, but I really want to hear it).

Hope you and Connie are enjoying life now that she's a 'homebody'. Bet she's still bein busy. Looks like, from you avatar, that you are truly enjoying yourselves. Thanks for comin back. We always needed you.

It's so nice to see you again.
Bill I just thought of something, the 19th will be my 7th anniversary of my release from hell. Deaths door is exactly what it was.
Oh, yes my friend, I remember it well. I joined and you were in hospital and had everyone very worried.
And, even after your release no one was entirely UPBEAT. But you were alive and out of that place. I think it was your son who kept us informed, if I remember correctly?

The way people talked about you, I thought "he must walk on water," then I found out what a great friend you were. No wonder everyone thought so highly of you. Glad you are still with us.
Hi Bill

Happy Anniversary and welcome back to the forum,
what a lot has happened in 7 years, the loss of our dear Bonnie was so sudden and sad, only a few weeks back Mary and I were wondering about Scottie, it has been so so long since she logged in.
But hey Ann is still with is and Ross still keeps us in line.
We usually have a chat session on a Sunday ( but it is down at present) and it would be great if you could join us one Sunday.

keep smiling

Jan ( Liverpool )