Scary thing happened....

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
Kilkenny, Ireland.
Hi.....Last night I had to drive about 12ish miles to collect my son, who was at a friends house. My daughter (16) came with me. On the way we were chatting and next thing I knew ...I couldnt think/speak. It wasnt that I couldnt just think what I was saying, I couldnt even speak...there was this 'blankness', but I was aware of it. It only lasted about 15 or 20 seconds, but it was extremely scary. It took everything I had to stay calm (for my daughters sake, I didnt want to frighten her). I was about to pull over when it 'lifted'.
I know its not good so....

I know its not good so....

*Just letting you guys know, Iv rang my doc and have an appointment for tomorrow.
So sorry to read this, but glad you have an appointment- just wish it were today instead of tomorrow. Please take care and let us know how you do.
Best wishes to you,
What a frightening situation, Jacqui. Hope the doctor can figure it out!
I'm very glad that you are going to see your doctor. Please muster up the courage and confidence to make sure he understands how unsettled you're feeling about your condition. Get the answers you really need to have. Push him to make some new decisions in the maintaining of your health.

Maybe this incident is a bit of a warning flag. Please make sure HE respects your concerns. Don't leave his office until he does.

Now breathe slow and think clearly.

:) Good luck!!!! Marguerite
Doc visit.....

Doc visit.....

Well, I went to my doc appointment....He took my blood pressure and listened to my heart and said my heart problem is very complex and he is just a gp so he would ring Dublin and see can he get me an app with my cardio. Before I left he said that I should ring them as well !!! It wasnt a good visit, he was very 'short' with his replies to me,( almost rude, he had a cold so mabey he was unwell) anyway I remembered ''Nancy's words about that being his defence because he was unsure of himself (type of thing) so I didnt take it personally and when I came home I rang the hospital in Dublin and got an app for 27th Feb. I did have a 'cry' in my car on the way home but Im ok now. I dont pray for myself so mabey you guys could offer one up for me (and Thomas)!!! Thank you all for your replies and words of advice and comfort.
Glad you didn't take his attitude personally. My guess is that he didn't want you to ask him any more questions because he wouldn't be able to answer you adequately, so he was short with you to herd you out of the office. Probably didn't even realize how it felt to you, he was so concerned with himself :rolleyes:

Now, dear, he didn't say anything really bad--just that your heart problems were complex--so--as they say in New York,"What else is new?"

Everyone here on this site who is a heart patient has complex issues.

Going to Dublin is good, they will "talk the talk and walk the walk" with your "complex" problems.

Wishing you best of luck and I'll say some prayers for you.