scar treatment

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Gail in Ca

Well-known member
Jun 26, 2001
Los Angeles, CA
For those that followed my ordeal with melanoma removal and subsequent long recovery, I thought I'd let you know what my dermatologist recommended I put on my scar from 26 stitches. She said her favorite was vaseline, but 2nd favorite was coconut oil, and it may become her new favorite.
So, I got a jar of organic coconut oil and am melting it in tiny quantities and rubbing it into my scar. Maybe it will also be good for sternal scars or other areas as well. That's all for now.
Vaseline was considered a wonder drug when it first came about in the mid 19th century. I used vaseline and lanolin successfully on my scar. If you don't want to melt it before, the coconut oil should melt when you rub it in.

My daughter was just diagnosed with a melanoma on her leg and will have surgery to remove it and a skin graft on Feb. 28. Do you mind my asking if you had a skin graft and if you did, did you use the coconut oil on it?
Sorry to hear about your daughter and melanoma removal. For me being on coumadin made it a much longer recovery. My dermatologist considered a graft but felt I was on the cusp and so didn't use one. She felt then I would've had 2 areas to heal and it would be difficult on coumadin. Mine was near my shin bone, and I am not overweight so she really had to stretch the skin and I ended up with about a 6" scar with 26 stitches. The actual melanoma was less than 1/2" long.
I wore a unna boot from Aug 18 to Oct and then she let me use a duo derm patch. So, now I am using coconut oil on the healed but still very numb scar. When I touch it I feel nothing. I am still getting nerve twinges and pain if I stand on my feet too long. It sure was more major than I thought it would be, but your daughter must be young and they do heal so much faster, so that's a good thing! Good Luck to her!
Hey thanks Gail. This is her second melanoma and she is only 34 years old. This surgery will be extensive, but it is what it is. We are lucky to have caught it early, especially after 15 years between times.we will be at M.D. Anderson. Sorry to get off the heart topic.
Sorry to hear about your daughter and melanoma removal. For me being on coumadin made it a much longer recovery. My dermatologist considered a graft but felt I was on the cusp and so didn't use one. She felt then I would've had 2 areas to heal and it would be difficult on coumadin. Mine was near my shin bone, and I am not overweight so she really had to stretch the skin and I ended up with about a 6" scar with 26 stitches. The actual melanoma was less than 1/2" long.
I wore a unna boot from Aug 18 to Oct and then she let me use a duo derm patch. So, now I am using coconut oil on the healed but still very numb scar. When I touch it I feel nothing. I am still getting nerve twinges and pain if I stand on my feet too long. It sure was more major than I thought it would be, but your daughter must be young and they do heal so much faster, so that's a good thing! Good Luck to her!