Second OHS before 30!

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2013
San Diego, Ca
Hello fellow VR buddies!
My name is Rachel, I just turned 29 and go in for my second DVR on Tuesday, 5/14/13.

My heart history: At the age of 3, they discovered I had Aortic Insufficiency and monitored it throughout my childhood. Knowing that eventually it would be time to replace the Aortic Valve.

At 19, I started feeling a bit fatigued and gained about 10lbs. My dad had a hunch something was up with my heart and sure enough, we had to schedule OHS. The plan was the Ross Procedure January 9, 2004......Well, my heart couldn't wait, I caught the much dreaded endocardidis and like us heart patients are always told, will attack your "weak" valves.

Christmas day 2003, I went to the emergency room, because I could no longer walk on my left leg....weird I know. Well long story short, the vegitation from the infection DROPPED down my artery to my leg. I know God was looking out for me, because had it went to my brain, I wouldn't be here today. December 26, 2003 I had emergency open heart surgery to replace my aortic valve, but while my surgeon was in there, he noticed the bacteria really wreaked havok on my mitral valve as well. After trying to repair the mitral valve failed, he had to replaced both my Aortic (Bovine) and Mitral (Porcine) valve.

For the last 9 and half years I have lived an incredibly healthy and fulfilling life. I finished school, managed an airport, worked as a flight attendant on a private jet and tried to finish my pilots license...BUT the hiccup with that is, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), did not approve medical certificates for people with double valve replacement, only single valve replacements. The FAA denied my application.

January of this year, my doctor noticed a bulge in the echo and although they say they haven't really seen this before, have called it a psuedoaneurysm. After an echo, TEE, MRI, CT scan and the tipping point, stress test, it is now time to go in replace my two valves and address this psuedoaneurysm.

Although, I have been here before, I am nervous, I think the "planning" made this OHS seem 10 x harder. Last time it was an emergency, no time to think, just sink or swim.

I go in Monday for the angiogram and stay overnight for my early morning OHS. I am praying like crazy to have a quick and easy recovery. Last surgery, since I was in such bad shape with the infection, I stayed in the hospital for 15 days!!! I can't wait to be healthy again. I miss my workouts more than anything and the very best news of all, the FAA is starting to allow DVR for flight medicals!!! So my 6-month post op will hopefully be my check-ride to FINALLY become Private Pilot!!!!!!!!!:thumbup:

I am choosing to have tissue valves again, both Bovine, as I would like to have children and do not wish to start on blood thinners for life.

I spoke with my surgeon yesterday, the same one who fixed me up last time:) and could not feel more blessed and ready. The only bummer is the last surgery he was amazing and did a horizontal incision (under breast)...but he said it is too dangerous to cut it there a second time, I guess the scar tissue could literally tear a hole in my heart. SOOO I get to have a vertical incision...I will literally have a cross of OHS Imagine the stories I can tell...haha but like we all know, life is way too precious to waste on vanity.

Anyway, I am excited to have a place to talk to people who can relate. It makes this all a bit easier.
Wow, that's quite a story...oh and welcome! Good luck with a speedy recovery and hopefully you get your pilots license shortly thereafter.
Welcome Missaviator,

Welcome to you, this site is truly a great place for support with OHS. Your story is very positive, you are a great example for people to see that there is good life after surgery, as you have experienced. I'm sure you will bounce back fast again. You will be living your dream of flying a jet real soon. I just had my valve replaced last Nov, and starting to feel better all the time. I will send prayers and good vibes for next Monday. Keep us posted.
Hi Rachel

Just a quick note to say that we are sending you good vibes and guardian angels. Shall think of you on Tuesday! It is wonderful to notice that vetting agencies such as the FAA are beginning to realise that we are actually healthier after valve replacement than before. Wishing you all the best for the operation and your efforts afterwards to get that pilot's licence.
Wow Rachel, you've been through a lot! I'm sure your recovery time will be much quicker this time around - I'll be thinking of you next week - stay positive you'll be fine and back flying around before you know it!

You said it sister - "life is way too precious to waste on vanity" how true!
Welcome Miss Aviator. Happy you found us but sorry for the reason.

With your upbeat, positive attitude, you'll do fine through this surgery.
I had two OHS, four years apart. My first, like yours, was emergent and while I had a safe, bump free recovery, it took me considerable time to feel as back to myself as I was going to get.

My second OHS, I was much healthier and my recovery was fast and relatively easy, again with no unpleasant bumps.

We will be thinking of you and wishing you the best.

Hopefully you'll return here when you feel up to it and let us know you're doing well.

I woke up today REALLY is amazing how our minds can help or hinder us...I think it is definitely just because of the planning process. I need to put my big girl pants on and kick butt!!!!

I am being admitted tomorrow morning at 7AM for an angiogram and they are just going to keep me overnight for the early morning OHS.

I think today calls for a mani/pedi :) haha
I am just praying everything works out, I will update with you all as soon as I feel partially human again haha
Good luck Monday and Tuesday Rachel! I am sure you will do amazing. If you see Dr Adamson tell him Ahmad said hi:)

My prayers are with you and your family.
Hey all!!!!! I had my angiogram today and the plan was to stay overnight for surgery tomorrow AM. But my doc has a donor/transplant tonight, so we had to reschedule for next Tuesday May 21.
I feel so happy for that recipient.
Will be keeping you all up to date, I cannot tell you how much your words and well wishes mean to me.
Thank you so much.
Hello fellow VR buddies!
My name is Rachel, I just turned 29 and go in for my second DVR on Tuesday, 5/14/13.

My heart history: At the age of 3, they discovered I had Aortic Insufficiency and monitored it throughout my childhood. Knowing that eventually it would be time to replace the Aortic Valve.

At 19, I started feeling a bit fatigued and gained about 10lbs. My dad had a hunch something was up with my heart and sure enough, we had to schedule OHS. The plan was the Ross Procedure January 9, 2004......Well, my heart couldn't wait, I caught the much dreaded endocardidis and like us heart patients are always told, will attack your "weak" valves.

Christmas day 2003, I went to the emergency room, because I could no longer walk on my left leg....weird I know. Well long story short, the vegitation from the infection DROPPED down my artery to my leg. I know God was looking out for me, because had it went to my brain, I wouldn't be here today. December 26, 2003 I had emergency open heart surgery to replace my aortic valve, but while my surgeon was in there, he noticed the bacteria really wreaked havok on my mitral valve as well. After trying to repair the mitral valve failed, he had to replaced both my Aortic (Bovine) and Mitral (Porcine) valve.

For the last 9 and half years I have lived an incredibly healthy and fulfilling life. I finished school, managed an airport, worked as a flight attendant on a private jet and tried to finish my pilots license...BUT the hiccup with that is, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), did not approve medical certificates for people with double valve replacement, only single valve replacements. The FAA denied my application.

January of this year, my doctor noticed a bulge in the echo and although they say they haven't really seen this before, have called it a psuedoaneurysm. After an echo, TEE, MRI, CT scan and the tipping point, stress test, it is now time to go in replace my two valves and address this psuedoaneurysm.

Although, I have been here before, I am nervous, I think the "planning" made this OHS seem 10 x harder. Last time it was an emergency, no time to think, just sink or swim.

I go in Monday for the angiogram and stay overnight for my early morning OHS. I am praying like crazy to have a quick and easy recovery. Last surgery, since I was in such bad shape with the infection, I stayed in the hospital for 15 days!!! I can't wait to be healthy again. I miss my workouts more than anything and the very best news of all, the FAA is starting to allow DVR for flight medicals!!! So my 6-month post op will hopefully be my check-ride to FINALLY become Private Pilot!!!!!!!!!:thumbup:

I am choosing to have tissue valves again, both Bovine, as I would like to have children and do not wish to start on blood thinners for life.

I spoke with my surgeon yesterday, the same one who fixed me up last time:) and could not feel more blessed and ready. The only bummer is the last surgery he was amazing and did a horizontal incision (under breast)...but he said it is too dangerous to cut it there a second time, I guess the scar tissue could literally tear a hole in my heart. SOOO I get to have a vertical incision...I will literally have a cross of OHS Imagine the stories I can tell...haha but like we all know, life is way too precious to waste on vanity.

Anyway, I am excited to have a place to talk to people who can relate. It makes this all a bit easier.

Good luck!

I have my angiogram this Thursday and surgery on the 29/05 (3rd time).

Hope all goes well - you will be in my thoughts.

What a story..I'm 27 with one OHS and I thought I had it rough. Way to stay positive with everything. I don't know how I'd handle the situation. Probably just have a nervous breakdown. I wish you the best of luck and a healthy recovery, and hopefully you get that pilots license!!
Good luck!

I have my angiogram this Thursday and surgery on the 29/05 (3rd time).

Hope all goes well - you will be in my thoughts.


Phil the angiogram was pretty easy, I am thankful they went through my wrist though, the said if they go through your groin area you have to lie down flat for 6-8hours!!!!

Keep us posted we will be pretty close recovering times :) keep us posted and we can kick butt recovering!
What a story..I'm 27 with one OHS and I thought I had it rough. Way to stay positive with everything. I don't know how I'd handle the situation. Probably just have a nervous breakdown. I wish you the best of luck and a healthy recovery, and hopefully you get that pilots license!!

I think you could handle it! You already went through one :) mind over matter! Our bodies will always keep up if you put your mind in the right space. I look at this all as a new chance to really cease life, so thankful we can be fixed. My moms sister died at 9 yrs old from a congenital heart problem, she would be alive today had she been born now. So incredible.

How are you feeling? I am glad to talk to someone my around my age!!!
All the best next week, Missaviator. It sounds like you're mentally in the perfect place with an excellent care team around you. What a recipe for success!

There's a crop of us on here who had surgery in our 20s and 30s. You'll find everyone's always happy to talk through their experiences.

Looking forward to your future update about your pilot license success :)