Secondary symptoms to BAV/CTD

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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2009
Stockholm Sweden
I have read a lot on this site and a few other (inferior...) places about some links that seem to be present between BAV/CTD and other diseases, most of them of the more vague type.

I have myself for instance Raynaud's syndrome and a neck condition that can be seen as a CTD (but perhaps as well too much work on the computer), but also a few other spooky symptoms relating to cognition and visual effects (might be some remaining pump head effects as well).

Has anyone seen any reasonably accessible research on these links and BAV/CTD in a broader picture?

Hi Gustaf,
I don't have any answers but hopefully someone will have some suggestions. My son dissected at 16 yrs old. They did not realize he was dissecting until he was almost dead and unfortunately it destroyed his valve so we don't know if he was BAV. He also has vision problems since surgery, but that seems to be common with a lot of the members here. My son also has a lot of problems with muscle pulls/tears. He has constant pain in his leg muscles, though the docs blame that on his deconditioning and his heart failure.

Hey Ross, how many with aortic dissections now? It is a small club that lives through an ascending aortic dissection.
I have always felt like hypochondriac too...Arthritis at an early age...Carpal Tunnel, bad elbows, hips and knees...tendonosis that comes and goes...I also have Spondylosis and mild Scoliosis,. with more bad discs in my spine than good ones...My Neurosurgereon once said my spine Xray looks like an 80 yr old grannies..
CTD is pretty easy to read up on...also Marfans has a lot of things in common with us so you may find that interesting to read about
I had BAV replacement in Nov 2008 and I found out about a week after I had the valve problem that I also had limited scleroderma, which is a conective tissue diease.
I too have Raynunds syndrome.

c terra
BVA Nov 5 2008
Metronic pacemaker - Nov 12, 2008 Total Heart block
Mtiral vlave leaking - mild waiting
I too have Raynodes (sp?) syndrome (also have BAV). Oddly enough, 2 of my siblings also have Raynodes, but no BAV. Always thought that was genetic. I live in Minnesota and it gets worse with the cold.