Second post op report

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Paleowoman Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 13, 2010
Surrey, UK
Hi everyone,

Thought I'd do an update. Things still not going well. Thanks everyone for your messages. Taken me ages to write this as even email exhausting still.

I was in hospital from Sunday to Sunday. I fell over Sunday when I got home, rang hospital who told me to take more tramadol and codeine. Over the evening feeling worse, having kind of hallucinations (smoke and little red dots crawling all over my skin and walls) and fluid retention got worse. I wondered if if was the tramadol or codeine and decided I wouldn't take anymore despite pain.

Saw GP on Monday who checked me over. Suddenly Monday evening I started to spontaneously bring up phlegm and to cough - I hadn't done this once in hospital. Also for the first time I heard sounds in my tummy of wind, had not heard any since surgery. Fluid retention started to improve. I decided that the tramadol and codeine had indeed been bad for me, suppressing cough, suppressing appetite, suppressing bowel activity. Pain bad and heart racing.

Tuesday saw GP who prescribed morphine in liquid form so I could titrate tiny doses. Took a few doses, just 1 ml (a child of under 5 year's dose) and got migraine auras after each. Got too scared to take anymore.

Continuing problems with tummy as every time I had just a tiny amount of food all abdominal activity would cease and I would bloat and distend, this painfully pressing on cardiac area. GP said this was due to surgery, but it meant I still could not eat. No food appeals to me because it causes these problems and pain. I have not had more than an egg or two since surgery day, and nothing since Monday, and I am now dangerously underweight at 45.3 kg/95 pounds (BMI 17). Also exhausted from lack of sleep despite zopiclone. GP has now prescribed me a liquid nutritional food called Fortisip - free food from the NHS. GP says my bowel sounds are disordered but I am not blocked.

Yesterday morning had diarrhoea and felt dizzy and light headed. Was worried about the diuretic I am on. When in hospital my sodium levels were too low for several days which had concerned the medical staff.. Saw GP who said my blood pressure was too low, told me to stop the diuretic and that he would fax hospital for advice. Also had blood test.

So here I am, worse than when in hospital, not sure why, maybe as drugs given in hospital suppressed things they shouldn't have - I should never have been given tramadol or codeine as I have small airways disease ! I am following my instinct now and resting on sofa as multiple trips upstairs to the loo are not good either. Red Cross lent us a commode - hospital physios said we shouldn't get a commode, thankgoodness we didn't listen to them as it can be very helpful, especially when I've had enough of stairs. Am breathless often and on any type of exertion, but that's due to the pain and lack of energy as GP checked out my lung bases. Thankgoodness my legs are very strong from previous weight lifting, as are my abdominal muscles, as I have had no problems getting up from sitting position or out of bed/sofa at any time, even immediately post op - am sleeping in upright position, far too painful to lie down. Cannot do much exercise as am dizzy and exhausted, probably due to lack of energy and electrolyte imbalance.

So the op was a success but recovery is not so good. The anaesthetist, who is a brilliant doctor and communicator (Dr JP van Besouw, President of the Royal College of Anaesthetists no less) told me that I was in surgery for two hours and on the heart lung machine for 45 minutes. So that was pretty brilliant I think of the surgeon, Prof M Jahangiri who, as you know I have said before, is only good as a surgeon. I got a Edwards C.E. Perimount Magna Ease Aortic valve, size 19 mm.

Btw, drainage tubes when came out didn't feel a thing. But this surgery, well I don't know how some say knee surgery is worse as I've had knee surgery and emergency caesarean and they were walks in the park compared to this. But I guess everyone is different and my small frame and short and depressed sternum might make a difference, plus inappropriate meds. Here's a piccie of my scar. That's "minimally invasive" but seems to be most of the length of my short sternum.


I'm hoping to have much better news soon. I would hope that once I have been able to eat and get some strength that will help, no food of any kind, no matter whether healthy or not, is appealing to me with this distension/bloat, and stopping peristalsis, which I have discovered can happen after heart surgery which I'd never heard of before. Also when I can get more sleep and get on top of the pain properly. My poor husband is working so hard to keep things together in the house, I feel really sorry for him, but proud of him and my son.

Btw, any other UK members here - in the private hospital where I had my surgery, St Anthony's, there were several NHS patients. Guess what, the NHS hospitals 'fix' their waiting list figures by paying private hospitals to admit patients when they are too full. This also has the direct effect that the real extent of NHS problems are not revealed, ie that the NHS needs more money to get more beds. How can the NHS get the funds it need if it doesn't own up to a problem ? The hospitals are too interested in performing well for their 'oftsed' inspectors reports instead of saying they really do need more beds.

PS - I think you need to click the picture to see it properly as it's just a thumbnail there.
Wow, quite a wild ride. Sorry about your recovery,I sure hope it improves soon.I was suprized when my Daughter had AVR and lost her Gall Bladder a week later.I guess all the organs are connected in some way.Get well soon. Carol
sorry to hear about the roller coaster recovery.

No matter (as suggested) what do try to eat. Even if you're not hungry its fuel and nano-parts your body needs to rebuild itself.

Even if its only to go out the back yard sit - then come back inside keep up some gentle activity.

best wishes.
I'm having the liquid nutritional food that my GP has prescribed. The trouble is that as soon as anything enters my stomach thngs 'stop' and I get abdominal distention which presses on the cardiac area causing more pain, the liquid food is easier though. Presumably when my gut gets back to normal I'll be able to eat more. Am trying spoonfuls of honey too.
I'm having the liquid nutritional food that my GP has prescribed. The trouble is that as soon as anything enters my stomach thngs 'stop' and I get abdominal distention

ahh ... try something like Kimchi (which is more or less a spicy Korean sort of SaeurKraut) ... does wonders for your gastric!

I always take it to hospital with me (lets not look into why I have been there enough to have built up a checklist ....)
Hi, sorry I didn't explain this very well - it's nothing to do with indigestion or needing laxative etc, it's to do with the movement of the gut directly affected by surgery and meds which cause it to get abnormal movement which then presses on the cardiac area. Once my gut has recovered from the surgery I guess things will get back to normal.
So sorry to read that you are going through such a tough time with your recovery.

I pray that as your body starts to heal, your appetite, spirits, energy, etc., will return. Try to walk if you can, but don't to force your body to do more than it can. One's appeal for food takes a while to return due to the residue left of all the drugs we were pumped with during surgery. Drink as much water as you can in order to flush out your system.

Wishing you better days. Take care!
Dear Paleogirl,

I hate to hear your recovery is so uncomfortable. My 84 year old mil had OHS on oct 4. Her recovery was harder than we expected but she relied on Ensure protein drinks for a long time. She had no appetite either. She had a lot of pain when she get home also.

We were worried, and then one day she was a little better, and the next day better, etc.

This may not be a sprint for you, but you will make it.

We are with you here.
Thank you for your support and prayer.

GP rang earlier to tell me definitely to stop diurectic med - perhaps when sodium levels back to normal that will help too. The only med of the five the hospital gave me that I am now on is Atenolol (betablocker) which GP told me to split to have half morning, half evening, to help slow heart at night. I'm titrating only weeny doses of morphine, a young child's dose, as I keep getting migraine auras, though that might be related to time on heart lung machine, not sure. No headache though, just the aura. I've walked up and down the living room and done shoulder exercises so that's beginning to come on. Had a mouse size portion of fish for supper - fingers crossed that doesn't have adverse effect - the protein drinks are best in the morning as too much bulk in evening.
I've heard that those migraine auras without headache happen for some after OHS - I had them too and I think a few here on this forum also experienced them.

Pain meds and me do not get along either and I tried to get off them as soon as I could - it's a balancing act for sure on one hand you want to stay on top of the pain.....on the other hand you really don't want to take more meds than you have to.....always good to listen to your body and your intuition just as you've done here.

Sorry your recovery has been a little rocky - take it easy things will get better
RATS!!! I am sad that you are going through this painful time. Don't forget that we are here 24/7 to lean on. I hope that your gastic issues resolve themselves soon. Maybe if you feel up to it, eat like maybe 3 or 4 bites of food like 6-8 times a day with water. It is so difficult to discern how medication will affect us, so I hope that the migrane aura's go away. I shall keep you and your family in my prayers, thank God your husband and son are such great care-givers. God Bless You ALL. :)
You're an inspiration to those of us still waiting, and another example that this process is not insurmountable. I'm sure soon enough we'll be reading about how much better you feel and how excited you are to get on with your life. Hope you feel better soon.
Hope your digestion and headache issues get better soon.
Each day you will feel a little better, a little stronger.
TAke care.
I've heard that those migraine auras without headache happen for some after OHS - I had them too and I think a few here on this forum also experienced them.

Pain meds and me do not get along either and I tried to get off them as soon as I could - it's a balancing act for sure on one hand you want to stay on top of the pain.....on the other hand you really don't want to take more meds than you have to.....always good to listen to your body and your intuition just as you've done here.

Sorry your recovery has been a little rocky - take it easy things will get better
Hi Rachel,

I wonder what causes these migraine auras without headaches ? One of the surgeons told me that sparkles of light in the vision are caused by the tiny bubbles of air that get in with the heart lung machines, but these migraine auras are the classic ones with the zigzagging circling brights light that starts in the centre of vision and moves outwards over about 20 minutes. Thankgoodness the headache doesn't follow ! It's tricky to know whether they are due to meds or after effect of heart lung machine.

Re the pain meds, I think that hospitals have got very wary of the main opiates over the last few years (at least in the UK). I'm sure that after I had my son by emergency caesarean I was given morphine for about four days and I didn't react badly to it and it controlled pain well. With this OHS last week I would have been on morphine for just the time in ICU, then onto the other meds, tramadol and dihydrocodeine which I didn't find worked particuarlry well until I'd had tons by which time they were, unbeknown to me and the staff, screwing me up. Oh well, when I have re-do I will certainly try to make sure I get better pain meds.
RATS!!! I am sad that you are going through this painful time. Don't forget that we are here 24/7 to lean on. I hope that your gastic issues resolve themselves soon. Maybe if you feel up to it, eat like maybe 3 or 4 bites of food like 6-8 times a day with water. It is so difficult to discern how medication will affect us, so I hope that the migrane aura's go away. I shall keep you and your family in my prayers, thank God your husband and son are such great care-givers. God Bless You ALL. :)
Going to try just the 3 or 4 bites of food every couple of hours today Chris.

I'm feeling more postive now it's am - something that others might have said, in other posts, but morning is much easier than afternoon or evening, it's very, very noticeable (see I've edited my signature, didn't have energy before to look things up).

Feeling a bit like an escargot here, Chris, with slower progress than I had anticipated. Gosh before I had surgery I had been looking forward to the meals served at that hospital as their catering is apparently very good - I knew the first few days would be rocky but thought it would go much easier more quickly after.
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I wonder what causes these migraine auras without headaches ?
FWIW that's how it goes for me ... the headaches are rare.

I don't believe anyone has any explanation for them based in science. I know that for me inactivity and poor posture are related to having more of them.

sorry I can't offer more than that.

I do still recommend the KimChi for stomach and 'downstairs' movements.