Scrabble anyone?

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So I have sort of an obsessive personality, and when I get interested in something, I go ALL OUT. About 18 months ago I went to the apartment of the girl I was dating for a "double dinner date". Afterwards we drank and played a few games of Scrabble. I lost both doubles games that we played, and wanted to challenge the other guy to a one on one match because he was VERY good. He creamed me by 200 points, but I learned a lot and decided to get into the game. Well, as most things go, I got into it hardcore for about 3 months, then just sorta quit playing. Mostly because none of my friends would play me, and the site I played on online shut down. Anyway, fast forward to me recovering from AVR, I picked it back up, finding a new place to play online. SO, for the last 2 months I've been playing a ton, and memorizing words. It's a blast for me as I love to keep my mind busy. I also love the combination of math and strategy involved with the game of Scrabble. I've gotten to the point now where I can hang around with some of the members of the local Scrabble club, and win about 65% of my games online.

ANYWAY, I was wondering if any of you lovely folks are into Scrabble (and know that CWM is a word). The site I play on is great, and if you're interested, all you need to do is Google "wordbiz" and the first result is the link to Internet Scrabble Club (ISC) for the download (takes no time at all). My username on there is cubswin82. Look me up sometime!

Might take you up on the offer sometime, Aaron. We used to play Scrabble religiously but haven't had the board out for several years. I spend an hour or so each day with Soduko, but it's not the same thing.
Good for you, Aaron. All such games are great for the brain. I am book marking the page and I may oneday sign up, after I practice little bit since I have not played in a looooooooooooong time.:)


Thank you Aaron! I haven't played in a long time but sounds like fun. I'll check it out. I just downloaded a pc version of Wheel of Fortune which is really fun and good for the brain exercise.
I quit playing Scrabble about a year ago. It was never my game, but I somehow lucked out and beat my mom, sister, and most important, my BIL! I figured I'd never top that. I'm a Math person, but not a Word person. No, I didn't know that CWM is a word and if anyone used it, I'd lose points by challenging it!
Viki, it's a bit of a dated program, but you'll figure it out. To seek a match with a specific user, just click "Game" up top, and go to "Match". Then type in the user's name (they have to be signed on). To play a game with someone random, go to the Seek Graph (button near the top right), and all those blue dots are people who want to play someone. Just choose one and click it and the game should start. I'll be on for the next hour, and then again late tonight. Maybe I'll catch you on there some time...

Oh I LUUURRRRVVVVVE Scrabble!!! Sadly I also have noone to play against and the game my BF's dad loaded onto my computer wouldn't recognise most words beginning with "W" and would make up workds like EXQZ which I couldn't challenge. Needless to say I got sick of it and haven't played it since!

So does this site require broadband or paid registration? Sounds like it could be fun! :D

A : )
i LOVE scrabble! I really do not have anyone to play with most of the time. My brothers and sisters -in-law can occasionally be talked into a game but, thier work schedule don't usally allow. them to just hang out and play sceabble with me.

My wife is outstanding at Scrabble, and I refuse to play the game with her because she is so cut throat with it. I love the game, but not when I play someone who is that good as it is just not any fun knowing you will always lose.

I would imagine though it would be a great game when you are recovering. Good for the mind and good for the soul.
"it is just not any fun knowing you will always lose."

I beg to differ. From my perspective, I learn the most when I lose. My club is full of the top players in Colorado (including the highest rated player who beat me by 214 points last week!) and it's always a blast to play them. At first I was intimidated, but then I realized that in most new pursuits, you have to start at the bottom. I guess it's different for me because I have a passion for the game and an ambition to get really good at it. To each his own though :)

And yes, it's a free site (you can pay a membership for some extra features, but it's not worth it). I have a bit of a wonky wireless connection but the program runs fine.

Hope to have a challenge coming my way soon!

DH and I played just yesterday , when our power went out - we heard it was the whole city, and realized that none of our usual free time standbys would work without hydro - we have to a battery-operated wireless, in case of a real emergency! Anyway, our hydro came back on within an hour or so, and yes, it seems it was the whole city.

woodworker, you should take up duplicate bridge - now that can become an obsession very quickly