scheduled for Nov. 1st

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Well-known member
Sep 24, 2006
Oneida, New York
My surgeon;s office called to tell me that I am scheduled for November 1st for my mitral and aortic valve replacement surgery. I find that I am now very nervous, and even though I expect everything toturn out alright, I am afraid of the idea becoming a reality. I know I'll be fine and I usually gather up courage and come acroaa as calm even though I am still scared. I have a Thursday appt. with a dentist this week and am hoping all is well for clearance for this surgery. I want it over with and for it to be a memory ASAP. My pre-op is on the 25th. Your support on this forum is becoming very calming to me. Thanks! Oh, by the way, any suggestions of what to bring to the hospital? Marcie
Marcie - Will be praying for you and will be waiting to here how things go. I can't help you with what to bring, since I am still in the waiting room. Things will be fine and your surgery will go great!! Just think of how much better you are going to feel. That is what I can't hardly wait for. Godspeed!
Marcie. It is a bit of a shock to get that date, isn't it? But we're all here for anything you need. Everyon'e fears and doubts come out in different forms, so be sure to start a new thread with any questions or needs that you have. Everyone here has felt this fear! This is totally normal.

Most of us can look back and say it was much less of a big deal than we thought it was going to be. Others of us aren't as lucky, but are still here to help you through any problems that may arise.

For the most part, right now, it's time to get your things in order and then really just try to relax. Time to stop and smell the roses. Stress is the meanie..... worry and stress do not help in this journey. I always felt it was my job to trick my body by staying immensely calm and optimistic so that when the time came, my body would not have time to react adversely.... it would simply adjust to the temporary nuisance of invasion and bounce right back. The mind is a powerful thing. Use it to your advantage.

Good luck and best wishes.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers for all to go well and a speedy recovery:)
Nervous should be the alias for the pre-surgery forum!;) :D :p

As Phyllis stated, you should be feeling good by Thanksgiving, much better by Christmas, and by the time New Year's Day rolls around, you will realize you truly have started the new year off right!:)
The days and weeks right before surgery are the most difficult and fear is quite natural. But it will soon be past, and you will be fine. Good luck.
Hi Marcie,

I just had my surgery Sept.25, and I sure wish I had known how easy it was going to be. It's normal to worry and be scared though, so please vent all your anxieties here, and we'll do our best to get you through the waiting part.

I don't think I used anything that I took to the hospital. I just packed a small bag, and I think all I was using was my cell phone and charger (that was important). They furnished soap, toothbrush, those cushy rubber bottom socks, and all your necessities. I took a CD player but never used it. I think I would have used my Ipod, but I thought it might get "misplaced". I stayed in their gowns, and just used another for a robe for the hall walking. You won't need anything until you get out of ICU, so don't bring it along the day of surgery.

You're going to be just fine. Read through everyone's pre-surgery jitters threads. The more I read the calmer I became. I honestly can not imagine going through this without this site. I just felt so prepared for everything they were doing to me. Even the staff kept commenting on how much I knew about what they were doing. I even went as far as to watch videos of the surgery, so I was ready if they needed me to lend a hand! Knowledge is power, since I think most of the nerves are fear of the unknown.
Thanks everyone! I'm feeling much calmer today. Just learning how Sheila2old got through the same kind of surgery I'll have, makes me feel better. I'm really not a big worrier, but I have my days. I go to the dentist after work today and I'm hoping all goes well with the clearance. I am trying to focus on how much better I'll feel after surgery. I know inside that I'll be in good shape! Thanks again! Marcie
The dentist said that my teeth and gums look in good shape with no infections and only one small cavity which he saw on the X-ray and which could be taken care of after my surgery.
Hi Marcie

Hi Marcie

Just wanted to come by and wish you luck on your big day. I know right now everything seems very scary and that is all you can think about, but I really do believe that the antisipation is the worst part. I know when I had my open heart just over a year ago, everything went by so fast and now I feel so much better. My son is two now, so now I can actually keep up with him:p Everything will work out just fine, and remember that all of us here are thinking good thoughts. Keep us updated! If you have any questions, please don't be afraid to ask.
I think we can all relate to the Shock and Nerves of having a date! However you will most likely be very calm on surgery day, knowing that it is now in the hands of the very capable skilled medical team, and you will come out on the other side:) a new and improved Marcie!

We will pray for you.
You will probably do great, and feel much better afterword. I can't believe how many people told me that my face had more color in it even 1 day after the operation. Not that anyone noticed anything wrong before, but the difference was that striking.

Don't bring anything to the hospital with you except a support network. Anything you bring, your loved ones will have to take home with them.

After leaving the ICU I only wanted slippers (which I bought especially for the hospital so I could discard them before going home), and a toothbrush.

After a few days I also enjoyed a CD player with books on CD because it was hard to read, and the books on CD blocked out the hospital noises and helped me calm down.

What hospital are you going to? At Columbia Presbyterian they have a Legionella scare so patients are not allowed to ingest tap water or bath. Bottled water was usually plentiful but sometimes hard to get. Bathing with moistened towlettes is a pretty ineffective, but you can put up with it for a few days (hopefully that's all you'll have to spend in the hospital!)

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