seeing or keeping old valve? Attatched to my pig valve.

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Aug 16, 2009
Flushing, OH
Ok, this is probably going to come across as a really weird and maybe disgusting question but here it goes. Have any of you asked about seeing and/or keeping your old valve after it is replaced? I'm 36 and have a pig valve that will be replaced on Monday. I've had this valve since I was 12 years old and as strange as it sounds I feel somewhat attached to it. I feel grateful to the pig who "donated" part of their body to me. I realize it's not at all the same as a heart transplant but I still feel that way on a smaller scale. I'm actually feeling a little sad about having to "say goodbye" to it. My husband and I joked last night that I could have it framed with the saying "that'll do pig" under it (like from the movie Babe") .

Anyone else feel this sort of connection with their old valve? How did you deal with it. Thanks for humoring me LOL!

ps. I also posted this on the heart talk board after posting here. No need to read both...sorry lol.
ONE of our members did keep their old valve in a jar, even had a picture of it in one post. Unfortunately I've forgotten who that was.

Some Surgeons may consider your request.
Some have told their patients that they needed to send the valve to pathology for 'assessment' following surgery.

It never hurts to ASK...

Good Luck !

'AL Capshaw'
I don't think it's weird at all to ask to keep it. I wanted to ask to keep my BAV, but I forgot and I wish I had asked. I actually wanted to get my surgery taped and to watch it as well -- though i'm not sure if they will do it for liability reasons.
My surgeon surprised my parents and boyfriend with my BAV in a jar fresh out of surgery!! He even took it out of the jar and insisted that they touch it and saw how calcified it was!!!!!!! Needless to say they were kind of grossed out, but as I type, the jar is still sitting on top of my fridge at day 18 post-op. (I mean, what do I do with it? Flush it down the toilet??) My parents were much braver than my boyfriend's parents and they actually touched it and showed it off in pictures to the folks back home. My boyfriend's parents actually looked kind of like they were going to vomit when they saw it!!!

I don't know if it's customary to just give the patient back their valve (I mean it IS mine, ya know?), but it may have also had to do with the fact that I was really hoping for a valve-sparing procedure and the surgeon (who spoke little English) wanted to show my parents the valve so they could see with their own eyes that it was beyond repair. Like they would know anyway!!! :)

Sending out positive thoughts for your surgery!!! :)
I wanted to see mine, and if I had know about this forum before my surgery, I probably would have asked - not at all strange, I mean, yes, it is yours, and yes, it has been in there keeping you alive and functioning and well all these years . . I'm kind-of attached to my clicky one now!
Hey, I just heard my name mentioned.......yes, it was I that requested (actually my husband requested it) that I'd be given my old 31-year old aortic valve when I went in for a replacement.

Here's a picture of it for you.......

View attachment 7238

Happy Halloween! :D :p
I asked for my valve as I am just curious that way. The surgeon said yes of course, but it turned out that it was so badly damaged that by the time they got it out, there was nothing left to save. Ho hum!

By all means, ask for it if you want it. Like you said, it's yours. How lovely that you have a husband who understands!!!

I don't quite remember what I did. I vaguely remember asking the surgeon about it, but I think he gave me a really funny look. I wanted to be sure he was much more focused on saving ME than the old (in this case, native) valve, so I just dropped it!! :p

I know what you mean about thanks, though. My 3 year old valve is bovine. I have a little farm animal type plastic cow that I took with me to the hospital and who sits on my nightstand every night. I smile and thank "him" quite often. It's a good thing!

Thanks for joining us. Stay in touch!

Best wishes.
